Source code for mass.util.matrix

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Containins basic matrix operations that can be applied to a :mod:`mass` model.

To assist with various matrix operations using different packages, the
following values can be provided to the ``array_type`` argument to set the
return type of the output. Valid matrix types include:

* ``'dense'`` for a :class:`numpy.ndarray`
* ``'dok'`` for a :class:`scipy.sparse.dok_matrix`
* ``'lil'`` for a :class:`scipy.sparse.lil_matrix`
* ``'DataFrame'`` for a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
* ``'symbolic'`` for a
  :class:`sympy.MutableDenseMatrix <sympy.matrices.dense.MutableDenseMatrix>`

For all matrix types, species (excluding genes) are the row indicies and
reactions are the column indicies.

There are also several methods that are nearly identical to :mod:`scipy.linalg`
methods, with the main exception being that matrix conversions are performed
beforehand to ensure that valid input is passed to the :mod:`scipy` method.
These methods include:

* :func:`~mass.util.matrix.svd`
* :func:`~mass.util.matrix.eig`

import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sympy as sym
from scipy import linalg
from scipy.sparse import dok_matrix, lil_matrix
from six import iteritems

from mass.core.mass_configuration import MassConfiguration
from mass.util.expressions import _mk_met_func

_ARRAY_TYPES = ["dense", "dok", "lil", "DataFrame", "symbolic"]

MASSCONFIGURATION = MassConfiguration()

