Source code for mass.simulation.simulation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
r"""The Simulation module addresses the simulation of :class:`~.MassModel`\ s.

The :class:`~.Simulation` is designed to address all aspects related to the
simulation of one or more :class:`~.MassModel`\ s. These aspects include
initializing and compiling the model into a :class:`roadrunner.RoadRunner`
instance (the ODE integrator), storing the numerical values necessary for the
simulations, and handling the simulation results by creating and storing
:class:`~.MassSolution`\ s.

A :class:`~.Simulation` is initialized by providing a simulatable
:class:`~.MassModel` that can be converted into an SBML compliant model.

Multiple models can be added to the :class:`Simualtion` in order to simulate
an ensemble of models. To add an additional model to the ensemble, the model
must meet three criteria:

    1. The model must have equivalent ODEs to the
    2. The model must not have the same ID as the
    3. The model must have all numerical values needed for simulation.

Perturbations can be implemented for a given simulation as long as they
follow the following guidelines:

    1. Perturbations are ``dict``\ s where the ``{key: value}`` pairs are the
       variables to be perturbed and the new numerical value or value change.
    2. To scale the current value of a variable, the value should be a ``str``
       representing the formula for altering perturbation variable, where the
       variable in the ``str`` is identical to the perturbation key.
    3. If providing a formula ``str`` as the perturbation value, it must be
       possible to 'sympify' the string using the
       :func:`~sympy.core.sympify.sympify` function. It must only have one
       variable, identical to the perturbation key.
    4. Only boundary conditions can be changed to have functions of time that
       represent the external concentration at that point in time.
       If a perturbation value is to be a string representing a function, it
       must be a function, it may only contain the time variable ``'t'`` and
       the boundary metabolite variable.

Some examples of perturbations following the guidelines for a model containing
the specie with ID ``'MID_c'``, boundary metabolite with ID ``'MID_b'``, and
reaction with ID ``'RID'``:

    * Altering :attr:`~.MassModel.initial_conditions` (ICs):

        * ``{'MID_c': 2}`` Change the IC value to 2.
        * ``{'MID_c': 'MID_c * 1.5'}`` Increase current IC value by 50%.

    * Altering :attr:`~.MassModel.parameters`:

        * ``{'kf_RID': 'kf_RID * 0.75'}`` Decrease kf parameter value by 25%.
        * ``{'Keq_RID': 100}`` Change Keq parameter value to 100.

    * Altering :attr:`~.MassModel.boundary_conditions` (BCs):

        * ``{'MID_b': 'sin(2 * pi * t)'}`` Change BC to a ``sin`` function.
        * ``{'MID_b': 'MID_b + cos(t)'}`` Add ``cos`` function to current BC

Note that perturbations using functions of time may take longer to implement
than other perturbations.

All simulation results are returned as :class:`.MassSolution`\ s.
Each simulated model has a corresponding :class:`.MassSolution`\ s stored
in the :class:`Simulation`. These solution objects are stored until being
replaced by a new :class:`~.MassSolution` upon resimulating the model. This
means that there can only be one concentration solution and one flux solution
per simulated model. A failed simulation of a model will return an empty

Though the :class:`Simulation` utilizes the :mod:`roadrunner` package, the
standard :mod:`logging` module will be used for :mod:`mass` logging purposes in
the :mod:`simulation` submodule. Therefore, the roadrunner logger is disabled
upon loading the :mod:`simulation` submodule. However, because the
:class:`Simulation` utilizes the :mod:`roadrunner` package for simulating
models, the :class:`roadrunner.Logger` can be accessed via the
:const:`RR_LOGGER` variable for those who wish to utilize it. See the
:mod:`roadrunner` documentation for more information on how to configure the
import logging
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import roadrunner
from cobra.core.dictlist import DictList
from cobra.core.object import Object
from libsbml import writeSBMLToString
from six import iteritems
from sympy import Basic, Symbol, sympify

from mass.core.mass_configuration import MassConfiguration
from mass.core.mass_model import MassModel
from mass.core.mass_solution import _CONC_STR, _FLUX_STR, MassSolution
from mass.exceptions import MassSimulationError
from import _model_to_sbml
from mass.util.dict_with_id import DictWithID
from mass.util.qcqa import is_simulatable, qcqa_model
from mass.util.util import (

# Set the logger
MASSCONFIGURATION = MassConfiguration()
# If working in Python application (e.g. iPython notebooks), enable logging

