Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
SBML import and export using the :mod:`python-libsbml` package.

* The SBML importer supports all versions of `SBML <>`_
  that are compatible with the :mod:`roadrunner` package.
* The :mod:`sbml` module supports the latest version of
  `python-libsbml <>`_
  that is compatible with the :mod:`roadrunner` package.
* The SBML importer supports the 'fbc' and 'groups' package extension.
* The SBML exporter writes SBML Level 3 models.
* Annotation information is stored on the :mod:`mass` objects.
* Information from the 'groups' package is read.
* All equations are written via `MathML <>`_.

Parsing of models using the
`fbc extension <>`_
was implemented as efficiently as possible, whereas (discouraged) fallback
solutions are not optimized for efficiency. Futhermore, because the SBML
kinetic law is used for the reaction kinetic laws, fbc information will NOT
be written into or read from the SBML kinetic laws. Whether the fbc package
extension is disabled or enabled will not change this behavior with kinetic

Notes are only supported in a minimal way relevant for kinetic models, i.e.
structured information from notes in the form::

   "<p>key: value</p>"

Notes are read into the :attr:`.notes` attribute of :mod:`mass` objects when
reading SBML files. On writing, the :attr:`.notes` attribute of :mod:`mass`
objects dictionary is serialized to the SBML notes information.

Attribute information for :class:`~.EnzymeModuleForm`\ s and
:class:`~.EnzymeModuleReaction`\ s are written into the SBML object notes
field. Upon import of the SBML, the information is read into the
enzyme specific attribute as long as the ``"key"`` in the notes matches the
attribute name precisely.

The information specific to attributes of the :class:`~.EnzymeModule` and
:class:`~.EnzymeModuleDict` information is stored using the
`groups extension <>`_
by creating an SBML 'group' representing the enzyme module containing
additional SBML group objects for enzyme module ligands, forms, and reactions
for the categories of the enzyme module categorized dictionary attributes.
The remaining information is written to the the notes field of the main SBML
group for the enzyme module. Disabling use of the 'groups' package extension
will result in the loss of the enzyme specific information, but it will not
prevent :class:`~.EnzymeModuleForm`\ s and :class:`~.EnzymeModuleReaction`\ s
from being written to the SBML model as species and reactions, respectively.

Annotations are read and written via :attr:`annotation` attribute for
:mod:`mass` objects.

Some SBML related issues are still open, please refer to the respective issue:

* update annotation format and support qualifiers (depends on decision
  for new annotation format;
* write compartment annotations and notes (depends on updated first-class
  compartments; see
* support compression on file handles (depends on solution for


import datetime
import logging
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from io import StringIO

import libsbml
from cobra.core.dictlist import DictList
from cobra.core.gene import Gene
from import Group
from import (
from import _get_doc_from_filename as _cobra_get_doc_from_filename
from import _parse_annotations
from import _sbase_annotations as _cobra_sbase_annotations
from import _sbase_notes_dict
from cobra.util.solver import linear_reaction_coefficients, set_objective
from six import integer_types, iteritems, itervalues, raise_from, string_types
from sympy import Symbol, SympifyError, mathml, sympify

from mass.core.mass_configuration import MassConfiguration
from mass.core.mass_metabolite import MassMetabolite
from mass.core.mass_model import MassModel
from mass.core.mass_reaction import MassReaction
from mass.core.units import SBML_BASE_UNIT_KINDS_DICT, Unit, UnitDefinition
from mass.enzyme_modules.enzyme_module import EnzymeModule
from mass.enzyme_modules.enzyme_module_dict import (
from mass.enzyme_modules.enzyme_module_form import (
from mass.enzyme_modules.enzyme_module_reaction import EnzymeModuleReaction
from mass.exceptions import MassSBMLError
from mass.util.expressions import strip_time
from mass.util.util import _check_kwargs, _make_logger

[docs]LOGGER = _make_logger(__name__)
"""logging.Logger: Logger for the :mod:`` submodule.""" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Defaults and constants for writing SBML # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASSCONFIGURATION = MassConfiguration() # For SBML level and core version, and package extension versions
[docs]SBML_LEVEL_VERSION = (3, 1)
"""tuple: Current level and version supported for SBML export."""
[docs]FBC_VERSION = 2
"""int: Current version of the SBML 'fbc' package extension."""
"""int: Current version of the SBML 'groups' package extension.""" # Precompiled regex
[docs]CHAR_RE = re.compile(r"(?P<char>_Char\d*_)")
""":class:`re.Pattern`: Regex for ASCII character removal."""
[docs]MASS_MOIETY_RE = re.compile(r"\[\S+\]")
""":class:`re.Pattern`: Regex for :mod:`mass` moiety replacements."""
[docs]SBML_MOIETY_RE = re.compile(r"Moiety")
""":class:`re.Pattern`: Regex for SBML moiety replacements."""
[docs]RATE_CONSTANT_RE = re.compile(r"k_(\S*)_(fwd|rev)\Z")
""":class:`re.Pattern`: Regex for recognizing and rate constants.""" _NOTES_RE = re.compile(r"\s*(\w+\s*\w*)\s*:\s*(.+)", re.DOTALL) """:class:`re.Pattern`: Regex for basic parsing of notes on SBML objects.""" # For parsing rate laws _KLAW_POW_RE = re.compile(r"pow\((?P<arg>...*?(?=,)), (?P<exp>[\d|\-\d]*)\)") """:class:`re.Pattern`: Regex for power rules in SBML kinetic laws.""" # For SBO terms
"""str: SBO term for the modeling framework""" # COBRA Flux units
[docs]COBRA_FLUX_UNIT = UnitDefinition( id="mmol_per_gDW_per_hr", name="cobra flux unit", list_of_units=[ Unit(kind="mole", exponent=1, scale=-3, multiplier=1), Unit(kind="gram", exponent=-1, scale=0, multiplier=1), Unit(kind="second", exponent=-1, scale=0, multiplier=3600),
], ) """:class:`~.UnitDefintion`: Unit definition for :mod:`cobra` flux units.""" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions for replacements (import/export) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SBML_DOT = "__SBML_DOT__" """str: For replacement of the period character '.' in SBML."""
[docs]NUMBER_ID_PREFIX = "_" # To prefix identifiers with starting with numbers
"""str: String to use as a prefix for identifiers starting with a number.""" def _prefix_number_id(sid, obj_type=None): """Add a prefix to the beginning of the string if it starts with a number. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ needs_prefix = re.match(r"^\d", sid) if needs_prefix: if obj_type is not None: LOGGER.warning( "ID cannot begin with Unicode decimal digit, adding prefix " "'%s' to %s ID '%s'.", NUMBER_ID_PREFIX, obj_type, sid, ) sid = NUMBER_ID_PREFIX + sid return sid def _clip(sid, prefix): """Clips a prefix from the beginning of a string if it exists. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ return sid[len(prefix) :] if sid.startswith(prefix) else sid def _f_gene(sid, prefix="G_"): """Clip gene prefix from id. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ sid = sid.replace(SBML_DOT, ".") return _clip(sid, prefix) def _f_gene_rev(sid, prefix="G_"): """Add gene prefix to id. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ return prefix + sid.replace(".", SBML_DOT) def _f_specie(sid, prefix="M_"): """Clip specie/metabolite prefix from id. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ return _clip(sid, prefix) def _f_specie_rev(sid, prefix="M_"): """Add specie/metabolite prefix to id. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ return prefix + sid def _f_reaction(sid, prefix="R_"): """Clip reaction prefix from id. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ return _clip(sid, prefix) def _f_reaction_rev(sid, prefix="R_"): """Add reaction prefix to id. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ return prefix + sid
[docs]F_GENE = "F_GENE"
"""str: Key in :const:`F_REPLACE` for the gene prefix clipping function."""
"""str: Key in :const:`F_REPLACE` for the gene prefix adding function."""
"""str: Key in :const:`F_REPLACE` for the specie prefix clipping function."""
"""str: Key in :const:`F_REPLACE` for the specie prefix adding function."""
"""str: Key in :const:`F_REPLACE` for the reaction prefix clipping function."""
"""str: Key in :const:`F_REPLACE` for the reaction prefix adding function."""
[docs]F_REPLACE = { F_GENE: _f_gene, F_GENE_REV: _f_gene_rev, F_SPECIE: _f_specie, F_SPECIE_REV: _f_specie_rev, F_REACTION: _f_reaction, F_REACTION_REV: _f_reaction_rev,
} """dict: Contains functions for ID clipping/adding of prefixes."""