# Public
[docs]def gradient( model, use_parameter_values=True, use_concentration_values=True, array_type="dense" ): """Create the gradient matrix for a given model. Parameters ---------- model : MassModel The :class:`~.MassModel` to construct the matrix for. use_parameter_values : bool Whether to substitute the numerical values for parameters into the matrix. If ``True`` then numerical values of the kinetic parameters are substituted into the matrix. Otherwise parameters in the matrix are left as symbols. Default is ``True``. use_concentration_values : bool Whether to substitute the numerical values for concentrations into the matrix. If ``True`` then numerical values of the initial conditions are substituted into the matrix. Otherwise species concentrations in the matrix are left as symbols. Default is ``True``. array_type : str A string identifiying the desired format for the returned matrix. Default is ``'dense'``. See the :mod:`~.matrix` module documentation for more information on the ``array_type`` Returns ------- matrix of type ``array_type`` The gradient matrix for the model. """ # Get model rates and metabolites dependent on time. rates = model.rates # Construct the base gradient matrix gradient_mat = sym.Matrix(np.zeros((len(rates), len(model.metabolites)))) # Get index for metabolites and reactions r_ind = model.reactions.index m_ind = model.metabolites.index # Create the gradient matrix for rxn, rate in iteritems(rates): for met in model.metabolites: gradient_mat[r_ind(rxn), m_ind(met)] = rate.diff(_mk_met_func(met)) # Get values for substitution if use_concentration_values or use_parameter_values: values = {} if use_parameter_values: values.update(model._get_all_parameters()) if use_concentration_values: values.update( {_mk_met_func(k): v for k, v in iteritems(model.initial_conditions)} ) # Substitute values into the matrix gradient_mat = gradient_mat.subs(values) # Try to cast matrix as a float if all values could be computed if gradient_mat.is_symbolic(): dtype = object else: dtype = np.float64 gradient_mat = convert_matrix( gradient_mat, array_type=array_type, dtype=dtype, row_ids=[ for r in model.reactions], col_ids=[ for m in model.metabolites], ) return gradient_mat
[docs]def kappa( model, use_parameter_values=True, use_concentration_values=True, array_type="dense" ): """Create the kappa matrix for a given model. Notes ----- The kappa matrix is the diagnolization of the norms for the rows in the gradient matrix. Parameters ---------- model : MassModel The :class:`~.MassModel` to construct the matrix for. use_parameter_values : bool Whether to substitute the numerical values for parameters into the matrix. If ``True`` then numerical values of the kinetic parameters are substituted into the matrix. Otherwise parameters in the matrix are left as symbols. Default is ``True``. use_concentration_values : bool Whether to substitute the numerical values for concentrations into the matrix. If ``True`` then numerical values of the initial conditions are substituted into the matrix. Otherwise species concentrations in the matrix are left as symbols. Default is ``True``. array_type : str A string identifiying the desired format for the returned matrix. Default is ``'dense'``. See the :mod:`~.matrix` module documentation for more information on the ``array_type``. Returns ------- matrix of type ``array_type`` The kappa matrix for the model. """ gradient_matrix = gradient( model, use_parameter_values, use_concentration_values, array_type ) kappa_matrix = sym.diag( *[gradient_matrix[row, :].norm() for row in range(gradient_matrix.rows)] ) kappa_matrix = kappa_matrix.subs({sym.nan: sym.S.Zero}) kappa_matrix = convert_matrix( kappa_matrix, array_type=array_type, dtype=np.float64, row_ids=[ for r in model.reactions], col_ids=[ for r in model.reactions], ) return kappa_matrix