# Set the logger
[docs]LOGGER = _make_logger(__name__)
"""logging.Logger: Logger for :mod:`~mass.simulation.simulation` submodule."""
[docs]RR_LOGGER = roadrunner.Logger
"""roadrunner.Logger: The logger for the :mod:`roadrunner`.""" RR_LOGGER.disableLogging() STEADY_STATE_SOLVERS = list(roadrunner.steadyStateSolvers) """list: Possible solver routines for :class:`roadrunner.SteadyStateSolver`.""" # SBML writing kwargs _SBML_KWARGS = { "use_fbc_package": True, "use_groups_package": True, "units": False, "local_parameters": False, "write_objective": False, }
[docs]class Simulation(Object): """Class for managing setup and result handling of simulations. The :class:`Simulation` class is designed to address all aspects related to the simulation of :class:`~.MassModel` objects, including setting the solver and solver options, perturbation of concentrations and parameters, simulation of a single model or an ensemble of models, and handling of simulation results. Parameters ---------- reference_model : MassModel The model to load for simulation. The model will be set as the :attr:`Simulation.reference_model`. id : str or None An identifier to associate with the :class:`Simulation`. If ``None`` then one is automatically created based on the model identifier. name : str A human readable name for the :class:`Simulation`. verbose : bool Whether to provide a QCQA report and more verbose messages when trying to load the model. Default is ``False``. *kwargs variable_step_size : ``bool`` indicating whether to initialize the integrator with a variable time step for simulations. Default is ``True``. allow_approx : ``bool`` indicating whether to allow the steady state solver to approximate the steady state solution in cases where NLEQ methods fail to converge to steady state due to a singular Jacobian matrix. Default is ``True``. """ def __init__(self, reference_model, id=None, name=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Initialize the Simulation.""" if not isinstance(reference_model, MassModel): raise TypeError( "'{0}' is not a valid MassModel instance".format(str(reference_model)) ) if id is None: id = "{0}_Simulation".format(str(reference_model)) kwargs = _check_kwargs( { "variable_step_size": True, "allow_approx": True, }, kwargs, ) try: # QCQA check model _assess_model_quality_for_simulation(reference_model, verbose, verbose) # Load model into RoadRunner rr = _load_model_into_roadrunner( reference_model, rr=None, verbose=verbose, **_SBML_KWARGS ) except MassSimulationError as e: msg = "Could not load MassModel '{0}'".format(str(reference_model)) if verbose: msg += ": " + str(e) raise MassSimulationError(msg) # Initialize Simulation super(Simulation, self).__init__(id, name) # Store the original model used to create the Simulation self._reference_model = reference_model # Set roadrunner self._roadrunner = rr # Storing model values for simulations self._simulation_values = DictList() self._simulation_values.add(_get_sim_values_from_model(reference_model)) # Storing concentration and flux solutions in simulations self._concentration_solutions = DictList() self._flux_solutions = DictList() self.integrator.variable_step_size = kwargs.get("variable_step_size") self.steady_state_solver.allow_approx = kwargs.get("allow_approx") @property
[docs] def reference_model(self): """Return the reference model of the :class:`Simulation`.""" return getattr(self, "_reference_model")
[docs] def models(self): """Return the IDs of models that exist in the :class:`Simulation`.""" return ["_values", "") for d in self._simulation_values]
[docs] def roadrunner(self): """Return the :class:`~roadrunner.RoadRunner` instance.""" return self._roadrunner
[docs] def concentration_solutions(self): r"""Get a copy of stored :class:`.MassSolution`\ s for concentrations. Returns ------- ~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList Contains all :class:`.MassSolution` objects for concentrations. """ return DictList(getattr(self, "_concentration_solutions").copy())
[docs] def flux_solutions(self): r"""Get a copy of the stored :class:`.MassSolution`\ s for fluxes. Returns ------- ~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList Contains all :class:`.MassSolution` objects for fluxes. """ return DictList(getattr(self, "_flux_solutions").copy())
[docs] def integrator(self): """Return the :class:`roadrunner.roadrunner.Integrator`.""" return self.roadrunner.integrator
[docs] def steady_state_solver(self): """Return the :class:`roadrunner.roadrunner.SteadyStateSolver`.""" return self.roadrunner.steadyStateSolver
[docs] def set_new_reference_model(self, model, verbose=False): """Set a new reference model for the :class:`Simulation`. To set a new reference model, the model must meet three criteria: 1. The model must have equivalent ODEs to the :attr:`~Simulation.reference_model`. 2. The model must not have the same ID as the :attr:`~Simulation.reference_model` 3. The model must have all numerical values needed for simulation. If the criteria is not met, a warning is raised and the reference model will not change. After changing the reference model, the previous reference model will remain included in the :class:`Simulation`. Parameters ---------- model : MassModel or str Either a new or existing :class:`~.MassModel`, or the string identifer of an existing model in the :class:`Simulation` to be set as the new reference model. verbose : bool Whether to output additional and more verbose messages. Default is ``False``. """ # If a MassModel is provided, add the model to the Simulation, # replacing the model values if model already exists. if isinstance(model, MassModel): self.add_models(model, verbose=verbose) new_model = model if str(model) not in self.models: new_model = None else: # Use string identifier to get the model as an object. new_model = self.get_model_objects(model) try: new_model = new_model.pop() except IndexError: new_model = None # Only set the reference model if successful. if isinstance(new_model, MassModel): setattr(self, "_reference_model", new_model) self._roadrunner = _load_model_into_roadrunner( new_model, rr=self.roadrunner, verbose=verbose, **_SBML_KWARGS
