6. Enzyme Modules

An “enzyme module” is defined as a mechanistic description of a reaction consisting of mass action rate laws for all known reaction steps [DZK+16]. In MASSpy, enzyme modules are represented by the EnzymeModule object.

To demonstrate the utility of an EnzymeModule object and how it aids in constructing mechanistic models of enzyme behavior, an EnzymeModule of hexokinase\(^{1, 2}\) is constructed and then merged with a model of glycolysis\(^{3}\) for verification.

6.1. Constructing Enzyme Modules

In order to construct the EnzymeModule of hexokinase, the following information is necessary:

  1. The enzyme is a monomer.

  2. The enzyme binding of substrates follows a random sequential mechanism.

  3. The enzyme experiences product inhibtion and is competitively inhibited by 23DPG when complexed with D-glucose.

Total HEX1 Concentration\(^2\): \(\text{[HEX1]}_{total} = 24 nM = 0.000024 mM\).

from operator import attrgetter

from mass import MassMetabolite
from mass.enzyme_modules import EnzymeModule
from mass.test import create_test_model

# Load the glycolysis and hemoglobin models, then merge them
glycolysis = create_test_model("Glycolysis")
hemoglobin = create_test_model("Hemoglobin")
glyc_hb = glycolysis.merge(hemoglobin, inplace=False)

The EnzymeModule is a subclass of the MassModel, meaning that it inherits the methods and behaviors of the MassModel object. Like a MassModel, an EnzymeModule object requires a unique identifier in order to be created. Optionally, the name and subsystem attributes are set during initialization.

HEX1 = EnzymeModule("HEX1", name="Hexokinase (D-glucose:ATP)",

6.1.1. Defining the enzyme ligands

The ligands that interact with the enzyme (e.g. as the substrates, activators, and inhibitors) are created as MassMetabolite objects and added to the model.

glc__D_c = MassMetabolite(
g6p_c = MassMetabolite(
    name="D-Glucose 6-phosphate",
atp_c = MassMetabolite(
adp_c = MassMetabolite(
_23dpg_c = MassMetabolite(
h_c = MassMetabolite(

HEX1.add_metabolites([glc__D_c, g6p_c, atp_c, adp_c, _23dpg_c, h_c])

Once added to the EnzymeModule, ligands can be accessed using the enzyme_module_ligands attribute.

[<MassMetabolite glc__D_c at 0x7ff42b809390>,
 <MassMetabolite g6p_c at 0x7ff42b809350>,
 <MassMetabolite atp_c at 0x7ff42b8093d0>,
 <MassMetabolite adp_c at 0x7ff42b809410>,
 <MassMetabolite _23dpg_c at 0x7ff42b809490>,
 <MassMetabolite h_c at 0x7ff42b8094d0>]

To keep track of the roles played by various ligands in the module, the enzyme_module_ligands_categorized attribute is set. The attribute takes a dict, with categories as keys and relevant MassMetabolite objects as values. Note that an object can be a part of multiple categories.

HEX1.enzyme_module_ligands_categorized =  {
    "substrates": glc__D_c,
    "cofactors": atp_c,
    "inhibitors": _23dpg_c,
    "products": [adp_c, g6p_c, h_c]}
[<Group substrates at 0x7ff42b809ad0>,
 <Group cofactors at 0x7ff42b809bd0>,
 <Group inhibitors at 0x7ff42b809c50>,
 <Group products at 0x7ff42b809cd0>]

For each category, a cobra.Group is created containing the relevant objects. Once set, the attribute returns a cobra.DictList that contains the categorized groups. The groups and their members are printed as follows:

for group in HEX1.enzyme_module_ligands_categorized:
    print("{0}: {1}".format(
        group.id, str(sorted([m.id for m in group.members]))))
substrates: ['glc__D_c']
cofactors: ['atp_c']
inhibitors: ['_23dpg_c']
products: ['adp_c', 'g6p_c', 'h_c']

6.1.2. Defining the enzyme module forms

After adding MassMetabolite objects of ligands to the model, the various forms of the enzyme must be defined. These forms are represented by EnzymeModuleForm objects.

The EnzymeModuleForm object inherits from the MassMetabolite and is treated like any other metabolite in the model. However, the EnzymeModuleForm object contains the additional bound_metabolites attribute to assist in tracking metabolites bound to the enzyme form.