[docs]def gamma( model, use_parameter_values=True, use_concentration_values=True, array_type="dense" ): """Create the gamma matrix for a given model. Notes ----- The gamma matrix is composed of the 1-norms of the gradient matrix. Parameters ---------- model : MassModel The :class:`~.MassModel` to construct the matrix for. use_parameter_values : bool Whether to substitute the numerical values for parameters into the matrix. If ``True`` then numerical values of the kinetic parameters are substituted into the matrix. Otherwise parameters in the matrix are left as symbols. Default is ``True``. use_concentration_values : bool Whether to substitute the numerical values for concentrations into the matrix. If ``True`` then numerical values of the initial conditions are substituted into the matrix. Otherwise species concentrations in the matrix are left as symbols. Default is ``True``. array_type : str A string identifiying the desired format for the returned matrix. Default is ``'dense'``. See the :mod:`~.matrix` module documentation for more information on the ``array_type``. Returns ------- matrix of type ``array_type`` The gamma matrix for the model. """ gradient_matrix = gradient( model, use_parameter_values, use_concentration_values, array_type ) gamma_matrix = sym.Matrix( [gradient_matrix[row, :].normalized() for row in range(gradient_matrix.rows)] ) gamma_matrix = gamma_matrix.subs({sym.nan: sym.S.Zero}) gamma_matrix = convert_matrix( gamma_matrix, array_type=array_type, dtype=np.float64, row_ids=[ for r in model.reactions], col_ids=[ for m in model.metabolites], ) return gamma_matrix
[docs]def jacobian( model, jacobian_type="species", use_parameter_values=True, use_concentration_values=True, array_type="dense", ): """Get the jacobian matrix for a given model. Parameters ---------- model : MassModel The :class:`~.MassModel` to construct the matrix for. jacobian_type: str Either the string ``'species'`` to obtain the jacobian matrix with respect to species, or the string ``'reactions'`` to obtain the jacobian matrix with respect to the reactions. Default is ``'reactions'``. use_parameter_values : bool Whether to substitute the numerical values for parameters into the matrix. If ``True`` then numerical values of the kinetic parameters are substituted into the matrix. Otherwise parameters in the matrix are left as symbols. Default is ``True``. use_concentration_values : bool Whether to substitute the numerical values for concentrations into the matrix. If ``True`` then numerical values of the initial conditions are substituted into the matrix. Otherwise species concentrations in the matrix are left as symbols. Default is ``True``. array_type : str A string identifiying the desired format for the returned matrix. Default is ``'dense'``. See the :mod:`~.matrix` module documentation for more information on the ``array_type``. Returns ------- matrix of type ``array_type`` The jacobian matrix for the model. """ if jacobian_type not in {"species", "reactions"}: raise ValueError("jacobian_type must be either 'species' or 'reactions'") gradient_matrix = gradient( model, use_parameter_values, use_concentration_values, array_type="symbolic" ) stoich_matrix = model._mk_stoich_matrix(array_type="symbolic", update_model=False) if jacobian_type == "species": jacobian_matrix = stoich_matrix * gradient_matrix identifiers = [ for m in model.metabolites] else: jacobian_matrix = gradient_matrix * stoich_matrix identifiers = [ for r in model.reactions] jacobian_matrix = convert_matrix( jacobian_matrix, array_type=array_type, dtype=np.float64, row_ids=identifiers, col_ids=identifiers, ) return jacobian_matrix
[docs]def nullspace(matrix, atol=1e-13, rtol=0, decimal_precision=False): """Compute an approximate basis for the nullspace of a matrix. The algorithm used by this function is based on singular value decomposition. Notes ----- * If both ``atol`` and ``rtol`` are positive, the combined tolerance is the maximum of the two; that is:: tol = max(atol, rtol * smax) Singular values smaller than ``tol`` are considered to be zero. * Similar to the :class:`cobra.util.array.nullspace` function, but includes utlization of the :attr:`~.MassBaseConfiguration.decimal_precision` in the :class:`.MassConfiguration` and sets values below the tolerance to 0. * Taken from the numpy cookbook and extended. Parameters ---------- matrix : array-like The matrix to decompose. The matrix should be at most 2-D. A 1-D array with length ``k`` will be treated as a 2-D with shape ``(1, k)``. atol : float The absolute tolerance for a zero singular value. Singular values smaller than ``atol`` are considered to be zero. rtol : float The relative tolerance. Singular values less than ``rtol * smax`` are considered to be zero, where ``smax`` is the largest singular value. decimal_precision : bool Whether to apply the :attr:`~.MassBaseConfiguration.decimal_precision` set in the :class:`.MassConfiguration` to the nullspace values before comparing to the tolerance. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- ns : numpy.ndarray If ``matrix`` is an array with shape ``(m, k)``, then ``ns`` will be an array with shape ``(k, n)``, where ``n`` is the estimated dimension of the nullspace of ``matrix``. The columns of ``ns`` are a basis for the nullspace; each element in the dot product of the matrix and the nullspace will be approximately 0. """ matrix = np.atleast_2d(_ensure_dense_matrix(matrix)) s, vh = linalg.svd(matrix)[1:] tol = max(atol, rtol * s[0]) nnz = (s >= tol).sum() ns = vh[nnz:].conj().T # Apply zero singular value tolerance for i, row in enumerate(ns): for j, val in enumerate(row): if decimal_precision and MASSCONFIGURATION.decimal_precision is not None: val = round(val, MASSCONFIGURATION.decimal_precision) if abs(val) <= tol: ns[i, j] = 0.0 return ns