[docs] def get_model_simulation_values(self, model): """Return two dictionaries containing initial and parameter values. Parameters ---------- model : MassModel or str The model or its identifier whose values are to be returned. Returns ------- tuple (init_conds, parameters) init_conds : :class:`~mass.util.dict_with_id.DictWithID` A :class:`~mass.util.dict_with_id.DictWithID` containing initial conditions. parameters : :class:`~mass.util.dict_with_id.DictWithID` A :class:`~mass.util.dict_with_id.DictWithID` containing model parameters. """ try: values_dict = self._simulation_values.get_by_id(str(model) + "_values") except KeyError: raise ValueError( "MassModel '{0}' does not exist in the Simulation object.".format( str(model) ) ) return (values_dict["init_conds"], values_dict["parameters"])
[docs] def add_models(self, models, verbose=False, disable_safe_load=False): r"""Add the model values to the :class:`Simulation`. To add a model to the :class:`Simulation`, three criteria must be met: 1. The model must have equivalent ODEs to the :attr:`~Simulation.reference_model` 2. The model must not have the same ID as the :attr:`~Simulation.reference_model`. 3. The model must have all numerical values needed for simulation. Notes ----- * Only the model values are added to the :class:`Simulation`. * If a model already exists in the Simulation, it will be replaced. * To verify that the model has equivalent ODEs to the reference model, use :meth:`.MassModel.has_equivalent_odes`. Parameters ---------- models : iterable of models An iterable containing the :class:`~.MassModel`\ s to add. verbose : bool Whether to print if loading of models succeeds or fails. Default is ``False``. disable_safe_load : bool Whether to disable criteria checks. Default is ``False``. Warnings -------- Use the ``disable_safe_load`` argument with caution, as setting the value as ``disable_safe_load=True`` will reduce the time it takes to add models, but models that do not adhere to the three criteria may create unexepcted downstream errors. """ # Ensure model input is valid and does not include reference model ID models = ensure_iterable(models) invalid_values = [ model for model in models if not isinstance(model, MassModel) or str(model) == str(self.reference_model) ] if invalid_values: raise ValueError( "Invalid models found: {0}. Ensure all models are MassModel " "objects with IDs different from the reference model before " "adding".format(repr(invalid_values)) ) for model in models: # Check ODEs for equivalence if disable_safe_load: self._add_model_values_to_simulation(model, verbose) continue if not self.reference_model.has_equivalent_odes(model, verbose): _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.WARN, verbose, "Could not load MassModel '%s', ODEs are not " "equivalent to the reference model.", str(model), ) continue # Assess whether model can be simulated try: _assess_model_quality_for_simulation(model, verbose, False) except MassSimulationError as e: _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.WARN, verbose, "Could not load MassModel '%s': %s", str(model), str(e), ) continue self._add_model_values_to_simulation(model, verbose)
[docs] def remove_models(self, models, verbose=False): r"""Remove the model values from the :class:`Simulation`. Notes ----- The :attr:`~Simulation.reference_model` cannot be removed from the :class:`Simulation`. In order to remove the current reference model, the reference model must first be changed to a different model using the :meth:`set_new_reference_model` method. Parameters ---------- models : iterable of models or their identifiers An iterable of :class:`.MassModel`\ s or their string identifiers to be removed. verbose : bool Whether to print if removal of models succeeds. Default is ``False``. """ # Ensure models are strings models = [str(m) for m in ensure_iterable(models)] for model in models: try: values_dict = self._simulation_values.get_by_id(str(model) + "_values") except KeyError: warn("MassModel '{0}' does not exist.".format(model)) else: # Remove model values if model exists self._simulation_values -= [values_dict] _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.INFO, verbose, "Successfully removed MassModel '%s.", str(model),
[docs] def get_model_objects(self, models=None): r"""Return the loaded models as :class:`~.MassModel`\ s. Notes ----- With the exception of the :attr:`~Simulation.reference_model`, only the numerical values of a mdoel are stored in order to improve performance. Therefore, when using this method to retrieve the :class:`~.MassModel`\ s, all models are created anew, meaning that they will NOT be the same :class:`~.MassModel`\ s that were loaded into the Simulation. Parameters ---------- models : iterable of model identifiers An iterable of strings containing the model identifiers of the desired :class:`~.MassModel`\ s to return. If ``None`` then all models in the :class:`Simulation` will be returned. Returns ------- mass_models : ~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList A :class:`~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList` containing all of the :class:`~.MassModel`\ s. """ # Get model identifiers if models is None: models = self.models models = [str(m) for m in ensure_iterable(models)] mass_models = DictList() for model in models: # If model is reference, add the reference MassModel object to list if model == self.reference_model: mass_models += [self.reference_model] continue # Copy reference model new_model = self.reference_model.copy() = model try: # Try to update model values new_model = self._update_mass_model_with_values(new_model) except ValueError as e: warn(str(e)) else: mass_models += [new_model] return mass_models