The EnzymeModule.make_enzyme_module_form() method allows for the creation of an EnzymeModuleForm object while assigning categories for the EnzymeModuleForm in the process. Using make_enzyme_module_form() also adds the species to the module upon creation, accessible via the EnzymeModule.enzyme_module_forms attribute.

hex1_c = HEX1.make_enzyme_module_form(

hex1_A_c = HEX1.make_enzyme_module_form(
    "hex1_A_c",  # A stands complexted with ATP
    bound_metabolites={atp_c: 1},

hex1_G_c = HEX1.make_enzyme_module_form(
    "hex1_G_c",  # G stands for complexed with Glucose
    bound_metabolites={glc__D_c: 1},

hex1_AG_c = HEX1.make_enzyme_module_form(
    bound_metabolites={glc__D_c: 1, atp_c: 1},

hex1_G_CI_c = HEX1.make_enzyme_module_form(
    "hex1_G_CI_c",  # CI stands for competitive inhibition
    bound_metabolites={glc__D_c: 1, _23dpg_c: 1},

hex1_A_PI_c = HEX1.make_enzyme_module_form(
    "hex1_A_PI_c",  # PI stands for competitive inhibition
    bound_metabolites={adp_c: 1},

hex1_G_PI_c = HEX1.make_enzyme_module_form(
    "hex1_G_PI_c",  # PI stands for competitive inhibition
    bound_metabolites={g6p_c: 1},

[<EnzymeModuleForm hex1_c at 0x7ff42b82e750>,
 <EnzymeModuleForm hex1_A_c at 0x7ff42b82e790>,
 <EnzymeModuleForm hex1_G_c at 0x7ff42b82e850>,
 <EnzymeModuleForm hex1_AG_c at 0x7ff42b82e710>,
 <EnzymeModuleForm hex1_G_CI_c at 0x7ff42b82eb50>,
 <EnzymeModuleForm hex1_A_PI_c at 0x7ff42b82ee10>,
 <EnzymeModuleForm hex1_G_PI_c at 0x7ff42b82ed10>]

The bound_metabolites attribute represents the ligands bound to the site(s) of enzyme.

# Print automatically generated names
for enzyme_form in HEX1.enzyme_module_forms:
    print("Bound to sites of {0}:\n{1}\n".format(
        enzyme_form.id, {
            ligand.id: coeff
            for ligand, coeff in enzyme_form.bound_metabolites.items()}))
Bound to sites of hex1_c:

Bound to sites of hex1_A_c:
{'atp_c': 1}

Bound to sites of hex1_G_c:
{'glc__D_c': 1}

Bound to sites of hex1_AG_c:
{'glc__D_c': 1, 'atp_c': 1}

Bound to sites of hex1_G_CI_c:
{'glc__D_c': 1, '_23dpg_c': 1}

Bound to sites of hex1_A_PI_c:
{'adp_c': 1}

Bound to sites of hex1_G_PI_c:
{'g6p_c': 1}

Setting the bound_metabolites attribute upon creation allow the formula and charge attributes of the various forms also to be set while ensuring mass and charge balancing is maintained. Note that the enzyme is represented as a moiety, and the ligands bound to the enzyme are represented in the chemical formula.

# Get the elemental matrix for the enzyme
df = HEX1.get_elemental_matrix(array_type="DataFrame")
# Use iloc to only look at EnzymeModuleForms
df.iloc[:, 6:]
hex1_c hex1_A_c hex1_G_c hex1_AG_c hex1_G_CI_c hex1_A_PI_c hex1_G_PI_c
C 0.0 10.0 6.0 16.0 9.0 10.0 6.0
H 0.0 12.0 12.0 24.0 15.0 12.0 11.0
O 0.0 13.0 6.0 19.0 16.0 10.0 9.0
P 0.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.0
N 0.0 5.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 5.0 0.0
S 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
q 0.0 -4.0 0.0 -4.0 -5.0 -3.0 -2.0
[HEX] 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Setting the name argument as “automatic” in the EnzymeModule.make_enzyme_module_form() method causes a name for the EnzymeModuleForm to be generated based on the metabolites in the bound_metabolites attribute.