[docs]ASCII_REPLACE = { "_Char45_": "__", "_Char91_": "_", "_Char93_": "_",
} """dict: Contains ASCII characters and the value for their replacement.""" def _f_moiety_formula(formula_str): """Fix moieties in formula from SBML compatible to be masspy compatible. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ mass_formula = None if formula_str is not None: # Split formula into moiety and regular formula formula_elements = SBML_MOIETY_RE.split(formula_str) mass_formula = formula_elements[0] if len(formula_elements) > 1: # Bracket moieties and add to beginning of formula formula_elements = [mass_formula] + [ "[{0}]".format(e.upper()) for e in formula_elements[1:] ] formula_elements.reverse() mass_formula = "-".join(formula_elements).rstrip("-") return mass_formula def _f_moiety_formula_rev(metabolite): """Fix moieties in formula to be SBML compatible from masspy compatible. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ sbml_formula = metabolite.formula moieties = list(filter(MASS_MOIETY_RE.match, metabolite.elements)) if moieties: for moiety in moieties: replacement = SBML_MOIETY_RE.pattern replacement += moiety.lstrip("[").rstrip("]").lower() if not re.match("^[A-Z]+[a-z]+$", replacement): "SBML user defined compounds must be in the form of a " "single capital letter followed by zero or more lowercase " "letters. Therefore removing all non-lowercase letters " "from the Moiety." ) replacement = re.sub("[0-9]", "", replacement) # Add to end of formula prevents issues if moiety ends with number sbml_formula = sbml_formula.replace(moiety, "") sbml_formula += replacement # Replace any dashes sbml_formula = sbml_formula.replace("-", "") # Replace any underscores sbml_formula = sbml_formula.replace("_", "") return sbml_formula def _remove_char_from_id(sid): """Remove ASCII characters from an identifier.""" for match in CHAR_RE.finditer(sid): char_key ="char") if ASCII_REPLACE.get(char_key): replacement_str = ASCII_REPLACE[char_key] else: replacement_str = "_" sid = re.sub(char_key, replacement_str, sid) return sid def _get_corrected_id(item, f_items, obj_type, remove_char): """Return the id after performing any necessary corrections.""" # Get id as string if isinstance(item, string_types): id_str = item else: id_str = _check_required(item, item.getIdAttribute(), "id") # Perform replacements if len(f_items) == 3: id_str = re.sub(*f_items) else: f_replace, f_key = f_items if f_replace and f_key in f_replace: id_str = f_replace[f_key](id_str) id_str = _prefix_number_id(id_str, obj_type) if remove_char: id_str = _remove_char_from_id(id_str) return id_str # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MathML # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _create_math_xml_str_from_sympy_expr(sympy_equation): """Create a MathML string from a sympy expression to be parsed by libsbml. Notes ----- Sympy expressions can be converted into their equivalent MathML string through the `sympy.printing.mathml` module. However, the mathml module will interpret '_' as a subscript and '__' as a superscript. In order to prevent the module from misinterpreting underscores in identifiers, the underscores are converted into str 'UNDERSCORE'. Additionally, all MathML presentation markup must be removed for similar reasons. After the XML string is made, the identifiers are returned to their original state. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Replace underscores before conversion underscore_replace = { str(arg): str(arg).replace("_", "UNDERSCORE") for arg in sympy_equation.atoms(Symbol) } sympy_equation = sympy_equation.subs(underscore_replace) # Convert equation into MathML and remove tags that libsbml cannot parse mathml_xml = mathml(sympy_equation) mathml_xml = str( '<math xmlns="">{0}</math>'.format( mathml_xml.replace("UNDERSCORE", "_") ) ) mathml_xml = re.sub(r"\<mml:.*?\>|\<\/mml:.*?\>", "", mathml_xml) # Fix the time symbol if"\>\<ci\>t\<\/ci\>\<", mathml_xml): time_symbol = ( '><csymbol encoding="text" definitionURL=' + '"">' + "t</csymbol><" ) mathml_xml = re.sub(r"\>\<ci\>t\<\/ci\>\<", time_symbol, mathml_xml) return mathml_xml # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read SBML # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def read_sbml_model(filename, f_replace=None, **kwargs): """Read SBML model from the given filename into a :mod:`mass` model. If the given filename ends with the suffix ``'.gz'`` (for example, ``'myfile.xml.gz'``), the file is assumed to be compressed in gzip format and will be automatically decompressed upon reading. Similarly, if the given filename ends with ``'.zip'`` or ``'.bz2'``, the file is assumed to be compressed in zip or bzip2 format (respectively). Files whose names lack these suffixes will be read uncompressed. Note that if the file is in zip format but the archive contains more than one file, only the first file in the archive will be read and the rest are ignored. To read a gzip/zip file, :mod:`libSBML` needs to be configured and linked with the :mod:`zlib` library at compile time. It also needs to be linked with the :mod:`bz2` library to read files in bzip2 format. (Both of these are the default configurations for :mod:`libSBML`.) This function supports SBML with FBC-v1 and FBC-v2. FBC-v1 models are converted to FBC-v2 models before reading. The parser tries to fall back to information in notes dictionaries if information is not available in the FBC packages, e.g., CHARGE, FORMULA on species, or GENE_ASSOCIATION, SUBSYSTEM on reactions. Notes ----- * Provided file handles cannot be opened in binary mode, i.e., use:: with open(path, "r" as f): read_sbml_model(f) * File handles to compressed files are not supported yet. Parameters ---------- filename : path to SBML file, SBML string, or SBML file handle SBML which is read into a :mod:`mass` model. f_replace : dict Dictionary of replacement functions for gene, specie, and reaction. By default the following id changes are performed on import: clip ``'G_'`` from genes, clip ``'M_'`` from species, clip ``'R_'`` from reactions. If no replacements should be performed, set ``f_replace={}``. **kwargs number : In which data type should the stoichiometry be parsed. Can be ``float`` or ``int``. Default is ``float``. set_missing_bounds : ``bool`` indicating whether to set missing bounds to the default bounds from the :class:`~.MassConfiguration`. Default is ``True``. remove_char : ``bool`` indicating whether to remove ASCII characters from IDs. Default is ``True``. stop_on_conversion_fail : bool ``bool`` indicating whether to stop trying to load the model if a conversion process fails. If ``False``, then the loading of the model will be attempted anyways, despite a potential loss of information. Default is ``True``. Returns ------- MassModel or EnzymeModule The generated :mod:`mass` model. Raises ------ MassSBMLError Errors due to `:mass` model specific requirements. """ # Try getting the SBMLDocument from the file 'filename' and if successful, # try creating a model from the SBMLDocument. try: doc = _get_doc_from_filename(filename) return _sbml_to_model(doc, f_replace=f_replace, **kwargs) except IOError as e: # Raise Import/export error if error not SBML parsing related. raise e except Exception as original_error: # Log traceback and raise a MassSBMLError for parsing related errors. mass_error = MassSBMLError( "Something went wrong reading the SBML model. Most likely the SBML" " model is not valid. Please check that your model is valid using " "the `` function or via the " "online validator at .\n" "\t`(model, errors) = validate_sbml_model(filename)`" "\nIf the model is valid and cannot be read please open an issue " "at ." ) raise_from(mass_error, original_error)
def _get_doc_from_filename(filename): """Get SBMLDocument from given filename. Parameters ---------- filename : path to SBML, or SBML string, or filehandle Returns ------- libsbml.SBMLDocument """ try: doc = _cobra_get_doc_from_filename(filename) # Reclassify cobra error as a mass error except CobraSBMLError as e: raise MassSBMLError(e) return doc def _sbml_to_model(doc, f_replace=None, **kwargs): """Create model from SBMLDocument. Parameters ---------- doc : libsbml.SBMLDocument SBMLDocument which is read into a :mod:`mass` model. f_replace : dict Dictionary of replacement functions for gene, specie, and reaction. By default the following id changes are performed on import: clip ``'G_'`` from genes, clip ``'M_'`` from species, clip ``'R_'`` from reactions. If no replacements should be performed, set ``f_replace={}``. **kwargs number : In which data type should the stoichiometry be parsed. Can be ``float`` or ``int``. Default is ``float``. set_missing_bounds : ``bool`` indicating whether to set missing bounds to the default bounds from the :class:`~.MassConfiguration`. Default is ``True``. remove_char : ``bool`` indicating whether to remove ASCII characters from IDs. Default is ``True``. stop_on_conversion_fail : bool ``bool`` indicating whether to stop trying to load the model if a conversion process fails. If ``False``, then the loading of the model will be attempted anyways, despite a potential loss of information. Default is ``True``. Returns ------- MassModel or EnzymeModule The generated :mod:`mass` model. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Check kwargs kwargs = _check_kwargs( { "number": float, "set_missing_bounds": True, "remove_char": True, "stop_on_conversion_fail": True, }, kwargs, ) if f_replace is None: f_replace = F_REPLACE doc, models = _get_sbml_models_from_doc(doc, **kwargs) model, model_fbc, model_groups = models # Get model ID model_id = _check_required(model, model.getIdAttribute(), "id") # Create MassModel mass_model = MassModel(model_id) = model.getName() # Read the MassModel meta information from the SBMLDocument mass_model._sbml = _read_model_meta_info_from_sbml(doc, model) # Read the MassModel notes and annotations from the SBMLDocument mass_model.notes = _parse_notes_dict(model) mass_model.annotation = _parse_annotations(model) # Read the MassModel unit information from the SBMLDocument mass_model.add_units(_read_model_units_from_sbml(model)) # Read the MassModel compartment information from the SBMLDocument # FIXME Revisit based on new cobra compartment implementation mass_model.compartments = _read_model_compartments_from_sbml(model) # Read the MassModel species information from the SBMLDocument # Includes MassMetabolites and EnzymeModuleForm, boundary conditions are # stored in order to be added after boundary reactions. metabolites = _read_model_species_from_sbml(model, f_replace, **kwargs) mass_model.add_metabolites(metabolites) # Read the MassModel gene information from the SBMLDocument. genes = _read_model_genes_from_sbml(model, model_fbc, f_replace, **kwargs) mass_model.genes += genes # Read the MassModel reaction information from the SBMLDocument # Includes MassReactions, EnzymeModuleReactions, kinetic laws, # and GPR information. reactions, local_params, custom_rates = _read_model_reactions_from_sbml( model, mass_model.metabolites, f_replace, **kwargs ) mass_model.add_reactions(reactions) if model_fbc: coefficients, direction = _read_model_objectives_from_sbml( model_fbc, mass_model, f_replace, **kwargs ) set_objective(mass_model, coefficients) mass_model.solver.objective.direction = direction # Add the parameters and boundary conditions to the model # Read the MassModel parameter information from the SBMLDocument parameters = _read_global_parameters_from_sbml( model, DictList(reactions), f_replace, **kwargs ) parameters.update(local_params) mass_model.update_parameters(parameters, verbose=False) # Add custom rates mass_model.update_custom_rates( { mass_model.reactions.get_by_id( rate for rxn, rate in iteritems(custom_rates) } ) # Add groups to the model. if model_groups: # Seperate enzyme groups from other groups mass_groups, enzyme_groups = _read_model_groups_from_sbml( model, model_groups, mass_model, f_replace, **kwargs ) # Add groups to model if mass_groups: mass_model.add_groups(mass_groups) # Read the enzyme groups into EnzymeModuleDicts enzyme_module_dicts_list = _read_enzyme_modules_from_sbml( enzyme_groups, f_replace, **kwargs ) # Add enzyme modules to model for enzyme_module_dict in enzyme_module_dicts_list: enzyme_module_dict._update_object_pointers(mass_model) if enzyme_module_dict["model"] != "EnzymeModule": # The dict is an EnzymeModuleDict to add to the model. mass_model.enzyme_modules.append(enzyme_module_dict) enzyme_module_dict["model"] = mass_model enzyme_module_dict._make_enzyme_stoichiometric_matrix(True) else: mass_model = EnzymeModule(mass_model) for attr, value in iteritems(enzyme_module_dict): if attr in [ "id", "name", "S", "model", "enzyme_concentration_total_equation", ]: continue attr = "_" + attr if "_categorized" in attr else attr setattr(mass_model, attr, value) return mass_model def _get_sbml_models_from_doc(doc, **kwargs): """Return the SBML model objects, performing version conversions if needed. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ stop_on_conversion_fail = kwargs.get("stop_on_conversion_fail") model = doc.getModel() if model is None: raise MassSBMLError("No SBML model detected in file.") def check_conversion_success(result, msg, stop_on_conversion_fail): """Check whether a conversion was successful, and handle fails.""" if result != libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS: msg = "Conversion " + msg + " failed." if stop_on_conversion_fail: raise Exception(msg) LOGGER.warning( "%s Loading of model will continue, but may yield " "unexpected results and some information loss.", msg, ) def convert_package_extensions(plugin, new_version): """Convert the plugin package extension to a different version.""" model_plugin = model.getPlugin(plugin) if model_plugin: cur_version = model_plugin.getPackageVersion() if cur_version != new_version: cur_version = "{0}-v{1}".format(plugin, cur_version) new_version = "{0}-v{1}".format(plugin, new_version) LOGGER.warning( "Loading SBML with %s (models should be encoded using " "%s).", cur_version, new_version, ) conversion_properties = libsbml.ConversionProperties() conversion_properties.addOption( "convert {0} to {1}".format( cur_version.replace("-", " "), new_version.replace("-", " ") ), True, "Convert {0} to {1}".format( cur_version.upper(), new_version.upper() ), ) # Convert and check if successful result = doc.convert(conversion_properties) check_conversion_success( result, "of {0} to {1} ".format(cur_version, new_version), stop_on_conversion_fail, ) else: LOGGER.warning("Model does not contain SBML %s package", plugin) return model_plugin # Determine whether conversion to different SBML Levels & versions needed. current_level_version = (doc.getLevel(), doc.getVersion()) if current_level_version != SBML_LEVEL_VERSION: # Create conversion message for logger. msg = "from Level {0} Version {1} to Level {2} Version {3}".format( *current_level_version, *SBML_LEVEL_VERSION ) LOGGER.warning( "SBML model is written as Level %s Version %s, will attempt to " "convert the SBML model %s before parsing", *current_level_version, msg ) # Attempt conversion result = doc.setLevelAndVersion(*SBML_LEVEL_VERSION) check_conversion_success(result, msg, stop_on_conversion_fail) model_fbc = convert_package_extensions("fbc", FBC_VERSION) model_groups = convert_package_extensions("groups", GROUPS_VERSION) return doc, (model, model_fbc, model_groups) def _read_model_meta_info_from_sbml(doc, model): """Read SBML meta information to create a dict of meta information. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Make meta information as a dict meta = { "": model.getIdAttribute(), "level": model.getLevel(), "version": model.getVersion(), } # Read Model history, creation date, and creators created = "" creators = [] modified = [] if model.isSetModelHistory(): history = model.getModelHistory() # Get creation date from SBML, if one is set in the SBML. if history.isSetCreatedDate(): date = history.getCreatedDate() created = date.getDateAsString() if history.isSetModifiedDate(): for k in range(history.getNumModifiedDates()): date = history.getModifiedDate(k) modified += [date.getDateAsString()] # Make a dict of creator attributes and values for creator in history.getListCreators(): creator_dict = {} # Make a dict for the creator attributes initialized to None for k in ["familyName", "givenName", "organization", "email"]: attr = k[0].capitalize() + k[1:] if getattr(creator, "isSet" + attr)(): creator_dict[k] = getattr(creator, "get" + attr)() else: creator_dict[k] = None creators.append(creator_dict) # Add meta information to the dict meta["creators"] = creators meta["created"] = created meta["modified"] = modified meta["notes"] = _parse_notes_dict(doc) meta["annotation"] = _parse_annotations(doc) # Get version and package info meta["info"] = "<{0}> SBML L{1}V{2}".format( meta[""], meta["level"], meta["version"] ) packages = {} math_package = "l{0}v{1}extendedmath".format(*SBML_LEVEL_VERSION) for k in range(doc.getNumPlugins()): plugin = doc.getPlugin(k) k, v = (plugin.getPackageName(), plugin.getPackageVersion()) packages[k] = v meta["info"] += ", {0}-v{1}".format(k, v) if k not in [math_package, "fbc", "groups"]: LOGGER.warning( "SBML package '%s' not supported by masspy. Therefore the " "package information is not parsed.", k, ) meta["packages"] = packages return meta def _read_model_units_from_sbml(model): """Read the SBML units, returning them as a list. UnitDefinitions are created and returned in a list. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ list_of_mass_unit_defs = [] for sbml_unit_def in model.getListOfUnitDefinitions(): # Get the ID and name attributes try: unit_def_id = sbml_unit_def.getIdAttribute() unit_def_id = _check_required(sbml_unit_def, unit_def_id, "id") unit_def_name = "" if sbml_unit_def.isSetName(): unit_def_name = sbml_unit_def.getName() # Get list of units that make the UnitDefinition list_of_sbml_units = sbml_unit_def.getListOfUnits() # Make a list for holding mass UnitDefinitions list_of_mass_units = [] for sbml_unit in list_of_sbml_units: unit_args = { "kind": None, "exponent": None, "scale": None, "multiplier": None, } for key in unit_args: value = getattr(sbml_unit, "get" + key.capitalize())() if key == "kind" and value == 36: raise MassSBMLError( "Cannot set Unit 'kind' attribute as 'invalid'" ) value = _check_required(sbml_unit, value, key) unit_args[key] = value if None in list(itervalues(unit_args)): raise MassSBMLError( "Missing Unit requirements: " + ", ".join( ( key for key, value in iteritems(unit_args) if value is None ) ) ) list_of_mass_units += [Unit(**unit_args)] # Create the mass UnitDefinition and add it to a list mass_unit_def = UnitDefinition( unit_def_id, name=unit_def_name, list_of_units=list_of_mass_units ) list_of_mass_unit_defs.append(mass_unit_def) except MassSBMLError as e: # Failed Units and UnitDefinitions should not prevent model # from loading, log as warnings instead LOGGER.warning("Skipping UnitDefinition '%s'. %s", unit_def_id, str(e)) continue return list_of_mass_unit_defs def _read_model_compartments_from_sbml(model): """Read the SBML compartments, returning them as a dict. Compartments are created and returned in a dict. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # FIXME Revisit based on new cobra compartment implementation compartments = {} for compartment in model.getListOfCompartments(): cid = _check_required(compartment, compartment.getIdAttribute(), "id") # Skip the default compartment if cid in MASSCONFIGURATION.default_compartment: continue # Add compartment to the compartments to be returned compartments[cid] = compartment.getName() return compartments def _read_global_parameters_from_sbml(model, reactions, f_replace, **kwargs): """Read the SBML model parameters and return them in dicts. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ bound_pid_list = [ LOWER_BOUND_ID, UPPER_BOUND_ID, ZERO_BOUND_ID, BOUND_MINUS_INF, BOUND_PLUS_INF, "_lower_bound", "_upper_bound", ] parameters_dict = {} for parameter in model.getListOfParameters(): # Get parameter ID and value pid = _check_required(parameter, parameter.getIdAttribute(), "id") # Check if parameter is a flux bound if any([x in pid for x in bound_pid_list]): continue try: p_type, rid = pid.split("_", 1) if, rid): p_type = re.sub(rid, "", p_type) rid = _get_corrected_id( rid, (f_replace, F_REACTION), None, kwargs.get("remove_char") ) rid = getattr(reactions.get_by_id(rid), "id") except (ValueError, KeyError): pass else: pid = p_type + "_" + rid finally: value = parameter.getValue() parameters_dict[pid] = value return parameters_dict def _read_model_species_from_sbml(model, f_replace, **kwargs): """Read SBML species and boundary conditions and return them. MassMetabolites and EnzymeModuleForm are created and returned in a list. Boundary conditions are returned as a dict. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ metabolite_list = [] if model.getNumSpecies() == 0: LOGGER.warning("No metabolites in model.") for specie in model.getListOfSpecies(): # Check the identifier and make corrections if necessary sid = _get_corrected_id( specie, (f_replace, F_SPECIE), "Metabolite", kwargs.get("remove_char") ) cid = specie.getCompartment() # Set MassMetabolite id, name, and fixed attributes met = MassMetabolite(sid) = specie.getName() met.fixed = specie.getConstant() # Set the MassMetabolite compartment if it is not the default if cid != next(iter(MASSCONFIGURATION.default_compartment)): met.compartment = cid met.initial_condition = _read_specie_initial_value(model, specie, sid) # Using notes information, determine whether the metabolite should # be added to the model as an EnzymeModuleForm. notes = _parse_notes_dict(specie) if "enzyme_module_id" in notes: met = EnzymeModuleForm(met) _read_enzyme_attr_info_from_notes(met, notes, f_replace) # Add the notes and annotations to the metabolite met.notes = notes met.annotation = _parse_annotations(specie) # Add the formula and charge to the metabolite met.formula, met.charge = _read_specie_formula_charge_from_sbml(specie, met) # Append metabolite to list of metabolites metabolite_list.append(met) return metabolite_list def _read_specie_initial_value(model, specie, sid): """Read the specie as a boundary condition and return a dict. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ initial_condition = None # Try to set initial concentration or amount depending on rate law. if MASSCONFIGURATION.exclude_compartment_volumes_in_rates: attributes = ("InitialConcentration", "InitialAmount") msg = "exclude compartments" else: attributes = ("InitialAmount", "InitialConcentration") msg = "include compartments" for i, attr in enumerate(attributes): if getattr(specie, "isSet" + attr)(): initial_condition = getattr(specie, "get" + attr)() if i == len(attributes) - 1: LOGGER.warning( "Rate expressions are set to %s, but the initial " "condition is an %s%s in the SBML model specie. ", msg, attr, _for_id(sid), ) break if initial_condition is None: assignment_rule = model.getAssignmentRule(specie.getIdAttribute()) if assignment_rule is not None: initial_condition = assignment_rule.getFormula() # Perform substitution for power law operations to sympify rate for match in _KLAW_POW_RE.finditer(initial_condition): old = new = "(({0})**{1})".format("arg"),"exp")) initial_condition = initial_condition.replace(old, new) # Try to sympify the reaction rate try: initial_condition = sympify(initial_condition) except SympifyError as e: raise MassSBMLError(e) return initial_condition def _read_specie_formula_charge_from_sbml(specie, metabolite): """Read the specie formula and charge values and return them. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ formula, charge = (None, None) # Get the fbc specie and set the charge and formula specie_fbc = specie.getPlugin("fbc") if specie_fbc: if specie_fbc.isSetChemicalFormula(): formula = _f_moiety_formula(specie_fbc.getChemicalFormula()) if specie_fbc.isSetCharge(): charge = specie_fbc.getCharge() else: # Handle legacy species if specie.isSetCharge(): LOGGER.warning( "Use of the species charge attribute is discouraged, use " "fbc:charge instead: %s", specie, ) charge = specie.getCharge() # Fallback to notes information for legacy charge elif "CHARGE" in metabolite.notes: LOGGER.warning( "Use of CHARGE in the notes element is discouraged, use " "fbc:charge instead: %s", specie, ) try: charge = int(metabolite.notes["CHARGE"]) except ValueError: pass else: del metabolite.notes["CHARGE"] # Fallback to notes information for legacy formula if "FORMULA" in metabolite.notes: LOGGER.warning( "Use of FORMULA in the notes element is discouraged, use " "fbc:chemicalFormula instead: %s", specie, ) formula = metabolite.notes["FORMULA"] del metabolite.notes["FORMULA"] return formula, charge def _read_model_genes_from_sbml(model, model_fbc, f_replace, **kwargs): """Read the SBML genes, returning them as a list. cobra Genes are created and returned in a list. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ gene_list = [] # Read GPR via FBC package if model_fbc: for gp in model_fbc.getListOfGeneProducts(): # Check the identifier and make corrections if necessary gid = _get_corrected_id( gp, (f_replace, F_GENE), None, kwargs.get("remove_char") ) # Set the gene ID and name gene = Gene(gid) = gp.getName() if gp.isSetName() else gid # Parse notes and annotations gene.notes = _parse_notes_dict(gp) gene.annotation = _parse_annotations(gp) # Add gene to list of genes gene_list.append(gene) else: # Parse legacy GPRs for reaction in model.getListOfReactions(): notes = _parse_notes_dict(reaction) if "GENE ASSOCIATION" in notes: gpr = notes["GENE ASSOCIATION"] elif "GENE_ASSOCIATION" in notes: gpr = notes["GENE_ASSOCIATION"] else: gpr = "" if gpr: gpr = gpr.replace("(", ";") gpr = gpr.replace(")", ";") gpr = gpr.replace("or", ";") gpr = gpr.replace("and", ";") gids = [t.strip() for t in gpr.split(";")] # Create missing genes for gid in gids: gid = _get_corrected_id( gid, (f_replace, F_GENE), None, kwargs.get("remove_char") ) if gid not in gene_list: gene = Gene(gid) = gid gene_list.append(gene) return gene_list def _read_model_reactions_from_sbml(model, metabolites, f_replace, **kwargs): """Read the SBML reactions, returning them as a list. MassReactions and EnzymeModuleReactions are created and returned in a list. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ reaction_list = [] local_parameters_dict = {} custom_rates_dict = {} if model.getNumReactions() == 0: LOGGER.warning("No reactions in model.") for reaction in model.getListOfReactions(): # Check the identifier rid = _get_corrected_id( reaction, (f_replace, F_REACTION), "Reaction", kwargs.get("remove_char") ) # Set the reaction ID, name, and reversible mass_reaction = MassReaction(rid) = reaction.getName() mass_reaction.reversible = reaction.getReversible() # Read reaction species and determine stoichiometry metabolite_stoichiometry = _read_reaction_species_from_sbml( reaction, f_replace, **kwargs ) metabolite_stoichiometry = { metabolites.get_by_id(mid): stoichiometry for mid, stoichiometry in iteritems(metabolite_stoichiometry) if mid in metabolites } mass_reaction.add_metabolites(metabolite_stoichiometry) # Read the reaction kinetic law rate_eq, local_parameters = _read_reaction_kinetic_law_from_sbml( reaction, mass_reaction, f_replace, **kwargs ) local_parameters_dict.update(local_parameters) # Check whether rate law should be a custom rate law mass_action_rates = [ strip_time(mass_reaction.get_mass_action_rate(x)) for x in range(1, 4) ] if rate_eq in mass_action_rates: # Rate law is a mass action rate law identical to the one # automatically generated when reaction rate type is 1, 2, or 3 mass_reaction._rate_type = int(mass_action_rates.index(rate_eq) + 1) else: custom_rates_dict[mass_reaction] = str(rate_eq) # Parse the notes dict for fall back solutions mass_notes = _parse_notes_dict(reaction) mass_reaction.gpr = _read_reaction_gpr_from_sbml( reaction, mass_notes, f_replace ) # Add flux bounds to reaction, including missing bounds if desired. mass_reaction.bounds = _read_reaction_flux_bounds_from_sbml( model, reaction, kwargs.get("set_missing_bounds") ) # Add subsystem and EnzymeModuleReaction attributes from note dict if "SUBSYSTEM" in mass_notes: mass_reaction.subsystem = mass_notes["SUBSYSTEM"] del mass_notes["SUBSYSTEM"] if "enzyme_module_id" in mass_notes: mass_reaction = EnzymeModuleReaction(mass_reaction) _read_enzyme_attr_info_from_notes( mass_reaction, mass_notes, f_replace=f_replace ) # Add the notes and annotations to the reaction mass_reaction.notes = mass_notes mass_reaction.annotation = _parse_annotations(reaction) # Add reaction to list of reaction reaction_list.append(mass_reaction) return reaction_list, local_parameters_dict, custom_rates_dict def _read_model_objectives_from_sbml(model_fbc, mass_model, f_replace, **kwargs): """Read the model objective functions from SBML and return it. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ number = kwargs.get("number") objective_direction = "max" objective_coefficients = {} objective_list = model_fbc.getListOfObjectives() # Return defaults if no objectives found or set. if not objective_list or not objective_list.getActiveObjective(): return objective_coefficients, objective_direction # Get active objectives objective_id = objective_list.getActiveObjective() objective = model_fbc.getObjective(objective_id) # Set objective direction objective_direction = LONG_SHORT_DIRECTION[objective.getType()] for flux_objective in objective.getListOfFluxObjectives(): rid = flux_objective.getReaction() rid = _get_corrected_id( rid, (f_replace, F_REACTION), None, kwargs.get("remove_char") ) try: objective_reaction = mass_model.reactions.get_by_id(rid) except KeyError as e: raise MassSBMLError("Objective reaction '{0}' not found".format(str(e))) try: objective_coefficients[objective_reaction] = number( flux_objective.getCoefficient() ) except ValueError as e: LOGGER.warning(str(e)) if not objective_coefficients:"No objective coefficients found in the model.") return objective_coefficients, objective_direction def _read_reaction_species_from_sbml(reaction, f_replace, **kwargs): """Read the SBML reaction species stoichiometry, returning it as a dict. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Get number type as float or int number = kwargs.get("number") metabolite_stoichiometry = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for specie_type, sign in zip(["Reactants", "Products"], [-1, 1]): # Iterate through list species_ref_list = getattr(reaction, "getListOf" + specie_type)() for sref in species_ref_list: # Check specie ID sid = _check_required(sref, sref.getSpecies(), "species") sid = _get_corrected_id( sid, (f_replace, F_SPECIE), None, kwargs.get("remove_char") ) # Add specie IDs and stoichiometry to dict metabolite_stoichiometry[sid] += sign * number( _check_required(sref, sref.getStoichiometry(), "stoichiometry") ) return metabolite_stoichiometry def _read_reaction_kinetic_law_from_sbml(reaction, mass_reaction, f_replace, **kwargs): """Read the SBML reaction kinetic law and return it. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ mass_rid = sbml_species = ( list(reaction.getListOfReactants()) + list(reaction.getListOfProducts()) + list(reaction.getListOfModifiers()) ) sbml_species = [sref.getSpecies() for sref in sbml_species] local_parameters = {} if reaction.isSetKineticLaw(): sbml_rid = reaction.getIdAttribute() kinetic_law = reaction.getKineticLaw() # Get the kinetic law and the rate equation as a string. kinetic_law = reaction.getKineticLaw() rate_eq = _check_required(kinetic_law, kinetic_law.getFormula(), "formula") # Perform substitution for power law operations to sympify rate for match in _KLAW_POW_RE.finditer(rate_eq): old = new = "(({0})**{1})".format("arg"),"exp")) rate_eq = rate_eq.replace(old, new) # Try to sympify the reaction rate try: rate_eq = sympify(rate_eq) except SympifyError as e: raise MassSBMLError(e) # If ID replacements were performed earlier then apply the ID # replacements for metabolite and parameter arguments in rate law also. id_subs = {} for arg in list(rate_eq.atoms(Symbol)): arg = str(arg) new_arg = arg # Check if reaction is in the name of the parameter if, arg) and sbml_rid != mass_rid: new_arg = _get_corrected_id( new_arg, (sbml_rid, mass_rid, arg), "Parameter", kwargs.get("remove_char"), ) elif arg in sbml_species: new_arg = _get_corrected_id( new_arg, (f_replace, F_SPECIE), None, kwargs.get("remove_char") ) else: if kwargs.get("remove_char"): new_arg = _remove_char_from_id(new_arg) id_subs[arg] = new_arg # Make rate equation rate_eq = rate_eq.subs(id_subs) for local_parameter in kinetic_law.getListOfLocalParameters(): pid = _check_required( local_parameter, local_parameter.getIdAttribute(), "id" ) value = local_parameter.getValue() if, pid) and sbml_rid != mass_rid: pid = _get_corrected_id( pid, (sbml_rid, mass_rid, pid), "Parameter", kwargs.get("remove_char"), ) elif kwargs.get("remove_char"): pid = _remove_char_from_id(pid) local_parameters[pid] = value else: LOGGER.warning( "No kinetic law found for SBML reaction '%s'. Therefore, assigning" " the MassReaction '%s' a rate law based on Mass Action Kinetics.", reaction, mass_rid, ) rate_eq = mass_reaction.get_mass_action_rate(1) return rate_eq, local_parameters def _read_reaction_gpr_from_sbml(reaction, mass_notes, f_replace): """Read the GPR information from SBMLDocument and return as a string. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ reaction_fbc = reaction.getPlugin("fbc") if reaction_fbc: # GPR rules def process_association(ass): """Recursively convert gpr association to a gpr string.""" if ass.isFbcOr(): return " ".join( [ "(", " or ".join( process_association(c) for c in ass.getListOfAssociations() ), ")", ] ) if ass.isFbcAnd(): return " ".join( [ "(", " and ".join( process_association(c) for c in ass.getListOfAssociations() ), ")", ] ) if ass.isGeneProductRef(): gid = ass.getGeneProduct() if f_replace and F_GENE in f_replace: gid = f_replace[F_GENE](gid) return gid return "" gpr = "" gpa = reaction_fbc.getGeneProductAssociation() if gpa is not None: association = gpa.getAssociation() gpr = process_association(association) else: # Fallback to notes information if "GENE ASSOCIATION" in mass_notes: gpr = mass_notes["GENE ASSOCIATION"] elif "GENE_ASSOCIATION" in mass_notes: gpr = mass_notes["GENE_ASSOCIATION"] else: gpr = "" if gpr: LOGGER.warning( "Use of GENE ASSOCIATION or GENE_ASSOCIATION in the notes " "element is discouraged, use fbc:gpr instead: %s", reaction, ) if f_replace and F_GENE in f_replace: gpr = " ".join(f_replace[F_GENE](t) for t in gpr.split(" ")) # Remove outside parenthesis, if any if gpr.startswith("(") and gpr.endswith(")"): gpr = gpr[1:-1].strip() return gpr def _read_reaction_flux_bounds_from_sbml(model, reaction, set_missing_bounds): """Read the reaction lower and upper flux bounds, returned as a tuple. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ p_lb, p_ub = (None, None) reaction_fbc = reaction.getPlugin("fbc") if reaction_fbc: # bounds in fbc lb_id = reaction_fbc.getLowerFluxBound() if lb_id: p_lb = model.getParameter(lb_id) if p_lb and p_lb.getConstant() and p_lb.getValue() is not None: lower_bound = p_lb.getValue() ub_id = reaction_fbc.getUpperFluxBound() if ub_id: p_ub = model.getParameter(ub_id) if p_ub and p_ub.getConstant() and p_ub.getValue() is not None: upper_bound = p_ub.getValue() if p_lb is None: if set_missing_bounds: lower_bound = MASSCONFIGURATION.lower_bound else: lower_bound = -float("inf") if p_ub is None: if set_missing_bounds: upper_bound = MASSCONFIGURATION.upper_bound else: upper_bound = float("inf") return (lower_bound, upper_bound) def _read_model_groups_from_sbml(model, model_groups, mass_model, f_replace, **kwargs): """Read the SBML groups, returning enzymes and mass groups seperately. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ sid_map = {} metaid_map = {} # Calculate hashmaps to lookup objects in O(1) for obj_list in [ model.getListOfCompartments(), model.getListOfSpecies(), model.getListOfReactions(), model_groups.getListOfGroups(), ]: for sbase in obj_list: if sbase.isSetId(): sid_map[sbase.getIdAttribute()] = sbase if sbase.isSetMetaId(): metaid_map[sbase.getMetaId()] = sbase # Read the MassModel enzyme modules information from the SBMLDocument # Also determine whether the MassModel should be an EnzymeModule mass_groups = [] enzyme_groups = defaultdict(list) for group in model_groups.getListOfGroups(): # Get the group ID group_id = _check_required(group, group.getIdAttribute(), "id") # Determine whether the group represents an enzyme try: enzyme_module_id, attr = group_id.split("_", 1) if ( attr not in list(_ORDERED_ENZYMEMODULE_DICT_DEFAULTS) and "EnzymeModule" not in attr ): raise ValueError # Parse group as a regular group object. except ValueError: # Parse group gid = _check_required(group, group.getIdAttribute(), "id") mass_group = Group(gid) = group.getName() if group.isSetName() else "" if group.isSetKind(): mass_group.kind = group.getKindAsString() mass_group.annotation = _parse_annotations(group) mass_group.notes = _parse_notes_dict(group) # Get list of members mass_members = [] for member in group.getListOfMembers(): if member.isSetIdRef(): obj = sid_map[member.getIdRef()] elif member.isSetMetaIdRef(): obj = metaid_map[member.getMetaIdRef()] # Get typecode of object typecode = obj.getTypeCode() obj_id = _check_required(obj, obj.getIdAttribute(), "id") mass_member = None # Perform ID replacements if typecode == libsbml.SBML_SPECIES: # For Species obj_id = _get_corrected_id( obj_id, (f_replace, F_SPECIE), None, kwargs.get("remove_char") ) mass_member = mass_model.metabolites.get_by_id(obj_id) elif typecode == libsbml.SBML_REACTION: # For Reactions obj_id = _get_corrected_id( obj_id, (f_replace, F_REACTION), None, kwargs.get("remove_char") ) mass_member = mass_model.reactions.get_by_id(obj_id) elif typecode == libsbml.SBML_FBC_GENEPRODUCT: # For genes obj_id = _get_corrected_id( obj_id, (f_replace, F_GENE), None, kwargs.get("remove_char") ) mass_member = mass_model.metabolites.get_by_id(obj_id) else: # Not recognized. LOGGER.warning( "Member %s could not be added to group %s," "unsupported type code: " "%s", member, group, typecode, ) if mass_member: mass_members.append(mass_member) # Add members to group, add group to the list to be added to model. mass_group.add_members(mass_members) mass_groups.append(mass_group) else: # Add enzyme group to the dictionary enzyme_groups[enzyme_module_id].append(group) return mass_groups, enzyme_groups def _read_enzyme_modules_from_sbml(enzyme_group_dict, f_replace, **kwargs): """Read the SBML groups for enzymes, returning them as a list. EnzymeModuleDicts are created and returned in a list. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ enzyme_module_dicts = [] if not enzyme_group_dict: return enzyme_module_dicts def _get_group_members(group, gid, **kwargs): """Get the group members of a group and performn ID corrections.""" member_list = [] for member in group.getListOfMembers(): if member.isSetIdRef(): obj_id = member.getIdRef() elif member.isSetMetaIdRef(): obj_id = member.getMetaIdRef() if "_categorized" not in gid: # Correct object ID if necessary. replace_key = { "enzyme_module_ligands": F_SPECIE, "enzyme_module_forms": F_SPECIE, "enzyme_module_reactions": F_REACTION, }.get(gid) obj_id = _get_corrected_id( obj_id, (f_replace, replace_key), None, kwargs.get("remove_char") ) # Add object to member list member_list.append(obj_id) return member_list for enzyme_module_id, group_list in iteritems(enzyme_group_dict): # Make EnzymeModuleDict e_dict = EnzymeModuleDict(id_or_enzyme=enzyme_module_id) for group in group_list: # Get the group ID and name gid = _check_required(group, group.getIdAttribute(), "id") gid = gid.replace(enzyme_module_id + "_", "") # Parse EnzymeModule attributes if "EnzymeModule" not in gid: e_dict[gid] = _get_group_members(group, gid, **kwargs) continue for attr, val in iteritems(_parse_notes_dict(group)): try: val = float(val) except ValueError: val = sympify(val) if "equation" in attr else val finally: e_dict[attr] = val # Set the name for the EnzymeModuleDict e_dict["name"] = group.getName() if group.isSetName() else "" # Temporary store object class e_dict["model"] = gid enzyme_module_dicts.append(e_dict) return enzyme_module_dicts def _read_enzyme_attr_info_from_notes(mass_obj, notes, f_replace, **kwargs): """Read the enzyme object attributes from the notes into the mass object. Applies to the EnzymeModuleForm and EnzymeModuleReactions Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ subclass_specific_attributes = { "EnzymeModuleForm": ["enzyme_module_id", "bound_metabolites"], "EnzymeModuleReaction": ["enzyme_module_id"], }.get(mass_obj.__class__.__name__) for enz_attr in subclass_specific_attributes: if enz_attr not in notes: continue # Handle bound dict attributes if "bound" in enz_attr: attr_value = {} for value_str in notes.get(enz_attr).split("; "): value, mid = value_str.split(" ") mid = _get_corrected_id( mid, (f_replace, F_SPECIE), None, kwargs.get("remove_char") ) attr_value[mid] = value setattr(mass_obj, "_" + enz_attr, attr_value) else: setattr(mass_obj, enz_attr, notes.get(enz_attr)) # Remove newly set attribute from the notes dict del notes[enz_attr] def _check_required(sbase, value, attribute): """Get required attribute from SBase. Parameters ---------- sbase: libsbml.SBase value: existing value attribute: name of attribute Returns ------- attribute value (or value if already set) """ if (value is None) or (value == ""): msg = str( "Required attribute '{0}' cannot be found or parsed in " "'{1}'".format(attribute, sbase) ) if hasattr(sbase, "getId") and sbase.getId(): msg += " with id '{0}'".format(sbase.getId()) elif hasattr(sbase, "getName") and sbase.getName(): msg += " with name '{0}'".format(sbase.getName()) elif hasattr(sbase, "getMetaId") and sbase.getMetaId(): msg += " with metaId '{0}'".format(sbase.getMetaId()) raise MassSBMLError(msg) if attribute == "id": if not libsbml.SyntaxChecker.isValidSBMLSId(value): LOGGER.error("'%s' is not a valid SBML 'SId'.", value) return value # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Write SBML # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def write_sbml_model(mass_model, filename, f_replace=None, **kwargs): """Write :mod:`mass` model to ``filename`` in SBML format. The created model is SBML level 3 version 1 core (L3V1) using packages 'fbc-v2' and 'groups-v1' for optimal exporting. Not including these packages may result in some information loss when exporting the model. If the given filename ends with the suffix ``'.gz'`` (for example, ``'myfile.xml.gz'``), :mod:`libSBML` assumes the caller wants the file to be written compressed in gzip format. Similarly, if the given filename ends with ``'.zip'`` or ``'.bz2'``, :mod:`libSBML` assumes the caller wants the file to be compressed in zip or bzip2 format (respectively). Files whose names lack these suffixes will be written uncompressed. Special considerations for the zip format: If the given filename ends with ``'.zip'``, the file placed in the zip archive will have the suffix ``".xml"`` or ``".sbml"``. For example, the file in the zip archive will be named ``"test.xml"`` if the given filename is ``""`` or ``""``. Similarly, the filename in the archive will be ``"test.sbml"`` if the given filename is ``""``. Parameters ---------- mass_model : MassModel or EnzymeModule The :mod:`mass` model to write to into an SBML compliant modle file. filename : str Path to which the model should be written f_replace : dict Dictionary of replacement functions for gene, specie, and reaction. By default the following id changes are performed on import: add ``'G_'`` to genes, add ``'M_'`` to species, add ``'R_'`` to reactions. If no replacements should be performed,set ``f_replace={}``. **kwargs use_fbc_package : ``bool`` indicating whether SBML 'fbc' package extension should be used. Default is ``True``. use_groups_package : ``bool`` indicating whether SBML 'groups' package extension should be used. Default is ``True``. units : ``bool`` indicating whether units should be written into the SBMLDocument. Default is ``True``. local_parameters : ``bool`` indicating whether reaction kinetic parameters should be written as local parameters of the kinetic law (default), or as global model parameters in the SBML model file. Default is ``True`` to write parameters as local parameters. write_objective : ``bool`` indicating whether the model objective(s) should also be written into the SBML model file. Default is ``False``. Raises ------ MassSBMLError Errors due to `:mass` model specific requirements. Warnings -------- * Setting the ``use_fbc_package=False`` may result in some information loss when writing the model. * Setting the ``use_groups_package=False`` may result in some information loss when writing the model. Information lost will include some attributes associated with enzyme modules and will likely result in an exported :class:`~.EnzymeModule` becoming a :class:`~.MassModel` upon reloading the model. """ doc = _model_to_sbml(mass_model, f_replace=f_replace, **kwargs) if isinstance(filename, string_types): # Write to path libsbml.writeSBMLToFile(doc, filename) elif hasattr(filename, "write"): # Write to file handle sbml_str = libsbml.writeSBMLToString(doc) filename.write(sbml_str)
def _model_to_sbml(mass_model, f_replace=None, **kwargs): """Convert model to SBMLDocument. Parameters ---------- mass_model : MassModel or EnzymeModule The :mod:`mass` model to write to into an SBML compliant modle file. filename : str Path to which the model should be written f_replace : dict Dictionary of replacement functions for gene, specie, and reaction. By default the following id changes are performed on import: add ``'G_'`` to genes, add ``'M_'`` to species, add ``'R_'`` to reactions. If no replacements should be performed,set ``f_replace={}``. **kwargs use_fbc_package : ``bool`` indicating whether SBML 'fbc' package extension should be used. Default is ``True``. use_groups_package : ``bool`` indicating whether SBML 'groups' package extension should be used. Default is ``True``. units : ``bool`` indicating whether units should be written into the SBMLDocument. Default is ``True``. local_parameters : ``bool`` indicating whether reaction kinetic parameters should be written as local parameters of the kinetic law (default), or as global model parameters in the SBML model file. Default is ``True`` to write parameters as local parameters. write_objective : ``bool`` indicating whether the model objective(s) should also be written into the SBML model file. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- libsbml.SBMLDocument The model written into a :class:`libsbml.SBMLDocument`. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Check kwargs kwargs = _check_kwargs( { "use_fbc_package": True, "use_groups_package": True, "units": True, "local_parameters": True, "write_objective": False, }, kwargs, ) if f_replace is None: f_replace = F_REPLACE # Get the SBMLDocument and SBML model objects doc, (model, model_fbc, model_groups) = _create_doc_and_models(mass_model, **kwargs) # Write the model Meta Information (ModelHistory) into the SBMLDocument _write_model_meta_info_to_sbml(doc, mass_model, model) # Write model notes and annotations into the SBMLDocument model_notes = mass_model.notes _sbase_notes_dict(model, model_notes) _sbase_annotations(model, mass_model.annotation) # Write the units information into the SBMLDocument if kwargs.get("units") and mass_model.units: _write_model_units_to_sbml(model, mass_model, **kwargs) # Write the compartment information into the SBMLDocument _write_model_compartments_to_sbml(model, mass_model) # Write the species information into the SBMLDocument # Includes MassMetabolites, EnzymeModuleForm, and their concentrations _write_model_species_to_sbml(model, mass_model, f_replace, **kwargs) if kwargs.get("use_fbc_package"): # Write the flux bound parameters into the SBMLDocument _write_global_flux_bounds_to_sbml(model, mass_model, **kwargs) # Write the gene information into the SBMLDocument _write_model_genes_to_sbml(model_fbc, mass_model, f_replace) # Write the objective information into the SBMLDocument objective = _write_model_objectives_to_sbml(model_fbc, mass_model, **kwargs) else: objective = None # Write the reaction information into the SBMLDocument # Includes MassReactions, EnzymeModuleReactions, kinetic laws, # GPR, reaction flux bounds, and kinetic parameters as local parameters _write_model_reactions_to_sbml(model, mass_model, f_replace, objective, **kwargs) # Write kinetic parameters into the SBMLDocument as global parameters # if they are not already written as kinetic law local parameters _write_model_kinetic_parameters_to_sbml(model, mass_model, f_replace, **kwargs) if kwargs.get("use_groups_package"): # Write groups to SBML for mass_group in mass_model.groups: _write_group_to_sbml(model_groups, mass_group, f_replace) # Write the EnzymeModule specific information into the SBMLDocument if isinstance(mass_model, EnzymeModule): _write_enzyme_modules_to_sbml(model_groups, mass_model, f_replace) # Write the EnzymeModuleDict specific information into the SBMLDocument if mass_model.enzyme_modules: for enzyme in mass_model.enzyme_modules: _write_enzyme_modules_to_sbml(model_groups, enzyme, f_replace) return doc def _create_doc_and_models(mass_model, **kwargs): """Create and return the SBMLDocument and model objects. Will also set package extensions, model ID, meta ID, and name Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Try creating the SBMLDocument object sbml_ns = libsbml.SBMLNamespaces(*SBML_LEVEL_VERSION) # SBML L3V2 Core try: doc = libsbml.SBMLDocument(sbml_ns) except ValueError as e: MassSBMLError("Could not create SBMLDocument due to the following:\n" + str(e)) # Create model model = doc.createModel() _check(model, "create model") _check( doc.setSBOTerm(SBO_MODELING_FRAMEWORK), "set SBO term for modeling framework" ) # Set model ID, meta ID, and name in SBMLDocument if is not None: _check(model.setIdAttribute(, "set model id") _check(model.setMetaId("meta_" +, "set model meta id") else: _check(model.setMetaId("meta_model"), "set model meta id") if is not None: _check(model.setName(, "set model name") # Function to enable package plugins. def _enable_package_plugin(plugin, version_info): """Enable the plugin for the package extension.""" # Enable package extension uri_fmt = "{0}/version{1}/{2}/version{3}" _check( doc.enablePackage( uri_fmt.format(*SBML_LEVEL_VERSION, plugin, version_info), plugin, True ), "enable package extension {0}-v{1}".format(plugin, version_info), ) # Set package required to false # Set required to false _check( doc.setPackageRequired(plugin, False), "set {0} extension required to false".format(plugin), ) # Get plugin model and return model_plugin = model.getPlugin(plugin) return model_plugin # Get plugin models if package extensions are used. model_fbc, model_groups = (None, None) if kwargs.get("use_fbc_package"): # Add fbc package extension to SBMLDocument model_fbc = _enable_package_plugin("fbc", FBC_VERSION) # Set strictness of fbc package _check(model_fbc.setStrict(False), "set fbc plugin strictness to False") if kwargs.get("use_groups_package"): # Add groups package extension to SBMLDocument model_groups = _enable_package_plugin("groups", GROUPS_VERSION) return doc, (model, model_fbc, model_groups) def _write_model_meta_info_to_sbml(doc, mass_model, model): """Write model meta information (ModelHistory) into SBMLDocument. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Get the original meta information if it exists meta = mass_model._sbml if hasattr(mass_model, "_sbml") else {} # Check if there are creators creators = meta["creators"] if meta.get("creators") else [] mass_creator = MASSCONFIGURATION.model_creator # Add creator in MassConfiguration if it doesn't already exist. if not any([mass_creator == c for c in creators]) and all( [v != "" for v in itervalues(mass_creator)] ): creators += [mass_creator] # Make model history if creators are present (required for history) if creators: # Make ModelHistory object history = libsbml.ModelHistory() _check(history, "create ModelHistory") if meta.get("created", False): # Use the previous creation date timestr = meta["created"] else: timestr = timestr = timestr.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") # Set the creation date date = libsbml.Date(timestr) _check(date, "create the created date") _check(history.setCreatedDate(date), "set created date") # Set the modified date if meta.get("modified", False): for k, timestr in enumerate(meta["modified"]): date = libsbml.Date(timestr) _check(history.setModifiedDate(date), "set modified date " + str(k)) else: date = libsbml.Date(timestr) _check(history.setModifiedDate(date), "set modified date") # Make Creator objects and add to ModelHistory for mass_creator in creators: # Make creator creator = libsbml.ModelCreator() _check(creator, "create model creator") # Add family name, given name, organization, and email attributes for k in ["familyName", "givenName", "organization", "email"]: if mass_creator.get(k, False): # Set creator attribute setter = creator.__class__.__dict__.get( "set" + k[0].capitalize() + k[1:] ) _check(setter(creator, mass_creator[k]), "set creator " + k) # Add creator to the ModelHistory _check(history.addCreator(creator), "adding creator to ModelHistory") # Set the ModelHistory _check(model.setModelHistory(history), "set ModelHistory") # Set meta annotation and notes in doc if "annotation" in meta: _sbase_annotations(doc, meta["annotation"]) if "notes" in meta: _sbase_notes_dict(doc, meta["notes"]) def _write_model_units_to_sbml(model, mass_model, **kwargs): """Write model unit information into SBMLDocument. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Create nested function for making new SBML unit definitions def _write_unit_definition(id_str, name="", unit_def=None): """Create unit definition.""" udef = model.createUnitDefinition() _check(udef, "create UnitDefinition" + _for_id(id_str)) _check(udef.setIdAttribute(id_str), "set UnitDefinition id" + _for_id(id_str)) if name: _check(udef.setName(name), "set UnitDefinition name" + _for_id(id_str)) for u in unit_def: unit = udef.createUnit() _check(unit, "create Unit" + _for_id(id_str)) _check( unit.setKind(SBML_BASE_UNIT_KINDS_DICT[u.kind]), "set Unit kind '" + u.kind + "'" + _for_id(id_str), ) _check(unit.setExponent(u.exponent), "set Unit exponent" + _for_id(u.kind)) _check(unit.setScale(u.scale), "set Unit scale" + _for_id(u.kind)) _check( unit.setMultiplier(u.multiplier), "set Unit multiplier" + _for_id(u.kind), ) # Get units in MassModel to write to_write = list(mass_model.units) # Add COBRA unit if it does not exist in model units if not in mass_model.units and kwargs.get("use_fbc_package"): to_write += [COBRA_FLUX_UNIT] # Write flux bound units for unit_def in to_write: _write_unit_definition(,, unit_def=unit_def ) def _write_model_compartments_to_sbml(model, mass_model): """Write model compartment information into SBMLDocument. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # FIXME Revisit based on new cobra compartment implementation if not mass_model.compartments: default_compartment_dict = MASSCONFIGURATION.default_compartment LOGGER.warning( "No compartments found in model. Therefore creating compartment " "'%s' for entire model.", list(default_compartment_dict)[0], ) compartment_dict = default_compartment_dict else: compartment_dict = mass_model.compartments if mass_model.boundary_conditions: compartment_dict.update(MASSCONFIGURATION.boundary_compartment) for cid, name in iteritems(compartment_dict): compartment = model.createCompartment() _check(compartment, "create model compartment" + _for_id(cid)) _check(compartment.setIdAttribute(cid), "set compartment id" + _for_id(cid)) _check(compartment.setName(name), "set compartment name" + _for_id(cid)) _check( compartment.setSpatialDimensions(3), "set compartment spatial dimensions" + _for_id(cid), ) _check(compartment.setConstant(True), "set compartment constant" + _for_id(cid)) _check(compartment.setSize(1), "set compartment size" + _for_id(cid)) def _write_global_flux_bounds_to_sbml(model, mass_model, **kwargs): """Write model flux bound information into SBMLDocument. This includes the default upper and lower bounds, positive and negative infinity values, and a flux bound of value 0. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Determine the minimum and maximum flux bound values if mass_model.reactions: min_value = min(mass_model.reactions.list_attr("lower_bound")) max_value = max(mass_model.reactions.list_attr("upper_bound")) else: # Use default values if no reactions in model. min_value, max_value = MASSCONFIGURATION.bounds # Get flux units if units are desired. flux_udef = model.getUnitDefinition( # Create the model flux parameters _create_parameter( model, pid=LOWER_BOUND_ID, value=min_value, sbo=SBO_DEFAULT_FLUX_BOUND, udef=flux_udef, **kwargs ) _create_parameter( model, pid=UPPER_BOUND_ID, value=max_value, sbo=SBO_DEFAULT_FLUX_BOUND, udef=flux_udef, **kwargs ) _create_parameter( model, pid=ZERO_BOUND_ID, value=0, sbo=SBO_DEFAULT_FLUX_BOUND, udef=flux_udef, **kwargs ) _create_parameter( model, pid=BOUND_MINUS_INF, value=-float("Inf"), sbo=SBO_FLUX_BOUND, udef=flux_udef, **kwargs ) _create_parameter( model, pid=BOUND_PLUS_INF, value=float("Inf"), sbo=SBO_FLUX_BOUND, udef=flux_udef, **kwargs ) def _write_model_kinetic_parameters_to_sbml(model, mass_model, f_replace, **kwargs): """Write model kinetic parameter information into SBMLDocument. The kinetic parameters include the reaction parameters kf, Keq, kr, v, and any custom parameters in the model. If local parameters is True, the assumption is made that all other parameters have already been written into the SBML Document as local reaction parameters and will therefore be ignored. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ local_parameters = kwargs.get("local_parameters") for parameter_type, parameter_dict in iteritems(mass_model.parameters): # Skip over parameters already written into the model. if local_parameters and parameter_type != "v": continue if parameter_type == "Boundary" and not local_parameters: for pid, value in iteritems(parameter_dict): if isinstance(value, (integer_types, float)): _create_parameter( model, pid, value, constant=True, sbo=None, udef=None, **kwargs ) else: _create_boundary_assignment_rule(model, pid, value) continue if parameter_type == "v": constant = False else: constant = True # Create kf, Keq, kr, and custom parameters, handling ID corrections # for recognized reaction IDs in the parameters for pid, value in iteritems(parameter_dict): try: p_type, rid = pid.split("_", 1) rid = getattr(mass_model.reactions.get_by_id(rid), "id") except (ValueError, KeyError): if f_replace and F_REACTION_REV in f_replace: m_rid = [ m_rid for m_rid in mass_model.reactions.list_attr("id") if, pid) ] if m_rid: m_rid = max(m_rid, key=len) pid = re.sub(m_rid, f_replace[F_REACTION_REV](m_rid), pid) else: if f_replace and F_REACTION_REV in f_replace: rid = f_replace[F_REACTION_REV](rid) pid = p_type + "_" + rid _create_parameter( model, pid, value, constant=constant, sbo=None, udef=None, **kwargs ) def _create_boundary_assignment_rule(model, bmid, bc_value): """Write model boundary condition assignment rule into SBMLDocument. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ parameter = model.createParameter() _check(parameter, "create model parameter" + _for_id(bmid)) _check(parameter.setIdAttribute(bmid), "set model parameter id" + _for_id(bmid)) assignment_rule = model.createAssignmentRule() _check(assignment_rule, "create model assignment rule" + _for_id(bmid)) _check( assignment_rule.setVariable(bmid), "set assignment rule variable" + _for_id(bmid), ) # Create MathML string from the sympy expression math = _create_math_xml_str_from_sympy_expr(bc_value) # Set the math for the AssignmentRule _check( assignment_rule.setMath(libsbml.readMathMLFromString(math)), "set math on assignment rule" + _for_id(bmid), ) # Set specie constant _check(parameter.setConstant(False), "set specie constant" + _for_id(bmid)) def _write_model_species_to_sbml(model, mass_model, f_replace, **kwargs): """Write model species information into SBMLDocument. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ for metabolite in mass_model.metabolites: # Create specie and set ID, name, and compartment mid = if f_replace and F_SPECIE_REV in f_replace: mid = f_replace[F_SPECIE_REV](mid) specie = model.createSpecies() _check(specie, "create model specie" + _for_id(mid)) _check(specie.setIdAttribute(mid), "set specie id" + _for_id(mid)) _check(specie.setName(, "set specie name" + _for_id(mid)) # Use the default compartment if no species have set compartments if metabolite.compartment is None: cid = next(iter(MASSCONFIGURATION.default_compartment)) is_boundary_condition = False else: cid = metabolite.compartment is_boundary_condition = bool( cid == next(iter(MASSCONFIGURATION.boundary_compartment)) or metabolite.fixed ) _check(specie.setCompartment(cid), "set specie compartment" + _for_id(mid)) # Set species constant and whether it is a boundary condition _check( specie.setConstant(metabolite.fixed), "set specie constant" + _for_id(mid) ) _check( specie.setBoundaryCondition(is_boundary_condition), "set specie boundary condition" + _for_id(mid), ) if MASSCONFIGURATION.exclude_compartment_volumes_in_rates: has_only_substance_units = False setter = specie.setInitialConcentration else: has_only_substance_units = True setter = specie.setInitialAmount # Set metabolite initial condition value and unit restrictions _check( specie.setHasOnlySubstanceUnits(has_only_substance_units), "set specie unit substance restrictions" + _for_id(mid), ) if metabolite.initial_condition is not None: _check( setter(metabolite.initial_condition), "set specie initial condition" + _for_id(mid), ) # Set specie formula and charge additional_notes = _write_specie_formula_charge_into_sbml( specie, metabolite, **kwargs ) # Set metabolite annotation and notes if isinstance(metabolite, EnzymeModuleForm): # Set enzyme information if EnzymeModuleForm _write_enzyme_attr_info_to_notes( specie, metabolite, f_replace, additional_notes=additional_notes ) else: # Otherwise just set the MassMetabolite notes normally additional_notes.update(metabolite.notes) _sbase_notes_dict(specie, additional_notes) # Set metabolite annotation _sbase_annotations(specie, metabolite.annotation) def _write_specie_formula_charge_into_sbml(specie, metabolite, **kwargs): """Write the specie charge and formula into the SBMLDocument. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ notes = {} if kwargs.get("use_fbc_package"): # Set metabolite charge via fbc package specie_fbc = specie.getPlugin("fbc") mid = specie.getIdAttribute() _check(specie_fbc, "get fbc plugin for specie" + _for_id(mid)) if metabolite.charge is not None: _check( specie_fbc.setCharge(metabolite.charge), "set specie charge" + _for_id(mid), ) # Set metabolite formula via fbc package if metabolite.formula is not None: sbml_formula = _f_moiety_formula_rev(metabolite) _check( specie_fbc.setChemicalFormula(sbml_formula), "set specie formula" + _for_id(mid), ) else: # Fallback to notes information if metabolite.charge is not None: notes["CHARGE"] = metabolite.charge if metabolite.formula is not None: notes["FORMULA"] = metabolite.formula return notes def _write_model_genes_to_sbml(model_fbc, mass_model, f_replace): """Write model gene information into SBMLDocument. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ for gene in mass_model.genes: # Create gene product and set ID gid = if f_replace and F_GENE_REV in f_replace: gid = f_replace[F_GENE_REV](gid) gp = model_fbc.createGeneProduct() _check(gp, "create model gene product" + _for_id(gid)) _check(gp.setIdAttribute(gid), "set gene id " + _for_id(gid)) # Set gene name and label gname = if else gid _check(gp.setName(gname), "set gene name" + _for_id(gid)) _check(gp.setLabel(gname), "set gene label" + _for_id(gid)) # Set gene annotation and notes _sbase_annotations(gp, gene.annotation) _sbase_notes_dict(gp, gene.notes) def _write_model_objectives_to_sbml(model_fbc, mass_model, **kwargs): """Write model objectives information into SBMLDocument. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ if kwargs.get("write_objective"): objective = model_fbc.createObjective() _check(objective, "create model objective") _check(objective.setIdAttribute("obj"), "set objective id") _check( objective.setType(SHORT_LONG_DIRECTION[mass_model.objective.direction]), "set objective type", ) _check(model_fbc.setActiveObjectiveId("obj"), "set model active objective id") else: objective = None return objective def _write_model_reactions_to_sbml(model, mass_model, f_replace, objective, **kwargs): """Write model reaction information into SBMLDocument. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ additional_notes = {} use_fbc_package = kwargs.get("use_fbc_package") if use_fbc_package: reaction_coefficients = linear_reaction_coefficients(mass_model) for mass_reaction in mass_model.reactions: # Create reaction and set ID, name, and reversible rid = if f_replace and F_REACTION_REV in f_replace: rid = f_replace[F_REACTION_REV](rid) reaction = model.createReaction() _check(reaction, "create reaction" + _for_id(rid)) _check(reaction.setIdAttribute(rid), "set reaction id" + _for_id(rid)) _check(reaction.setName(, "set reaction name" + _for_id(rid)) _check( reaction.setReversible(mass_reaction.reversible), "set reaction reversible" + _for_id(rid), ) _check(reaction.setFast(False), "set reaction fast" + _for_id(rid)) # Write specie references into SBML reaction _write_reaction_specie_ref_to_sbml(reaction, mass_reaction, f_replace) # Write reaction kinetic law into SBML reaction _write_reaction_kinetic_law_to_sbml( reaction, mass_reaction, f_replace, **kwargs ) # Write bouns and GPR if FBC package enabled. if use_fbc_package: # Get plugin for reaction reaction_fbc = reaction.getPlugin("fbc") _check(reaction_fbc, "get fbc plugin for reaction" + _for_id(rid)) # Set reaction flux bounds flux_udef = model.getUnitDefinition( reaction_fbc.setLowerFluxBound( _create_bound( model, reaction=mass_reaction, bound_type="lower_bound", f_replace=f_replace, units=kwargs.get("units"), flux_udef=flux_udef, ) ) reaction_fbc.setUpperFluxBound( _create_bound( model, reaction=mass_reaction, bound_type="upper_bound", f_replace=f_replace, units=kwargs.get("units"), flux_udef=flux_udef, ) ) # Set the reaction GPR _write_reaction_gpr_to_sbml(reaction_fbc, mass_reaction, f_replace) # Set flux objectives if reaction_coefficients.get(mass_reaction, 0) != 0: flux_objective = objective.createFluxObjective() _check(flux_objective, "create flux objective" + _for_id(rid)) _check( flux_objective.setReaction(rid), "set flux objective reaction id" + _for_id(rid), ) _check( flux_objective.setCoefficient(mass_reaction.objective_coefficient), "set flux objective reaction coefficient" + _for_id(rid), ) # Write the subsystem attribute into the notes. if mass_reaction.subsystem: additional_notes["SUBSYSTEM"] = mass_reaction.subsystem if isinstance(mass_reaction, EnzymeModuleReaction): # Set enzyme information if EnzymeModuleReaction _write_enzyme_attr_info_to_notes( reaction, mass_reaction, f_replace, additional_notes=additional_notes ) else: # Otherwise just set the MassReaction notes regularly _sbase_notes_dict(reaction, mass_reaction.notes) # Set reaction annotation _sbase_annotations(reaction, mass_reaction.annotation) def _write_reaction_specie_ref_to_sbml(reaction, mass_reaction, f_replace): """Write MassReaction species reference information into SBMLDocument. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ rid = reaction.getIdAttribute() for metabolite, stoichiometry in iteritems(mass_reaction.metabolites): # Get specie id sid = str(metabolite) if f_replace and F_SPECIE_REV in f_replace: sid = f_replace[F_SPECIE_REV](sid) # Comparison to determine whether metabolite is reactant or product if stoichiometry < 0: sref = reaction.createReactant() else: sref = reaction.createProduct() _check(sref, "create specie reference " + sid + _for_id(rid)) # Set ID and stoichiometry _check(sref.setSpecies(sid), "set specie reference id" + _for_id(sid)) _check( sref.setStoichiometry(abs(stoichiometry)), "set specie reference stoichiometry" + _for_id(sid), ) _check(sref.setConstant(True), "set specie reference constant" + _for_id(sid)) def _write_reaction_kinetic_law_to_sbml(reaction, mass_reaction, f_replace, **kwargs): """Write MassReaction kinetic law information into SBMLDocument. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ mass_rid = rid = reaction.getIdAttribute() sbml_species = list(reaction.getListOfReactants()) + list( reaction.getListOfProducts() ) sbml_species = [sref.getSpecies() for sref in sbml_species] rate_eq = strip_time(mass_reaction.rate) # Create kinetic law as AST math and write into the SBMLDocument kinetic_law = reaction.createKineticLaw() _check(kinetic_law, "create kinetic law" + _for_id(rid)) if kwargs.get("local_parameters"): all_parameter_values = mass_reaction.model._get_all_parameters() # Nested function to create local parameters def _create_local_parameter(key, pid, sbo, udef, **kwargs): """Create a local reaction paramter and write it into SBMLDocument.""" try: value = all_parameter_values[key] except KeyError: pass else: _create_parameter(kinetic_law, pid, value, sbo=sbo, udef=udef, **kwargs) # If ID replacements were performed earlier then apply the ID # replacements for metabolite and parameter arguments in rate law also. id_subs = {} for arg in list(rate_eq.atoms(Symbol)): arg = str(arg) new_arg = arg # Check if reaction is in the name of the parameter if, arg) or arg in mass_reaction.model.boundary_conditions: if, arg): new_arg = re.sub(mass_rid, rid, new_arg) if kwargs.get("local_parameters"): _create_local_parameter(arg, new_arg, sbo=None, udef=None, **kwargs) id_subs[arg] = new_arg continue try: new_arg = str(mass_reaction.model.metabolites.get_by_id(arg)) except KeyError: if arg in mass_reaction.model.custom_parameters: if kwargs.get("local_parameters"): _create_local_parameter(arg, new_arg, sbo=None, udef=None, **kwargs) else: # Account for metabolites in the rate law that # are not considered reactants or products via modifiers if f_replace and F_SPECIE_REV in f_replace: new_arg = f_replace[F_SPECIE_REV](new_arg) msref = reaction.createModifier() _check(msref, "create modifier specie " + new_arg + _for_id(rid)) _check( msref.setSpecies(new_arg), "set modifier specie species " + new_arg + _for_id(rid), ) else: if f_replace and F_SPECIE_REV in f_replace: new_arg = f_replace[F_SPECIE_REV](new_arg) # Account for metabolites in the rate law that # are not considered reactants or products via modifiers if str(arg) not in [ for m in mass_reaction.metabolites]: msref = reaction.createModifier() _check(msref, "create modifier specie " + new_arg + _for_id(rid)) _check( msref.setSpecies(new_arg), "set modifier specie species " + new_arg + _for_id(rid), ) id_subs[arg] = new_arg # Make xml string of rate equation via sympy conversion to MathML rate_eq = rate_eq.subs(id_subs) _check( kinetic_law.setMath( libsbml.readMathMLFromString(_create_math_xml_str_from_sympy_expr(rate_eq)) ), "set math on kinetic law" + _for_id(rid), ) def _write_reaction_gpr_to_sbml(reaction_fbc, mass_reaction, f_replace): """Write MassReaction GPR information into SBMLDocument. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Set the reaction GPR if it exists gpr = mass_reaction.gene_reaction_rule if gpr: rid = if f_replace and F_REACTION_REV in f_replace: rid = f_replace[F_REACTION_REV](rid) # Replace IDs in string if f_replace and F_GENE_REV in f_replace: gpr = gpr.replace("(", "( ") gpr = gpr.replace(")", " )") tokens = gpr.split(" ") for i, token in enumerate(tokens): if token not in [" ", "and", "or", "(", ")"]: tokens[i] = f_replace[F_GENE_REV](token) gpr = " ".join(tokens) # Create assoication gpa = reaction_fbc.createGeneProductAssociation() _check(gpa, "create gene product association" + _for_id(rid)) _check(gpa.setAssociation(gpr), "set gene product association" + _for_id(rid)) def _create_parameter( sbml_obj, pid, value, constant=True, sbo=None, udef=None, **kwargs ): """Create a parameter to be written into the SBMLDocument. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ local_parameters = bool( kwargs.get("local_parameters") and sbml_obj.__class__.__name__ == "KineticLaw" ) # Create parameter and set its ID, value, and whether it is constant if local_parameters: parameter = sbml_obj.createLocalParameter() p_type = " local " else: parameter = sbml_obj.createParameter() p_type = " model " _check(parameter, "create" + p_type + "parameter" + _for_id(pid)) _check( parameter.setIdAttribute(pid), "set" + p_type + "parameter id" + _for_id(pid) ) _check(parameter.setValue(value), "set" + p_type + "parameter value" + _for_id(pid)) # Local parameters are always assumed constant if not local_parameters: _check( parameter.setConstant(constant), "set" + p_type + "parameter constant" + _for_id(pid), ) # Set SBO term and units if desired. if sbo: _check( parameter.setSBOTerm(sbo), "set" + p_type + "parameter sbo term" + _for_id(pid), ) if kwargs.get("units") and udef is not None: _check( parameter.setUnits(udef.getIdAttribute()), "set" + p_type + "parameter units" + _for_id(pid), ) def _write_group_to_sbml(model_groups, mass_group, f_replace): """Write a Group into the SBMLDocument. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Create group and set ID, name, and kind group = model_groups.createGroup() gid = _check(group, "create group" + _for_id(gid)) _check(group.setIdAttribute(gid), "set group id" + _for_id(gid)) _check(group.setName(, "set group name" + _for_id(gid)) _check(group.setKind(mass_group.kind), "set group kind" + _for_id(gid)) # Set notes and annotations _sbase_notes_dict(group, mass_group.notes) _sbase_annotations(group, mass_group.annotation) # Iterate through members and create correspondning SBML group members for mass_member in list(mass_group.members): mid = m_type = str(type(mass_member)) # ID replacements replacement_key = None m_type = str(mass_member.__class__.__name__) if m_type in ["MassReaction", "EnzymeModuleReaction"]: replacement_key = F_REACTION_REV if m_type in ["MassMetabolite", "EnzymeModuleForm"]: replacement_key = F_SPECIE_REV if m_type in ["Gene"]: replacement_key = F_GENE_REV if f_replace and replacement_key in f_replace: mid = f_replace[replacement_key](mid) # Create member, set ID and name, if any member = group.createMember() _check(member, "create group member " + mid + _for_id(gid)) _check(member.setIdRef(mid), "set group member id ref" + _for_id(mid)) member.setIdRef(mid) if _check( member.setName(, "set group member name" + _for_id(mid) ) def _write_enzyme_modules_to_sbml(model_groups, mass_obj, f_replace): """Write EnzymeModule and EnzymeModuleDict information into SBMLDocument. Utilizes the groups package extension. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ enzyme_group_members = [] notes = {} for attr_name, default in iteritems(_ORDERED_ENZYMEMODULE_DICT_DEFAULTS): attr_value = getattr(mass_obj, attr_name, None) attr_value = getattr(mass_obj, attr_name, None) # Ignore attributes set at default and the id, name, and S matrix. gid = "_".join((, attr_name)) if attr_name in ["id", "name", "S", "model"] or attr_value == default: continue elif isinstance(attr_value, list): # Write attribute with list value as a group. new_group = Group(id=gid, members=attr_value) enzyme_group_members += [new_group] _write_group_to_sbml(model_groups, new_group, f_replace) else: # Add attribute to the group notes. notes.update({attr_name: str(attr_value)}) # Create enzyme group gid = "_".join((, mass_obj.