[docs] def simulate(self, models=None, time=None, perturbations=None, **kwargs): r"""Simulate models and return results as :class:`~.MassSolution`\ s. A simulation is carried out by simultaneously integrating the ODEs of the ``models`` to compute their solutions over the time interval specified by ``time``, while temporarily incorporating events and changes specified in ``perturbations``. Parameters ---------- models : iterable of models or their string identifiers, None The models to simulate. If ``None`` then all models loaded into the simulation object will be used. All models must already exist in the :class:`Simulation`. time : tuple Either a ``tuple`` containing the initial and final time points, or a ``tuple`` containing the initial time point, final time point, and the number of time points to use. perturbations : dict A ``dict`` of perturbations to incorporate into the simulation. See :mod:`~.simulation.simulation` documentation for more information on valid perturbations. **kwargs verbose : ``bool`` indicating the verbosity of the method. Default is ``False``. steps : ``int`` indicating number of steps at which the output is sampled where the samples are evenly spaced and ``steps = (number of time points) - 1.`` Steps and number of time points may not both be specified. Default is ``None``. interpolate : ``bool`` indicating whether simulation results should be returned to as interpolating functions. Default is ``False``. update_solutions : ``bool`` indicating whether to replace the stored solutions in the simulation with the new simulation results. Default is ``True``. decimal_precision : ``bool`` indicating whether to apply the :attr:`~.MassBaseConfiguration.decimal_precision` attribute of the :class:`.MassConfiguration` to the solution values. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- tuple (conc_solutions, flux_solutions) conc_solutions : MassSolution or DictList If only one model was simulated, the return type is a :class:`~.MassSolution` containing the concentration solutions. If multiple models were simulated, the return type is a :class:`~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList` of :class:`~.MassSolution`\ s containing the concentration solutions. If a simulation failed, the corresponding :class:`~.MassSolution` will be returned as empty. flux_solutions : MassSolution or DictList If only one model was simulated, the return type is a :class:`~.MassSolution` containing the flux solutions. If multiple models were simulated, the return type is a :class:`~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList` of :class:`~.MassSolution`\ s containing the flux solutions. If a simulation failed, the corresponding :class:`~.MassSolution` will be returned as empty. See Also -------- :attr:`~.integrator` Access the integrator utilized in simulations. """ # Check kwargs kwargs = _check_kwargs( { "verbose": False, "steps": None, "interpolate": False, "update_solutions": True, "decimal_precision": False, }, kwargs, ) # Set all models for simulation if None provided. if models is None: models = self.models models = [str(m) for m in ensure_iterable(models)] # Get roadrunner instance rr = self.roadrunner # Parse the time and format the input for the roadrunner time = _format_time_input( time, steps=kwargs.get("steps"), verbose=kwargs.get("verbose") ) # Parse the perturbations and format the input to be used perturbations = self._format_perturbations_input( perturbations, kwargs.get("verbose") ) # Make the time course selection input and set the selections selections = self._make_rr_selections( selections=None, include_time=True, verbose=kwargs.get("verbose") ) # Make DictLists for solution objects conc_sol_list = DictList() flux_sol_list = DictList() try: for model in models: try: # Apply perturbations and set values in roadrunner rr, reset = self._set_simulation_values( model, perturbations, kwargs.get("verbose") ) # Simulate rr.timeCourseSelections = selections _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.INFO, kwargs.get("verbose"), "Simulating '%s'", str(model), ) results = rr.simulate(*time[0], **time[1]) # Map results to their identifiers and return MassSolutions _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.INFO, kwargs.get("verbose"), "Simulation for '%s' successful", str(model), ) solutions = self._make_mass_solutions( model, selections=selections, results=results, **kwargs ) # Handle MassSimulationErrors except (RuntimeError, MassSimulationError) as e: warn( "One or more simulations failed. Check the log " "for more details." ) if kwargs.get("verbose"): print("Failed simulation for '{0}'".format(model)) LOGGER.error( "Failed simulation for '%s' due the following error: " "%s", model, str(e), ) # Make empty MassSolutions solutions = self._make_mass_solutions( model, selections=selections, results=None, **kwargs ) reset = False finally: # Add solutions to overall simulation output _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.INFO, kwargs.get("verbose"), "Adding '%s' simulation solutions to output", str(model), ) conc_sol_list += [solutions[0]] flux_sol_list += [solutions[1]] # Reset the roadrunner state self._reset_roadrunner(reset) # Handle unforseen errors as critical errors except Exception as e: # If an error occurs, raise it as a MassSimulationError raise MassSimulationError( "Critical simulation fail due to the following:\n" + str(e.__class__.__name__) + ": " + str(e) ) # Update the solutions stored in the Simulation if kwargs.get("update_solutions"): _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.INFO, kwargs.get("verbose"), "Updating stored solutions" ) self._update_stored_solutions(_CONC_STR, conc_sol_list) self._update_stored_solutions(_FLUX_STR, flux_sol_list) if len(models) == 1: return conc_sol_list[0], flux_sol_list[0] return conc_sol_list, flux_sol_list