# Print automatically generated names
for enzyme_form in HEX1.enzyme_module_forms:
HEX1-atp complex
HEX1-glc__D complex
HEX1-glc__D-atp complex
HEX1-glc__D-_23dpg complex
HEX1-adp complex
HEX1-g6p complex

The categories argument allows for EnzymeModuleForm objects to be placed into cobra.Group objects representing those categories. As with the ligands, the categorized enzyme module forms are returned in a DictList of Group objects by the enzyme_module_forms_categorized attribute.

for group in HEX1.enzyme_module_forms_categorized:
    print("{0}: {1}".format(
        group.id, str(sorted([m.id for m in group.members]))))
Active: ['hex1_AG_c', 'hex1_A_c', 'hex1_G_c', 'hex1_c']
Inhibited: ['hex1_A_PI_c', 'hex1_G_CI_c', 'hex1_G_PI_c']

Alternatively, the enzyme_module_forms_categorized attribute can be set using a dict:

HEX1.enzyme_module_forms_categorized =  {
    "competitively_inhibited": hex1_G_CI_c}

for group in HEX1.enzyme_module_forms_categorized:
    print("{0}: {1}".format(
        group.id, str(sorted([m.id for m in group.members]))))
Active: ['hex1_AG_c', 'hex1_A_c', 'hex1_G_c', 'hex1_c']
Inhibited: ['hex1_A_PI_c', 'hex1_G_CI_c', 'hex1_G_PI_c']
competitively_inhibited: ['hex1_G_CI_c']

6.1.3. Defining enzyme module reactions

The next step is to define all of the reaction steps that represent the catalytic mechanism and regulation of the enzyme module. These reactions are represented as EnzymeModuleReaction objects.

The EnzymeModuleReaction object inherits from the MassReaction and is treated like any other reaction in the model. Like the make_enzyme_module_form() method, the make_enzyme_module_reaction() method allows for the creation of an EnzymeModuleReaction object while assigning categories for the EnzymeModuleReaction in the process.

Species that exist in the model can also be added to the reaction by providing a dictionary of metabolites and their stoichiometric coefficients to the metabolites_to_add argument.

HEX1_1 = HEX1.make_enzyme_module_reaction(
        "hex1_c": -1,
        "adp_c": -1,
        "hex1_A_PI_c": 1})

HEX1_2 = HEX1.make_enzyme_module_reaction(
        "hex1_c": -1,
        "g6p_c": -1,
        "hex1_G_PI_c": 1})

HEX1_3 = HEX1.make_enzyme_module_reaction(
        "hex1_c": -1,
        "glc__D_c": -1,
        "hex1_G_c": 1})

HEX1_4 = HEX1.make_enzyme_module_reaction(
        "hex1_c": -1,
        "atp_c": -1,
        "hex1_A_c": 1})

HEX1_5 = HEX1.make_enzyme_module_reaction(
        "hex1_G_c": -1,
        "_23dpg_c": -1,
        "hex1_G_CI_c": 1})

HEX1_6 = HEX1.make_enzyme_module_reaction(
        "hex1_G_c": -1,
        "atp_c": -1,
        "hex1_AG_c": 1})

HEX1_7 = HEX1.make_enzyme_module_reaction(
        "hex1_A_c": -1,
        "glc__D_c": -1,
        "hex1_AG_c": 1})

HEX1_8 = HEX1.make_enzyme_module_reaction(
        "hex1_AG_c": -1,
        "hex1_c": 1,
        "adp_c": 1,
        "g6p_c": 1,
        "h_c": 1})

for reaction in HEX1.enzyme_module_reactions:
HEX1_1: adp_c + hex1_c <=> hex1_A_PI_c
HEX1_2: g6p_c + hex1_c <=> hex1_G_PI_c
HEX1_3: glc__D_c + hex1_c <=> hex1_G_c
HEX1_4: atp_c + hex1_c <=> hex1_A_c
HEX1_5: _23dpg_c + hex1_G_c <=> hex1_G_CI_c
HEX1_6: atp_c + hex1_G_c <=> hex1_AG_c
HEX1_7: glc__D_c + hex1_A_c <=> hex1_AG_c
HEX1_8: hex1_AG_c <=> adp_c + g6p_c + h_c + hex1_c

The categories argument allows for EnzymeModuleReactions objects to be placed into cobra.Group objects representing those categories. As with the ligands and enzyme forms, a DictList of the relevant groups are returned with the enzyme_module_reactions_categorized attribute.

