Source code for mass.util.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Contains utility functions to assist in various :mod:`mass` functions."""
import logging
import warnings
from copy import copy
from operator import le, lt

import numpy as np
from cobra import DictList
from depinfo import print_dependencies
from six import integer_types, iteritems, string_types

[docs]LOG_COLORS = { logging.CRITICAL: "\x1b[90m", logging.ERROR: "\x1b[91m", logging.WARNING: "\x1b[93m", logging.INFO: "\x1b[94m", logging.DEBUG: "\x1b[92m", -1: "\x1b[0m",
} """dict: Contains logger levels and corresponding color codes.""" # Public
[docs]def show_versions(): """Print dependency information.""" print_dependencies("masspy")
[docs]def ensure_iterable(item): """Ensure the given item is an returned as an iterable. Parameters ---------- item : object The item to ensure is returned as an iterable. """ # Make list iterable if necessary if item is None: item = list() if not hasattr(item, "__iter__") or isinstance(item, string_types): item = [item] item = list(item) return item
[docs]def ensure_non_negative_value(value, exclude_zero=False): """Ensure provided value is a non-negative value, or ``None``. Parameters ---------- value : float The value to ensure is non-negative Raises ------ ValueError Occurs if the value is negative. """ if value is not None: if not isinstance(value, (integer_types, float)): raise TypeError("Must be an int or float") if exclude_zero: comparision = le msg = "Must be a postive number" else: comparision = lt msg = "Must be a non-negative number" if comparision(value, 0.0): raise ValueError(msg) return value
def get_public_attributes_and_methods(obj, exclude_parent=False): """Return a list of public attributes and methods for an object. Parameters ---------- exclude_parent : bool If ``True``, only display public attributes and methods specific to the current class, excluding those inherited from the parent class. Overridden and extended methods are not excluded. """ try: all_public = [i for i in obj.__dict__ if not i.startswith("_")] except AttributeError: all_public = [] all_public += [ i for i in obj.__class__.__dict__ if i not in all_public and not i.startswith("_") ] if not exclude_parent: parent_public = get_public_attributes_and_methods( obj.__class__.__base__(), exclude_parent=True ) all_public += [i for i in parent_public if i not in all_public] return sorted(all_public, key=str.lower) def apply_decimal_precision(value, decimal_precision): """Apply the decimal precision to the value by through rounding. Parameters ---------- value : float The value to be rounded. decimal_precision : int The decimal place right of the decimal to round the value to. """ if decimal_precision is not None and value is not None: if hasattr(value, "__iter__"): new = [round(v, decimal_precision) for v in value] if not isinstance(value, (list, np.ndarray)): try: value = value.__class__(new) except Exception: pass elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): value = np.array(new) else: value = round(value, decimal_precision) return value # Internal def _check_kwargs(default_kwargs, kwargs): """Check the provided kwargs against the default values for kwargs.""" if kwargs is not None: for key, value in iteritems(default_kwargs): if key in kwargs: # Check the value type against the default. if value is None: continue type_ = type(value) if type_ == float: type_ = (float, integer_types) if type_ == list: type_ = (list, np.ndarray) if not isinstance(kwargs[key], type_): raise TypeError( "'{0}' must be of type: {1}.".format(key, str(type_)) ) else: # Set the kwarg as the default kwargs[key] = value if len(kwargs) != len(default_kwargs): warnings.warn( "Unrecognized kwargs: {0}".format( str([key for key in kwargs if key not in default_kwargs]) ) ) else: # Set the kwargs as the defaults kwargs = default_kwargs return kwargs def _mk_new_dictlist(ref_dictlist, old_dictlist, ensure_unique=False): """Return a new DictList with object references updated.""" items = ref_dictlist.get_by_any( [ if hasattr(i, "id") else str(i) for i in old_dictlist] ) if ensure_unique: items = set(items) return DictList(items)
[docs]class ColorFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Colored Formatter for logging output. Based on """
[docs] def format(self, record, *args, **kwargs): """Set logger format.""" # Copy old record new_record = copy(record) # Ensure level in log color dict if new_record.levelno in LOG_COLORS: # Get the color color, reset = LOG_COLORS[new_record.levelno], LOG_COLORS[-1] # Set the levelname color new_record.levelname = "{color}{level}:{reset}".format( color=color, level=new_record.levelname, reset=reset ) # Set the message color new_record.msg = "{color}{msg}{reset}".format( color=color, msg=new_record.msg, reset=reset ) return super(ColorFormatter, self).format(new_record, *args, **kwargs)
def _make_logger(name): """Make the logger instance and set the default format.""" # Create colored formatter formatter = ColorFormatter("%(levelname)s %(message)s") handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(formatter) # Get logger logger = logging.getLogger(name) # Add handler and return logger.addHandler(handler) return logger def _log_msg(logger, level, verbose, msg, *args): """Log a message in the logger and print if desired. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ logger.log(level, msg, *args) if verbose: print(msg % args) __all__ = ( "show_versions", "ensure_iterable", "ensure_non_negative_value", "LOG_COLORS", "ColorFormatter", )