[docs] def find_steady_state( self, models=None, strategy="nleq2", perturbations=None, update_values=False, **kwargs ): r"""Find steady states for models. The steady state is found by carrying out the provided strategy. * The ``'simulate'`` strategy will simulate the model for a long time (default ``1e8``), and ensure the absolute difference between solutions at the final two time points is less than the :attr:`~.MassBaseConfiguration.steady_state_threshold` in the :class:`.MassConfiguration`. * Other strategies involve using the :class:`roadrunner.roadrunner.SteadyStateSolver` class to determine the steady state through global Newtonian methods. The steady state is found when the sum of squares of the rates of change is less than the :attr:`~.MassBaseConfiguration.steady_state_threshold` in the :class:`.MassConfiguration`. Parameters ---------- models : iterable of models or their string identifiers, None The models to simulate. If ``None`` then all models loaded into the simulation object will be used. All models must already exist in the :class:`Simulation`. strategy : str The strategy for finding the steady state. Must be one of the following: * ``'simulate'`` * ``'nleq1'`` * ``'nleq2'`` perturbations : dict A ``dict`` of perturbations to incorporate into the simulation. See :mod:`~.simulation.simulation` documentation for more information on valid perturbations. update_values : bool Whether to update the model with the steady state results. Default is ``False``. **kwargs verbose : ``bool`` indicating the verbosity of the method. Default is ``False``. steps : ``int`` indicating number of steps at which the output is sampled where the samples are evenly spaced and ``steps = (number of time points) - 1.`` Steps and number of time points may not both be specified. Only valid for ``strategy='simulate'``. Default is ``None``. tfinal : ``float`` indicating the final time point to use in when simulating to long times to find a steady state. Only valid for ``strategy='simulate'``. Default is ``1e8``. num_attempts : ``int`` indicating the number of attempts the steady state solver should make before determining that a steady state cannot be found. Only valid for ``strategy='nleq1'`` or ``strategy='nleq2'``. Default is ``2``. decimal_precision : ``bool`` indicating whether to apply the :attr:`~.MassBaseConfiguration.decimal_precision` attribute of the :class:`.MassConfiguration` to the solution values. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- tuple (conc_solutions, flux_solutions) conc_solutions : MassSolution or DictList If only one model was simulated, the return type is a :class:`~.MassSolution` containing the concentration solutions. If multiple models were simulated, the return type is a :class:`~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList` of :class:`~.MassSolution`\ s containing the concentration solutions. If a simulation failed, the corresponding :class:`~.MassSolution` will be returned as empty. flux_solutions : MassSolution or DictList If only one model was simulated, the return type is a :class:`~.MassSolution` containing the flux solutions. If multiple models were simulated, the return type is a :class:`~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList` of :class:`~.MassSolution`\ s containing the flux solutions. If a simulation failed, the corresponding :class:`~.MassSolution` will be returned as empty. See Also -------- :attr:`~.integrator` Access the integrator utilized in the ``"simulate"`` strategy. :attr:`~.steady_state_solver` Access the steady state solver utilized in root finding strategies i.e. ``"nleq1"`` and ``"nleq2"``. """ # Check kwargs kwargs = _check_kwargs( { "verbose": False, "steps": None, "tfinal": 1e8, "num_attempts": 2, "decimal_precision": False, }, kwargs, ) # Set all models for simulation if None provided. if models is None: models = self.models models = [str(model) for model in ensure_iterable(models)] # Get roadrunner instance rr = self.roadrunner # Ensure strategy input is valid if strategy not in STEADY_STATE_SOLVERS and strategy != "simulate": raise ValueError("Invalid steady state strategy: '{0}'".format(strategy)) if strategy == "simulate": steady_state_function = self._find_steady_state_simulate else: steady_state_function = self._find_steady_state_solver rr.setSteadyStateSolver(strategy) # Parse the perturbations and format the input to be used perturbations = self._format_perturbations_input( perturbations, kwargs.get("verbose") ) # Set species to return in results selections = self._make_rr_selections( selections=None, include_time=False, verbose=kwargs.get("verbose") ) # Make DictLists for solution objects conc_sol_list = DictList() flux_sol_list = DictList() try: for model in models: try: # Apply perturbations and set values in roadrunner rr, reset = self._set_simulation_values( model, perturbations, kwargs.get("verbose") ) # Set species to use for steady state calculations rr.steadyStateSelections = self._make_rr_selections( rr.model.getFloatingSpeciesConcentrationIds(), include_time=False, verbose=kwargs.get("verbose"), ) rr.steadyStateSolver.auto_moiety_analysis = False # Use strategy steady_state_function(model, **kwargs) results = { k: rr[k] for k in rr.model.getFloatingSpeciesConcentrationIds() + rr.model.getReactionIds() } # Map results to their identifiers and return MassSolutions solutions = self._make_mass_solutions( model, selections=selections, results=results, update_values=update_values, **kwargs ) # Handle MassSimulationErrors except (RuntimeError, MassSimulationError) as e: warn( "Unable to find a steady state for one or more " "models. Check the log for more details." ) if kwargs.get("verbose"): print("Failed to find steady state for {0}'".format(model)) LOGGER.error( "Unable to find a steady state for '%s' " "using strategy '%s' due to the following: %s", model, strategy, str(e), ) # Make empty MassSolutions solutions = self._make_mass_solutions( model, selections=selections, results=None, update_values=False, **kwargs ) reset = False finally: # Add solutions to overall simulation output _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.INFO, kwargs.get("verbose"), "Adding '%s' simulation solutions to output", str(model), ) # Add solutions to output lists conc_sol_list += [solutions[0]] flux_sol_list += [solutions[1]] # Reset the roadrunner state self._reset_roadrunner(reset) # Handle unforseen errors as critical errors except Exception as e: # If an error occurs, raise it as a MassSimulationError raise MassSimulationError( "Critical simulation fail due to the following:\n" + str(e.__class__.__name__) + ": " + str(e) ) # Update reference model to have the new values if update_values: model = self._update_mass_model_with_values(self.reference_model) setattr(self, "_reference_model", model) self._reset_roadrunner(True) if len(models) == 1: return conc_sol_list[0], flux_sol_list[0] return conc_sol_list, flux_sol_list