[<Group product_inhibition at 0x7ff42b87ae10>,
 <Group glc__D_c_binding at 0x7ff42b87c650>,
 <Group atp_c_binding at 0x7ff42b87ca50>,
 <Group competitive_inhibition at 0x7ff42b87cc90>,
 <Group catalyzation at 0x7ff42b85ef50>] Unifying rate parameters

For this EnzymeModule, the reactions representing glucose binding to the enzyme and ATP binding to the enzyme have the same forward rate and equilibrium constants. Instead of defining the parameter values for each individual reaction, the unify_rate_parameters() method can be used to create custom rate laws for the given reactions that all depend on the same rate parameters.

The unify_rate_parameters() method takes a list of reactions and an identifier to use for the unified parameter. The enzyme_prefix flag can be set to True to prefix the new parameter identifier with the identifier of the EnzymeModule, ensuring that any existing custom parameters are not overwritten.

for ligand, pid in zip([glc__D_c, atp_c],["G", "A"]):
    # Get the group of reactions corresponding to the ligand
    category = "_".join((ligand.id, "binding"))
    group = HEX1.enzyme_module_reactions_categorized.get_by_id(category)

    # Unify the parameters
        group.members, new_parameter_id=pid, enzyme_prefix=True)

    # Print the new reaction rates
    print("\n" + category + "\n" + "-" * len(category))
    for reaction in sorted(group.members, key=attrgetter("id")):
        print(reaction.id + ": " + str(reaction.rate))

HEX1_3: kf_HEX1_G*(glc__D_c(t)*hex1_c(t) - hex1_G_c(t)/Keq_HEX1_G)
HEX1_7: kf_HEX1_G*(glc__D_c(t)*hex1_A_c(t) - hex1_AG_c(t)/Keq_HEX1_G)

HEX1_4: kf_HEX1_A*(atp_c(t)*hex1_c(t) - hex1_A_c(t)/Keq_HEX1_A)
HEX1_6: kf_HEX1_A*(atp_c(t)*hex1_G_c(t) - hex1_AG_c(t)/Keq_HEX1_A)

6.2. Determining Enzyme Form Concentrations and Rate Constants

The next step is to solve for the steady state concentrations for the various forms of the enzyme symbolically using SymPy. Because the numerical values for the dissociation constants have been defined, these equations are solved in terms of the rate constants. The rate constants can be approximated using the total enzyme concentration as a constraint and substituted back into the equations to calculate the numerical values of the steady state concentrations.

from sympy import Eq, Symbol, lambdify, simplify, solveset

from mass import strip_time
from mass.util.matrix import matrix_rank

6.2.1. Solving steady state concentrations symbolically

To get the symbolic solutions for the individual enzyme forms, the ODEs are first collected in a dict. Keys are the enzyme forms, and values are their ODEs with the time dependency stripped via the strip_time function.

ode_dict = {
    enzyme_form.id: Eq(strip_time(enzyme_form.ode), 0)
    for enzyme_form in HEX1.enzyme_module_forms}
# Matrix rank of enzyme stoichiometric matrix without substrates
rank = matrix_rank(HEX1.S[6:])
print("Rank Deficiency: {0}".format(len(ode_dict) - rank))
Rank Deficiency: 1

Because the stoichiometric matrix (without ligands) has a rank deficiency of one, there is a dependent variable in the system unless another equation is added. Therefore, the completely free enzyme form is treated as the dependent variable, and all of the enzyme forms are solved in terms of the free enzyme form.

enzyme_solutions = {}
for enzyme_form in HEX1.enzyme_module_forms:
    # Skip dependent variable
    if enzyme_form.id == "hex1_c":
    # Get the ODE for the enzyme form from the ODE dict
    equation = ode_dict[enzyme_form.id]
    # Solve the equation for the enzyme form, substituting
    # previously found enzyme form solutions into the equation
    solution = solveset(equation.subs(enzyme_solutions),
    # Store the solution
    enzyme_solutions[enzyme_form.id] = list(solution)[0]
    # Substitute the new solution into existing solutions
        enzyme_form: sol.subs(enzyme_solutions)
        for enzyme_form, sol in enzyme_solutions.items()})

args = set()
for solution in enzyme_solutions.values():
    args.update(solution.atoms(Symbol)) Defining the Rate Equation

To make up for the rank deficiency, an additional equation is needed. Typically, the rate of the enzyme is the summation of the rates for the catalyzation reaction step(s) of the enzyme. The make_enzyme_rate_equation() method can be used to create the rate equation from a list of reactions. If use_rates=True, the rate expressions of the reactions are added together. If update_enzyme=True, the rate equation is set as a symbolic expression for the enzyme_rate_equation attribute.