[docs]def left_nullspace(matrix, atol=1e-13, rtol=0, decimal_precision=False): """Compute an approximate basis for the left nullspace of a matrix. The algorithm used by this function is based on singular value decomposition. Notes ----- If both ``atol`` and ``rtol`` are positive, the combined tolerance is the maximum of the two; that is:: tol = max(atol, rtol * smax) Singular values smaller than ``tol`` are considered to be zero. Parameters ---------- matrix : array-like The matrix to decompose. The matrix should be at most 2-D. A 1-D array with length ``k`` will be treated as a 2-D with shape ``(1, k)``. atol : float The absolute tolerance for a zero singular value. Singular values smaller than ``atol`` are considered to be zero. rtol : float The relative tolerance. Singular values less than ``rtol * smax`` are considered to be zero, where ``smax`` is the largest singular value. decimal_precision : bool Whether to apply the :attr:`~.MassBaseConfiguration.decimal_precision` set in the :class:`.MassConfiguration` to the left nullspace values before comparing to the tolerance. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- lns : numpy.ndarray If ``matrix`` is an array with shape ``(m, k)``, then ``lns`` will be an array with shape ``(n, m)``, where ``n`` is the estimated dimension of the left nullspace of ``matrix``. The rows of ``lns`` are a basis for the left nullspace; each element in the dot product of the matrix and the left nullspace will be approximately 0. See Also -------- :func:`nullspace` : Base function. """ lns = nullspace(matrix.T, atol, rtol, decimal_precision).T return lns
[docs]def columnspace(matrix, atol=1e-13, rtol=0, decimal_precision=False): """Compute an approximate basis for the columnspace of a matrix. This function utilizes the :func:`scipy.linalg.qr` function to obtain an orthogonal basis for the columnspace of the matrix. Notes ----- If both ``atol`` and ``rtol`` are positive, the combined tolerance is the maximum of the two; that is:: tol = max(atol, rtol * smax) Singular values smaller than ``tol`` are considered to be zero. Parameters ---------- matrix : array-like The matrix to decompose. The matrix should be at most 2-D. A 1-D array with length ``k`` will be treated as a 2-D with shape ``(1, k)``. atol : float The absolute tolerance for a zero singular value. Singular values smaller than ``atol`` are considered to be zero. rtol : float The relative tolerance. Singular values less than ``rtol * smax`` are considered to be zero, where ``smax`` is the largest singular value. decimal_precision : bool Whether to apply the :attr:`~.MassBaseConfiguration.decimal_precision` set in the :class:`.MassConfiguration` to the columnspace values before comparing to the tolerance. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- cs : numpy.ndarray If ``matrix`` is an array with shape ``(m, k)``, then ``cs`` will be an array with shape ``(m, n)``, where ``n`` is the estimated dimension of the columnspace of ``matrix``. The columns of ``cs`` are a basis for the columnspace. """ matrix = _ensure_dense_matrix(matrix) q = linalg.qr(matrix)[0] cs = q[:, : matrix_rank(matrix, atol, rtol)] # Apply zero singular value tolerance s = linalg.svd(matrix, compute_uv=False) tol = max(atol, rtol * s[0]) # Apply zero singular value tolerance for i, row in enumerate(cs): for j, val in enumerate(row): if decimal_precision and MASSCONFIGURATION.decimal_precision is not None: val = round(val, MASSCONFIGURATION.decimal_precision) if abs(val) <= tol: cs[i, j] = 0.0 return cs