[docs] def _make_rr_selections(self, selections=None, include_time=True, verbose=False): """Set the observable output of the simulation. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Get roadrunner executable model instance and reference model rr_model = self.roadrunner.model _log_msg(LOGGER, logging.INFO, verbose, "Setting output selections") rr_selections = [] if include_time: rr_selections += ["time"] if selections is None: rr_selections += rr_model.getFloatingSpeciesConcentrationIds() rr_selections += rr_model.getReactionIds() else: rr_selections += selections return rr_selections
[docs] def _format_perturbations_input(self, perturbations, verbose=False): """Check and format the perturbation input. Perturbations are checked before simulations are carried out to limit fails during the simulation due to bad syntax or values. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ formatted_perturbations = {} # Check input type. if not isinstance(perturbations, dict) and perturbations is not None: raise TypeError("Perturbations must be a dict") # Get the reference model initial conditions and parameters if perturbations: _log_msg(LOGGER, logging.INFO, verbose, "Parsing perturbations") sim_values = self._get_all_values_for_sim(self.reference_model) for key, value in iteritems(perturbations): # Ensure key exists in model values if key not in sim_values: raise ValueError( "Invalid Perturbation: '{0}' not found in model " "simulation values".format(key) ) # Try to set value as float try: value = float(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): # Value could not be interpreted as a float, therefore # ensure it is valid as a sympy expression if key in self.reference_model.boundary_metabolites or key in str( value ): value = sympify(value, locals={key: Symbol(key)}) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid Perturbation {{'{0}': '{1}'}}".format(key, value) ) formatted_perturbations[key] = value return formatted_perturbations
[docs] def _set_simulation_values(self, model, perturbations, verbose=False): """Set the simulation numerical values in the roadrunner instance. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Get roadrunner rr = self.roadrunner _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.INFO, verbose, "Setting simulation values for '%s'", str(model), ) try: # Ensure values exist for the model sim_values_to_set = self._get_all_values_for_sim(model) except ValueError as e: raise MassSimulationError(e) # Apply perturbations to model values. Set flag for # reloading model into the roadrunner instance. reset = False try: for key, value in iteritems(perturbations): # Perturb value to a number if value is float if isinstance(value, float): sim_values_to_set[key] = value continue value = value.subs({key: sim_values_to_set[key]}) try: value = float(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): reset = True sim_values_to_set[key] = value continue except (ValueError, MassSimulationError) as e: raise MassSimulationError(e) # Set roadrunner to reflect given model variant rr = self._set_values_in_roadrunner(model, reset, sim_values_to_set) # Return the roadrunner instance and whether it will need a reload for return rr, reset
[docs] def _set_values_in_roadrunner(self, model, reset, sim_values_to_set): """Set the roadrunner values to reflect the given model. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ rr = self.roadrunner if reset: # Reset the model values in the roadrunner new_model = self.reference_model.copy() = model new_model = self._update_mass_model_with_values( new_model, sim_values_to_set ) rr = _load_model_into_roadrunner( new_model, rr=self.roadrunner, verbose=False, **_SBML_KWARGS ) else: # Set values for the model in the roadrunner for key, value in iteritems(sim_values_to_set): if isinstance(value, Basic): continue if _make_init_cond(key) in rr.keys(): rr.setValue(_make_init_cond(key), value) else: rr.setValue(key, value) return rr
[docs] def _make_mass_solutions( self, model, selections, results, update_values=False, **kwargs ): """Make the MassSolutions using the results of the Simulation. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Get roadrunner instance rr = self.roadrunner # Create dicts for containing concentrations and flux solutions. time = None conc_sol = {} flux_sol = {} if results is not None: # Get species and reaction lists species_list = rr.model.getFloatingSpeciesConcentrationIds() reaction_list = rr.model.getReactionIds() for sol_key in selections: # Get the time vector if sol_key == "time": time = results[sol_key] elif sol_key in species_list: # Add solution to concentration solutions if specie result_array = _round_values( results[sol_key], kwargs.get("decimal_precision") ) conc_sol[_strip_conc(sol_key)] = result_array elif sol_key in reaction_list: # Add solution to flux solutions if reaction result_array = _round_values( results[sol_key], kwargs.get("decimal_precision") ) flux_sol[sol_key] = result_array else: pass init_conds, parameters = self.get_model_simulation_values(model) parameters = { param[2:]: value for param, value in iteritems(parameters) if param.startswith("v_") and param[2:] in flux_sol } # Make a MassSolution object of the concentration solution dict. conc_sol = MassSolution( id_or_model="{0}_{1}Sols".format(model, _CONC_STR), data_dict=conc_sol, solution_type=_CONC_STR, time=time, interpolate=kwargs.get("interpolate", False), initial_values=dict(init_conds), ) # Make a MassSolution object of the concentration solution dict. flux_sol = MassSolution( id_or_model="{0}_{1}Sols".format(model, _FLUX_STR), data_dict=flux_sol, solution_type=_FLUX_STR, time=time, interpolate=kwargs.get("interpolate", False), initial_values=dict(parameters), ) values = (conc_sol, flux_sol) if update_values: _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.INFO, kwargs.get("verbose"), "Updating '%s' values", model, ) # Update current model values with new simulation values sim_values = self.get_model_simulation_values(model) for current_value_dict, new_value_dict in zip(sim_values, values): # Fix the IDs for the simulation values, then set new values for key, value in iteritems(new_value_dict): if"_parameters"): key = _make_ss_flux(key) current_value_dict[key] = value return values