# Get the catalyzation reactions
catalyzation_group = HEX1.enzyme_module_reactions_categorized.get_by_id(


kf_HEX1_8*(Keq_HEX1_8*hex1_AG_c(t) - adp_c(t)*g6p_c(t)*hex1_c(t))/Keq_HEX1_8

With the rate equation defined, the enzyme_rate_error() method is used to get the equation as the difference between the flux value and the rate equation.

enzyme_rate_equation = strip_time(HEX1.enzyme_rate_error(use_values=False))
v_HEX1 - kf_HEX1_8*(Keq_HEX1_8*hex1_AG_c - adp_c*g6p_c*hex1_c)/Keq_HEX1_8

The solutions for the enzyme forms are substituted into the rate equation, and the equation is solved for the free enzyme form. The solutions are subsequently updated, resulting in symbolic equations that do not depend on any enzyme form.

# Solve for last unknown concentration symbolically
solution = solveset(enzyme_rate_equation.subs(enzyme_solutions),

# Update solution dictionary with the new solution
enzyme_solutions["hex1_c"] = list(solution)[0]

# Update solutions with free variable solutions
enzyme_solutions = {
    enzyme_form: simplify(solution.subs(enzyme_solutions))
    for enzyme_form, solution in enzyme_solutions.items()}

args = set()
for solution in enzyme_solutions.values():
{g6p_c, kf_HEX1_8, kf_HEX1_A, v_HEX1, Keq_HEX1_A, atp_c, glc__D_c, _23dpg_c, kf_HEX1_G, Keq_HEX1_5, Keq_HEX1_8, adp_c, Keq_HEX1_2, Keq_HEX1_1, Keq_HEX1_G}

Numerical values for known quantities are substituted into the equations. For this EnzymeModule of Hexokinase, the following dissociation constants are used:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} K_{d,\ \text{GLC-D}} &= 0.038\ \text{mM} \\ K_{d,\ \text{ATP}} &= 2.06\ \text{mM} \\ K_{i,\ \text{23DPG}} &= 5.5\ \text{mM} \\ K_{i,\ \text{ADP}} &= 1\ \text{mM} \\ K_{i,\ \text{G6P}} &= 66.67\ \text{mM} \\ \end{align}\end{split}\]

A value of \(K_{\text{HEX1}}= 313.12\) is used for the catalyzation step. Note that the inverse of the dissociation constant is used for reactions that form complexes.

numerical_values = {
    "Keq_HEX1_1": 1,
    "Keq_HEX1_2": 1 / 66.67,
    "Keq_HEX1_G": 1 / 0.038,
    "Keq_HEX1_A": 1 / 2.06,
    "Keq_HEX1_5": 1 / 5.5,
    "Keq_HEX1_8": 313.12}
# Update the model with the parameters

The ligand concentrations and the rate for the enzyme are extracted from the merged glycolysis and hemoglobin model.

# Get steady state flux for EnzymeModule
HEX1.enzyme_rate = glyc_hb.reactions.get_by_id("HEX1").steady_state_flux
numerical_values[HEX1.enzyme_flux_symbol_str] = HEX1.enzyme_rate

# Get the ligand concentrations
for met in HEX1.enzyme_module_ligands:
    concentration = glyc_hb.metabolites.get_by_id(met.id).initial_condition
    # Set the ligand initial condition and add to numercal values dictionary
    met.initial_condition = concentration
    numerical_values[met.id] = concentration

The numerical values are substituted into the symbolic equations, resulting in the steady state concentrations that depend only on the rate constants.