[docs]def rowspace(matrix, atol=1e-13, rtol=0, decimal_precision=False): """Compute an approximate basis for the rowspace of a matrix. This function utilizes the :func:`scipy.linalg.qr` function to obtain an orthogonal basis for the rowspace of the matrix. Notes ----- If both ``atol`` and ``rtol`` are positive, the combined tolerance is the maximum of the two; that is:: tol = max(atol, rtol * smax) Singular values smaller than ``tol`` are considered to be zero. Parameters ---------- matrix : array-like The matrix to decompose. The matrix should be at most 2-D. A 1-D array with length ``k`` will be treated as a 2-D with shape ``(1, k)``. atol : float The absolute tolerance for a zero singular value. Singular values smaller than ``atol`` are considered to be zero. rtol : float The relative tolerance. Singular values less than ``rtol * smax`` are considered to be zero, where ``smax`` is the largest singular value. decimal_precision : bool Whether to apply the :attr:`~.MassBaseConfiguration.decimal_precision` set in the :class:`.MassConfiguration` to the rowspace values before comparing to the tolerance. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- rs : numpy.ndarray If ``matrix`` is an array with shape ``(m, k)``, then ``rs`` will be an array with shape ``(n, k)``, where ``n`` is the estimated dimension of the rowspace of ``matrix``. The columns of ``rs`` are a basis for the rowspace. See Also -------- :func:`columnspace` : Base function. """ rs = columnspace(matrix.T, atol, rtol, decimal_precision) return rs
[docs]def matrix_rank(matrix, atol=1e-13, rtol=0): """Estimate the rank (i.e. the dimension of the nullspace) of a matrix. The algorithm used by this function is based on singular value decomposition. Taken from the :mod:`scipy` cookbook. Notes ----- If both ``atol`` and ``rtol`` are positive, the combined tolerance is the maximum of the two; that is:: tol = max(atol, rtol * smax) Singular values smaller than ``tol`` are considered to be zero. Parameters ---------- matrix : array-like The matrix to obtain the rank for. The matrix should be at most 2-D. A 1-D array with length ``k`` will be treated as a 2-D with shape ``(1, k)``. atol : float The absolute tolerance for a zero singular value. Singular values smaller than ``atol`` are considered to be zero. rtol : float The relative tolerance. Singular values less than ``rtol * smax`` are considered to be zero, where ``smax`` is the largest singular value. Returns ------- rank : int The estimated rank of the matrix. See Also -------- :func:`numpy.linalg.matrix_rank` :func:`mass.util.matrix.matrix_rank` is nearly identical to this function, but it does not provide the option of the absolute tolerance. """ matrix = np.atleast_2d(_ensure_dense_matrix(matrix)) s = linalg.svd(matrix, compute_uv=False) tol = max(atol, rtol * s[0]) rank = int((s >= tol).sum()) return rank
[docs]def svd(matrix, **kwargs): """Get the singular value decomposition of a matrix. ``kwargs`` are passed on to :func:`scipy.linalg.svd`. Parameters ---------- matrix : array-like The matrix to decompose. The matrix should be at most 2-D. A 1-D array with length ``k`` will be treated as a 2-D with shape ``(1, k)``. Returns ------- U : ndarray Unitary matrix having left singular vectors as columns. Of shape ``(M, M)`` or ``(M, K)``, depending on `full_matrices`. s : ndarray The singular values, sorted in non-increasing order. Of shape ``(K, )``, with ``K = min(M, N)``. Vh : ndarray Unitary matrix having right singular vectors as rows. Of shape ``(N, N)`` or ``(K, N)`` depending on `full_matrices`. For ``compute_uv=False``, only ``s`` is returned. See Also -------- :func:`scipy.linalg.svd`: Base function. """ matrix = _ensure_dense_matrix(matrix) return linalg.svd(matrix, **kwargs)
[docs]def eig(matrix, left=False, right=False, **kwargs): """Get the eigenvalues of a matrix. ``kwargs`` are passed on to :func:`scipy.linalg.eig` Parameters ---------- matrix : array-like The matrix to decompose. The matrix should be at most 2-D. A 1-D array with length ``k`` will be treated as a 2-D with shape ``(1, k)``. left : bool Whether to calculate and return left eigenvectors. Default is ``False``. right : bool Whether to calculate and return right eigenvectors. Default is ``True``. Returns ------- w : (M, ) double or complex ndarray The eigenvalues, each repeated according to its multiplicity. vl : (M, M) double or complex ndarray The normalized left eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue ``w[i]`` is the column v[:,i]. Only returned if ``left=True``. vr : (M, M) double or complex ndarray The normalized right eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue ``w[i]`` is the column ``vr[:,i]``. Only returned if ``right=True``. See Also -------- :func:`scipy.linalg.eig`: Base function. """ matrix = _ensure_dense_matrix(matrix) return linalg.eig(matrix, left=left, right=right, **kwargs)