[docs] def _update_stored_solutions(self, solution_type, solutions): """Update stored MassSolutions with new MassSolution objects. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Determine where solutions are stored stored_solution_dictlist = { "Conc": self._concentration_solutions, "Flux": self._flux_solutions, }[solution_type] # Add solutions to their corresponding DictList for solution in solutions: if in stored_solution_dictlist: # Remove old solutions old_solution = stored_solution_dictlist.get_by_id( old_solution._simulation = None # Replace with new solution stored_solution_dictlist._replace_on_id(solution) else: # Add the new solution stored_solution_dictlist.add(solution) # Set simulation reference in the MassSolution solution._simulation = self
[docs] def _reset_roadrunner(self, reset): """Reset the RoadRunner to its the original state. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ if reset: # Reloat model into roadrunner self._roadrunner = _load_model_into_roadrunner( self.reference_model, rr=self.roadrunner, verbose=False, **_SBML_KWARGS ) else: # Otherwise reset roadrunner to the origin self.roadrunner.resetToOrigin()"Reset roadrunner to origin.")
[docs] def _find_steady_state_simulate(self, model, **kwargs): """Find the steady state of a model through simulation of the model. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ rr = self.roadrunner # Set simulation output to be the steady state selections rr.timeCourseSelections = rr.steadyStateSelections # Parse the time and format the input for the roadrunner steps = kwargs.get("steps") if steps is None: steps = int(max(kwargs.get("tfinal") / 1000, 10000)) time = _format_time_input( (0, kwargs.get("tfinal")), steps=steps, verbose=kwargs.get("verbose") ) try: # Simulate for a long time _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.INFO, kwargs.get("verbose"), "Simulating '%s'", str(model), ) simulation_results = rr.simulate(*time[0], **time[1]) except (RuntimeError, TypeError) as e: raise MassSimulationError(str(e.__class__.__name__) + ": " + str(e)) # Get the absolute difference between the final two simulation points final_points = np.array( [simulation_results[key][-2:] for key in rr.timeCourseSelections] ) abs_diff = np.abs(final_points[:, 0] - final_points[:, -1]) if kwargs.get("decimal_precision"): abs_diff = apply_decimal_precision( abs_diff, MASSCONFIGURATION.decimal_precision ) abs_diff = abs_diff < MASSCONFIGURATION.steady_state_threshold if not all(abs_diff): # Raise error if steady state could not be found raise MassSimulationError( 'For MassModel "{0}", absolute difference for "{1!r}" is ' "greater than the steady state threshold.".format( model, [ key for i, key in enumerate(rr.timeCourseSelections) if not abs_diff[i] ], ) ) _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.INFO, kwargs.get("verbose"), "Found steady state for '%s'.", str(model), ) # Get steady state resulls to return ss_results = { key: final_points[i, -1] for i, key in enumerate(rr.timeCourseSelections) } return ss_results
[docs] def _find_steady_state_solver(self, model, **kwargs): """Find the steady state of the model using a RoadRunner solver method. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ rr = self.roadrunner def is_steady_state(rr): """Solve for steady state via RoadRunner.""" # Simulate for a long time is_ss_value = rr.steadyState() # Round value before comparision if kwargs.get("decimal_precision"): is_ss_value = apply_decimal_precision( is_ss_value, MASSCONFIGURATION.decimal_precision ) if is_ss_value <= MASSCONFIGURATION.steady_state_threshold: return True return False # See if a steady state can be reached i = 0 success = False try: # Keep trying to find a steady state as long as attempts remain while not success and i < kwargs.get("num_attempts"): _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.INFO, kwargs.get("verbose"), "Attempt %s to calculate steady state for '%s'", str(i + 1), str(model), ) success = is_steady_state(rr) i += 1 except RuntimeError as e: raise MassSimulationError(str(e.__class__.__name__) + ": " + str(e)) if not success: raise MassSimulationError( "Could not find steady state for MassModel '{0}' after {1:d} " "attempts, steady state threshold always exceeded.".format(model, i) ) _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.INFO, kwargs.get("verbose"), "Found steady state for '%s'.", str(model), ) # Zip the solutions with their IDs into a dict and return results = zip(rr.steadyStateSelections, rr.getSteadyStateValues()) return dict(results)
[docs] def update_model_simulation_values( self, model, initial_conditions=None, parameters=None, verbose=False ): """Update the simulation values for a given model. Parameters ---------- model : MassModel or its string identifier. A previously loaded MassModel. initial_conditions : dict or None A ``dict`` containing initial conditions to update. parameters : dict or None A ``dict`` containing parameters to update. If ``None`` provided, will attempt to extract values from the given MassModel """ if str(model) + "_values" not in self._simulation_values: raise ValueError( "MassModel '{0}' does not exist in the Simulation object.".format( str(model) ) ) if isinstance(model, MassModel): values = _get_sim_values_from_model(model) else: values = self.get_model_simulation_values(model) # Fix identifiers before adding to values for updating if initial_conditions is not None: values[0].update( {str(met): ic for met, ic in iteritems(initial_conditions)} ) if parameters is not None: values[1].update({param: value for param, value in iteritems(parameters)}) _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.INFO, verbose, "Replacing existing values for MassModel '%s'", str(model), ) self._simulation_values._replace_on_id(values)