enzyme_solutions = {
    enzyme_form: simplify(sol.subs(numerical_values))
    for enzyme_form, sol in enzyme_solutions.items()}

args = set()
for solution in enzyme_solutions.values():
{kf_HEX1_A, kf_HEX1_G, kf_HEX1_8}

6.2.2. Approximating Rate Constants

To determine the set of rate constants for the enzyme module, the absolute error between the total hexokinase concentration value (found in literature) and the computed hexokinase concentration is minimized. For this example, the minimize() function of the SciPy package is utilized to find a feasible set of rate constants.

from scipy.optimize import minimize

The objective function for the minimization is first made symbolically. The enzyme_total_symbol_str property can be used to represent the total enzyme concentration, while the enzyme_concentration_total_equation property creates a symbolic expression for the sum of all enzyme forms.

enzyme_total_error = abs(
    - strip_time(HEX1.enzyme_concentration_total_equation))
Abs(-HEX1_Total + hex1_AG_c + hex1_A_PI_c + hex1_A_c + hex1_G_CI_c + hex1_G_PI_c + hex1_G_c + hex1_c)

The enzyme_concentration_total attribute stores the total amount of enzyme in the model and substituted into the expression. The total HEX1 concentration is \(24 * 10^{-6} \text{mM}\).

HEX1.enzyme_concentration_total = 24e-6
enzyme_total_error = enzyme_total_error.subs({
    HEX1.enzyme_total_symbol_str: HEX1.enzyme_concentration_total})
Abs(hex1_AG_c + hex1_A_PI_c + hex1_A_c + hex1_G_CI_c + hex1_G_PI_c + hex1_G_c + hex1_c - 2.4e-5)

Finally, the symbolic equations for the enzyme forms are substituted into the enzyme total error equation, resulting in an expression that represents the objective function with the only unknown variables being rate constants. The lambdify() function of the SymPy package converts the symbolic objective into a lambda function that can be used with the minimize() function of SciPy.

enzyme_total_error = simplify(enzyme_total_error.subs(enzyme_solutions))

# Sort the arguments to ensure input format remains consistent
args = sorted(list(map(str, args)))
# Use lambdify to make objective function as a lambda function
obj_fun = lambda x: lambdify(args, enzyme_total_error)(*x)

The minimize() function is now used to approximate the rate constants. The optimization problems for enzyme rate constants are typically nonlinear, and require nonlinear optimization routines to find feasible solutions.

# Minimize the objective function, initial guess based on publication values
initial_guess = [1e8, 9376585, 52001]
variable_bounds = ((0, 1e9), (0, 1e9), (0, 1e9))
solution = minimize(obj_fun, x0=initial_guess,
# Map solution array to variables
rate_constants = dict(zip(args, solution.x))
{'kf_HEX1_8': 100000000.0025878, 'kf_HEX1_A': 9376585.030755484, 'kf_HEX1_G': 52006.59981223971}

Because the rate constants associated with the inhibition of the enzyme forms are not necessary for computing the concentrations, a rapid binding assumption is made for the inhibition reactions. Therefore, a large number is set for the rate constants. The parameters are set using the update_parameters() method.

rate_constants["kf_HEX1_1"] = 1e6
rate_constants["kf_HEX1_2"] = 1e6
rate_constants["kf_HEX1_5"] = 1e6

6.2.3. Calculating numerical values for concentrations

Once the rate constants have been estimated, they are substituted back into the symbolic concentration equations in order to obtain their numerical values.

for enzyme_form, solution in enzyme_solutions.items():
    # Get the enzyme form object, determine the steady state concentration
    enzyme_form = HEX1.enzyme_module_forms.get_by_id(enzyme_form)
    enzyme_form.initial_condition = float(solution.subs(rate_constants))
    print("{0}: {1:e}".format(enzyme_form.id,
hex1_A_c: 9.401421e-06
hex1_G_c: 5.718872e-08
hex1_AG_c: 1.174630e-08
hex1_G_CI_c: 3.223364e-08
hex1_A_PI_c: 3.519706e-06
hex1_G_PI_c: 8.847367e-09
hex1_c: 1.213692e-05 Error values

As a quality assurance check, the enzyme_concentration_total_error() method can be used to get the error between the enzyme_concentration_total attribute and the sum of the enzyme form concentrations. A positive value indicates the enzyme_concentration_total attribute is greater than the sum of the individual enzyme form concentrations that were computed.