[docs]def convert_matrix(matrix, array_type, dtype, row_ids=None, col_ids=None): """Convert a matrix to a different type. Parameters ---------- matrix : array-like The matrix to convert. array_type : str A string identifiying the desired format for the returned matrix. Valid matrix types include ``'dense'``, ``'dok'``, ``'lil'``, ``'DataFrame'``, and ``'symbolic'`` See the :mod:`~.matrix` module documentation for more information on the ``array_type``. dtype : data-type The desired array data-type for the matrix. row_ids : array-like The idenfifiers for each row. Only used if type is ``'DataFrame'``. col_ids : array-like The idenfifiers for each column. Only used if type is ``'DataFrame'``. Warnings -------- This method is NOT the safest way to convert a matrix to another type. To safely convert a matrix into another type, use the ``'array_type'`` argument in the method that returns the desired matrix. """ if array_type not in _ARRAY_TYPES: raise ValueError("Unrecognized array_type.") # Convert the matrix type conversion_method_dict = dict( zip(_ARRAY_TYPES, [_to_dense, _to_dok, _to_lil, _to_dense, _to_dense]) ) try: matrix = conversion_method_dict[array_type](matrix) # Convert the dtype if array_type != "symbolic": if array_type == "DataFrame": matrix = pd.DataFrame(matrix, index=row_ids, columns=col_ids) try: matrix = matrix.astype(dtype) except TypeError: warnings.warn("Could not cast matrix as the given dtype") else: matrix = sym.Matrix(matrix) except TypeError: warnings.warn("Could not cast matrix as the given array_type") return matrix
def _ensure_dense_matrix(matrix): """Ensure matrix is dense before performing linear algebra operations. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ if isinstance(matrix, (np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame)): pass elif isinstance(matrix, (dok_matrix, lil_matrix)): matrix = matrix.toarray() elif isinstance(matrix, sym.Matrix): try: matrix = np.array(matrix).astype(np.float64) except TypeError: raise ValueError( "Cannot have sympy symbols in the matrix. Try " "substituting numerical values in first" ) else: raise TypeError( "Matrix must be one of the following formats: " "numpy.ndarray, scipy.dok_matrix, scipy.lil_matrix, " "pandas.DataFrame, or sympy.Matrix." ) return matrix def _get_matrix_constructor( array_type, dtype, array_type_default="dense", dtype_default=np.float64 ): """Create a matrix constructor for the specified matrix type. Parameters ---------- array_type: {'dense', 'dok', 'lil', 'DataFrame', 'symbolic'}, optional The desired type after for the matrix. If None, defaults to "dense". dtype: data-type, optional The desired array data-type for the stoichiometric matrix. If None, defaults to np.float64. Returns ------- matrix: matrix of class 'dtype' The matrix for the MassModel returned as the given array_type and with a data-type of 'dtype'. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. To safely create a matrix, use the appropriate MassModel method instead. """ if array_type in _ARRAY_TYPES: pass elif array_type is None: array_type = array_type_default else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized array_type.") # Use the model's stored data-type if the data-type is not specified. if dtype is None: dtype = dtype_default # Dictionary of options for constructing the matrix matrix_constructor = dict( zip(_ARRAY_TYPES, [np.zeros, dok_matrix, lil_matrix, np.zeros, np.zeros]) ) constructor = matrix_constructor[array_type] return (constructor, array_type, dtype) # Define small conversion functions based on the original matrix type. def _to_dense(matrix): """Convert matrix to a numpy array.""" if isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray): pass elif isinstance(matrix, pd.DataFrame): matrix = matrix.as_matrix() elif isinstance(matrix, sym.Matrix): matrix = np.array(matrix) else: matrix = matrix.toarray() return matrix def _to_lil(matrix): """Convert matrix to a scipy lil matrix.""" if isinstance(matrix, sym.Matrix): matrix = sym.matrix2numpy(matrix, dtype=float) return lil_matrix(matrix) def _to_dok(matrix): """Convert matrix to a scipy dok matrix.""" if isinstance(matrix, sym.Matrix): matrix = sym.matrix2numpy(matrix, dtype=float) return dok_matrix(matrix) __all__ = ( "columnspace", "eig", "gamma", "gradient", "jacobian", "kappa", "left_nullspace", "matrix_rank", "nullspace", "rowspace", "svd", "convert_matrix", )