[docs] def _update_mass_model_with_values(self, mass_model, value_dict=None): """Update the MassModel object with the stored model values. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Get the model values init_conds, parameters = self.get_model_simulation_values(mass_model) # Update with provided model values if value_dict is not None: init_conds = {key: value_dict[key] for key in init_conds} parameters = {key: value_dict[key] for key in parameters} else: init_conds = {key: ic for key, ic in iteritems(init_conds)} # Update the model initial conditions mass_model.update_initial_conditions(init_conds, verbose=False) # Update the model parameter values mass_model.update_parameters(parameters, verbose=False) return mass_model
[docs] def _get_all_values_for_sim(self, mass_model): """Get all model values as a single dict. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Get all values init_conds, parameters = self.get_model_simulation_values(mass_model) # Add to single dict sim_values = {} sim_values.update(init_conds) sim_values.update(parameters) return sim_values
[docs] def _add_model_values_to_simulation(self, model, verbose): """Add model values to the simulation. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Get the simulation values if str(model) + "_values" in self._simulation_values: _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.INFO, verbose, "Replacing existing values for MassModel '%s'", str(model), ) self.update_model_simulation_values(model) else: # Otherwise add to simulation values self._simulation_values.add(_get_sim_values_from_model(model)) _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.INFO, verbose, "Successfully loaded MassModel '%s'.", str(model),
) def _assess_model_quality_for_simulation(mass_model, verbose, report): """Assess the model quality to ensure it can be simulated. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Check if model can simulate or has numerical consistency issues simulate_check, consistency_check = is_simulatable(mass_model) if not simulate_check: # Raise error if model can not simulate msg = "" if verbose: msg += ( "MassModel is missing numerical values that are " + "necessary for simulation." ) if report: # Display QCQA report if desired. qcqa_model( mass_model, **{ "parameters": True, "concentrations": True, "fluxes": True, "superfluous": True, "elemental": True, } ) raise MassSimulationError(msg) # Log warning if numerical consistency issues exist in the model if not consistency_check: msg = "MassModel has numerical consistency issues, use with caution." if verbose: msg += ( " To help determine which values are not numerically " + "consistent, use the `qcqa_model` method in mass.util.qcqa." ) LOGGER.warning(msg) def _load_model_into_roadrunner(mass_model, rr=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): """Create a RoadRunner instance for the given model. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Convert SBML model to string doc = _model_to_sbml(mass_model, f_replace={}, **kwargs) sbml_str = writeSBMLToString(doc) # Validate that model can load into RoadRunner error = roadrunner.validateSBML(sbml_str) if error: # Raise error if errors occured in validation of SBML model msg = "Cannot load SBML Model '" + str(mass_model) + "' " if verbose: msg += str( "into RoadRunner due to error:\n" + error + " Make " "sure the model can be exported to a valid SBML model " "using the 'validate_model_to_SBML' method in the SBML " "submodule to ensure there are no SBML compliance " "issues with the model." ) raise MassSimulationError(msg) if rr is None: # Create new roadrunner instance with model rr = roadrunner.RoadRunner(sbml_str) else: try: # Otherwise clear model from current roadrunner and load new model rr.clearModel() rr.load(sbml_str) # Sometimes roadrunner fails to load a model for unknown reasons except Exception: _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.ERROR, verbose, "Something unexpected occurred and the model could not be" " loaded into the current RoadRunner instance. Therefore" " initializing a new RoadRunner instance for the" " Simulation.", ) rr = roadrunner.RoadRunner(sbml_str) _log_msg( LOGGER, logging.INFO, verbose, "Successfully loaded MassModel '%s' into RoadRunner.", str(mass_model), ) return rr def _get_sim_values_from_model(mass_model): """Return the initial conditions and parameter values in a DictWithID. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ init_conds = mass_model.initial_conditions parameters = mass_model._get_all_parameters() values = { "init_conds": DictWithID( + "_init_conds", data_dict={str(met): ic for met, ic in iteritems(init_conds)}, ), "parameters": DictWithID( + "_parameters", data_dict={param: value for param, value in iteritems(parameters)}, ), } return DictWithID( + "_values", data_dict=values) def _format_time_input(time, steps=None, verbose=False): """Format the time input and return it as a tuple for the RoadRunner. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ _log_msg(LOGGER, logging.INFO, verbose, "Getting time points") if len(time) == 2: t0, tf = time numpoints = None elif len(time) == 3: t0, tf, numpoints = time numpoints = int(numpoints) else: raise TypeError( "The 'time' input mut be one of the following: " "'(t0, tf)' or '(t0, tf, numpoints)'" ) if steps is not None: steps = int(steps) time_input = ((t0, tf, numpoints, None, None), {"steps": steps}) return time_input def _round_values(values, decimal_precision=True): """Round a value to the decimal precision in the MassConfiguration. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ if decimal_precision: values = apply_decimal_precision(values, MASSCONFIGURATION.decimal_precision) return values def _strip_conc(metabolite_str): """Strip the concentration brackets from a metabolite identifier. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ return metabolite_str.lstrip("[").rstrip("]") def _make_conc(metabolite_str): """Add the concentration brackets from a metabolite identifier. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ return "[" + metabolite_str + "]" def _make_init_cond(metabolite_str): """Format metabolite identifier to match initial condition accesors. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ return "init(" + metabolite_str + ")" def _make_ss_flux(reaction_str): """Format reaction identifier to match steady state flux parameter. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ return "v_" + reaction_str __all__ = ( "Simulation", "LOGGER", "RR_LOGGER", )