print("Total Enzyme Concentration Error: {0}".format(
Total Enzyme Concentration Error: -1.1680622689093244e-06

Similarly, the error between the enzyme_rate attribute and the computed value from the enzyme_rate_equation can be also checked using the enzyme_rate_error() method, in which a positive value indicates that the enzyme_rate attribute is greater than the value computed when using the rate equation.

print("Enzyme Rate Error: {0}".format(
Enzyme Rate Error: 4.440892098500626e-16

6.3. Adding EnzymeModules to Models

With the EnzymeModule built, it can be integrated into a larger network and simulated. To add an EnzymeModule to an existing MassModel, the merge() method is used. After merging, the remove_reactions() method is used to remove the reaction replaced with the enzyme module. The EnzymeModule should always be merged into the MassModel as demonstrated below:

glyc_hb_HEX1 = glyc_hb.merge(HEX1, inplace=False)

All objects, numerical values, and certain attributes of the EnzymeModule are transferred into the MassModel upon merging. This includes all enzyme forms, reactions steps, initial conditions, rate parameters, and category groups.

Memory address0x07ff42b8e6d90
Stoichiometric Matrix 35x37
Matrix Rank 32
Number of metabolites 35
Initial conditions defined 35/35
Number of reactions 37
Number of genes 0
Number of enzyme modules 1
Number of groups 12
Objective expression 0
Compartments Cytosol

6.3.1. The EnzymeModuleDict object

During the merge process, an EnzymeModuleDict is created from the EnzymeModule and added to the MassModel.enzyme_modules attribute.

HEX1_dict = glyc_hb_HEX1.enzyme_modules.get_by_id("HEX1")
[<EnzymeModuleDict HEX1 at 0x7ff42bab8950>]
Memory address0x07ff42bab8950
Stoichiometric Matrix 13x8
Matrix Rank 7
Subsystem Glycolysis
Number of Ligands 6
Number of EnzymeForms 7
Number of EnzymeModuleReactions 8
Enzyme Concentration Total 2.4e-05
Enzyme Net Flux 1.12

The EnzymeModuleDict inherits from an OrderedDict, thereby inheriting ordered dictionary methods such as keys():


The EnzymeModuleDict stores several of the enzyme-specific attributes so that they are still accessible after integrating the enzyme module into a larger network. The keys of the EnzymeModuleDict also can be treated as attribute accessors:

print("Enzyme Rate:\n{0} = {1}".format(
    HEX1_dict["enzyme_rate"],       # Returned using dict key
    HEX1_dict.enzyme_rate_equation  # Returned using attribute accessor
Enzyme Rate:
1.12 = kf_HEX1_8*(Keq_HEX1_8*hex1_AG_c(t) - adp_c(t)*g6p_c(t)*hex1_c(t))/Keq_HEX1_8

6.3.2. Steady State Validation

The last step is to ensure that a steady state is reached with the completed enzyme module within a larger network context.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from mass import Simulation
from mass.visualization import plot_time_profile

Here, the model is simulated, and the enzyme’s ability to reach steady state is graphically verified:

# Setup simulation object
sim = Simulation(glyc_hb_HEX1, verbose=True)
# Simulate from 0 to 1000 with 10001 points in the output
conc_sol, flux_sol = sim.simulate(
    glyc_hb_HEX1, time=(0, 1e3, 1e4 + 1))

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(6, 4))
    conc_sol, observable=HEX1_dict.enzyme_module_forms, ax=ax,
    legend="right outside", plot_function="loglog",
    xlabel="Time [hr]", ylabel="Concentration [mM]",
    title="TIme profile of Concentrations for Enzyme Forms");
Successfully loaded MassModel 'Glycolysis_Hemoglobin_HEX1' into RoadRunner.
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ff426323c10>

The plot shows that the enzyme can reach a steady state when integrated into a larger network, meaning the enzyme module that represents hexokinase in this system is complete!

6.4. Additional Examples

For additional examples of analyzing and visualizing systems with enzyme modules, see the following:

\(^1\) Procedure outlined in [DZK+16]

\(^2\) Hexokinase based on [YAHP18], [DZK+16], and [MK99]

\(^3\) Glycolysis model based on [YAHP18] and Chapter 10 of [Pal11]