__class__.__name__)) enzyme_group = Group(id=gid, members=enzyme_group_members) enzyme_group.notes.update(notes) _write_group_to_sbml(model_groups, enzyme_group, f_replace) def _write_enzyme_attr_info_to_notes( sbml_obj, mass_obj, f_replace, additional_notes=None ): """Write the enzyme object attribute into SBMLDocument in the notes. Applies to the EnzymeModuleForm and EnzymeModuleReaction Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Get original notes from mass object. notes = mass_obj.notes.copy() if additional_notes: notes.update(additional_notes) # Get the subclass specific attributes to write into the notes. attributes = { "EnzymeModuleForm": ["enzyme_module_id", "bound_metabolites"], "EnzymeModuleReaction": ["enzyme_module_id"], }.get(mass_obj.__class__.__name__) default_values = [{} if "bound" in attr_name else "" for attr_name in attributes] for attr_name, default_value in zip(attributes, default_values): attr_value = getattr(mass_obj, attr_name) # Skip attributes equal to their defaults if attr_value == default_value: continue if "bound" in attr_name: # Create a string representation of the bound dict attr. bound_dict = {} for key, value in iteritems(attr_value): key = str(key) if f_replace and F_SPECIE_REV in f_replace: key = f_replace[F_SPECIE_REV](key) bound_dict.update({key: value}) # Add to notes to write notes.update({attr_name: _make_bound_attr_str_repr(bound_dict)}) else: # Add to notes to write notes.update({attr_name: attr_value}) # Write the notes to the SBML object. _sbase_notes_dict(sbml_obj, notes) def _check(value, message): """Check the libsbml return value and log error messages. If value is None, logs an error messaage constructed using 'message' and then exists with status code 1. If 'value' is an integer, it assumes it is an libSBML return status code. If the code value is LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS, returns without further action; if it is not, logs an error message constructed using 'message' along with text from libSBML explaining the meaning of the code, and exits with status code 1. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ if value is None: LOGGER.error("LibSBML returned a null value trying to <%s>.", message) if isinstance(value, integer_types) and value != libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS: LOGGER.error("Error encountered trying to <%s>.", message) LOGGER.error( "LibSBML error code %s: %s", str(value), libsbml.OperationReturnValue_toString(value).strip(), ) def _for_id(sid): """Return a string specifying the object id for logger messages.""" return " for '{0}'".format(sid) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Notes and Annotations # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _sbase_annotations(sbase, annotation): """Set SBase annotations based on mass annotations. Annotations are written for the SBML object using the cobra annotation writing function: ``. Any raised CobraSBMLError will be reclassified and raised as a MassSBMLError. Parameters ---------- sbase : libsbml.SBase SBML object to annotate annotation : mass annotation structure mass object with annotation information """ try: _cobra_sbase_annotations(sbase, annotation) # Reclassify cobra error as a mass error except CobraSBMLError as e: raise MassSBMLError(e) def _parse_notes_dict(sbase): """Read notes from SBML object and create dictionary of MASS notes. Expected notes format corresponds with the output format of the the cobra notes writing function: `` Parameters ---------- sbase : libsbml.SBase Returns ------- dict of notes Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ notes = {} notes_str = sbase.getNotesString() if notes_str: # Get starting and ending positions for notes start_list = (match.end() for match in re.finditer(r"<p>", notes_str)) end_list = (match.start() for match in re.finditer(r"</p>", notes_str)) # Iterate through notes string to get keys and values for notes for s, e in zip(start_list, end_list): match =[s:e]) if match is not None: k, v = match.groups() k, v = (k.strip(), v.strip()) else: LOGGER.warning( "No key provided for note in %s '%s'. The note will be " "added to the notes attribute with key 'NOTES'.", sbase.__class__.__name__, sbase.getIdAttribute(), ) k, v = ("NOTES", []) if k in notes: v += notes["NOTES"] v += [notes_str[s:e]] notes.update({k: v}) return notes # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Validation # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def validate_sbml_model( filename, check_model=True, internal_consistency=True, check_units_consistency=False, check_modeling_practice=False, **kwargs ): """Validate the SBML model and returns the model along with the errors. ``kwargs`` are passed to :func:`~.read_sbml_model`. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename (or SBML string) of the SBML model to be validated. check_model : bool Check some basic model properties. Default is ``True``. internal_consistency : bool Check internal consistency. Default is ``True``. check_units_consistency : bool Check consistency of units. Default is ``False``. check_modeling_practice : bool Check modeling practice. Default is ``False``. **kwargs number : In which data type should the stoichiometry be parsed. Can be ``float`` or ``int``. Default is ``float``. set_missing_bounds : ``bool`` indicating whether to set missing bounds to the default bounds from the :class:`~.MassConfiguration`. Default is ``True``. remove_char : ``bool`` indicating whether to remove ASCII characters from IDs. Default is ``True``. stop_on_conversion_fail : bool ``bool`` indicating whether to stop trying to load the model if a conversion process fails. If ``False``, then the loading of the model will be attempted anyways, despite a potential loss of information. Default is ``True``. Returns ------- tuple (model, errors) model : :class:`~.MassModel` or :class:`~.EnzymeModule`, or ``None`` The :mod:`mass` model if the file could be read successfully. If the file was not successfully read, ``None`` will be returned. errors : dict Warnings and errors grouped by their respective types. """ # Errors and warnings are grouped based on their type. SBML_* types are # from the libsbml validator. MASS_* types are from the masspy SBML # parser. keys = ( "SBML_FATAL", "SBML_ERROR", "SBML_SCHEMA_ERROR", "SBML_WARNING", "MASS_FATAL", "MASS_ERROR", "MASS_WARNING", "MASS_CHECK", ) errors = {key: [] for key in keys} # libsbml validation doc = _get_doc_from_filename(filename) # Set checking of units and modeling practice doc.setConsistencyChecks( libsbml.LIBSBML_CAT_UNITS_CONSISTENCY, check_units_consistency ) doc.setConsistencyChecks( libsbml.LIBSBML_CAT_MODELING_PRACTICE, check_modeling_practice ) # Check consistency if internal_consistency: doc.checkInternalConsistency() doc.checkConsistency() for k in range(doc.getNumErrors()): e = doc.getError(k) msg = _error_string(e, k=k) sev = e.getSeverity() if sev == libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_FATAL: errors["SBML_FATAL"].append(msg) elif sev == libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_ERROR: errors["SBML_ERROR"].append(msg) elif sev == libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_SCHEMA_ERROR: errors["SBML_SCHEMA_ERROR"].append(msg) elif sev == libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_WARNING: errors["SBML_WARNING"].append(msg) # masspy validation (check that SBML can be read into model) # all warnings generated while loading will be logged as errors log_stream = StringIO() stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(log_stream) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s:%(message)s") stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter) stream_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) LOGGER.addHandler(stream_handler) LOGGER.propagate = False try: # read model and allow additional parser arguments model = _sbml_to_model(doc, **kwargs) except MassSBMLError as e: errors["MASS_ERROR"].append(str(e)) return None, errors except Exception as e: errors["MASS_FATAL"].append(str(e)) return None, errors mass_errors = log_stream.getvalue().split("\n") for mass_error in mass_errors: tokens = mass_error.split(":") error_type = tokens[0] error_msg = ":".join(tokens[1:]) if error_type == "WARNING": errors["MASS_WARNING"].append(error_msg) elif error_type == "ERROR": errors["MASS_ERROR"].append(error_msg) # Remove stream handler LOGGER.removeHandler(stream_handler) LOGGER.propagate = True # Additional model tests if check_model: pass for key in ["SBML_FATAL", "SBML_ERROR", "SBML_SCHEMA_ERROR"]: if errors[key]: LOGGER.error("SBML errors in validation, check error log " "for details.") break for key in ["SBML_WARNING"]: if errors[key]: LOGGER.error("SBML warnings in validation, check error log " "for details.") break for key in ["MASS_FATAL", "MASS_ERROR"]: if errors[key]: LOGGER.error("MASS errors in validation, check error log " "for details.") break for key in ["MASS_WARNING", "MASS_CHECK"]: if errors[key]: LOGGER.error("MASS warnings in validation, check error log " "for details.") break return model, errors
[docs]def validate_sbml_model_export(mass_model, filename, f_replace=None, **kwargs): """Validate export of a :mod:`mass` model to SBML, returning any errors. If no SBML errors or MASS fatal errors occur, the model will be written to the ``'filename'``. ``kwargs`` are passed to either :func:`~.write_sbml_model` or :func:`~.validate_sbml_model`. Parameters ---------- mass_model : MassModel or EnzymeModule The :mod:`mass` model to write to into an SBML compliant modle file. filename : str Path to which the model should be written f_replace : dict Dictionary of replacement functions for gene, specie, and reaction. By default the following id changes are performed on import: add ``'G_'`` to genes, add ``'M_'`` to species, add ``'R_'`` to reactions. If no replacements should be performed,set ``f_replace={}``. **kwargs use_fbc_package : ``bool`` indicating whether SBML 'fbc' package extension should be used. Default is ``True``. use_groups_package : ``bool`` indicating whether SBML 'groups' package extension should be used. Default is ``True``. units : ``bool`` indicating whether units should be written into the SBMLDocument. Default is ``True``. local_parameters : ``bool`` indicating whether reaction kinetic parameters should be written as local parameters of the kinetic law (default), or as global model parameters in the SBML model file. Default is ``True`` to write parameters as local parameters. write_objective : ``bool`` indicating whether the model objective(s) should also be written into the SBML model file. Default is ``False``. check_model : bool ``bool`` indicating whether to check some basic model properties. Default is ``True``. internal_consistency : bool ``bool`` indicating whether to check internal consistency. Default is ``True``. check_units_consistency : bool ``bool`` indicating whether to check consistency of units. Default is ``False``. check_modeling_practice : bool ``bool`` indicating whether to check modeling practice. Default is ``False``. number : In which data type should the stoichiometry be parsed. Can be ``float`` or ``int``. Default is ``float``. set_missing_bounds : ``bool`` indicating whether to set missing bounds to the default bounds from the :class:`~.MassConfiguration`. Default is ``True``. remove_char : ``bool`` indicating whether to remove ASCII characters from IDs. Default is ``True``. stop_on_conversion_fail : bool ``bool`` indicating whether to stop trying to load the model if a conversion process fails. If ``False``, then the loading of the model will be attempted anyways, despite a potential loss of information. Default is ``True``. Returns ------- tuple (success, errors) success : bool ``bool`` indicating whether the model was successfully exported to ``'filename'``. errors : dict Warnings and errors grouped by their respective types. """ # Check kwargs kwargs = _check_kwargs( { "use_fbc_package": True, "use_groups_package": True, "units": True, "local_parameters": True, "write_objective": False, "number": float, "set_missing_bounds": True, "remove_char": True, "stop_on_conversion_fail": True, "check_model": True, "internal_consistency": True, "check_units_consistency": False, "check_modeling_practice": False, }, kwargs, ) all_kwargs = {"export": {}, "validate": {}} for k, v in iteritems(kwargs): if k in [ "use_fbc_package", "use_groups_package", "units", "local_parameters", "write_objective", ]: all_kwargs["export"][k] = v else: all_kwargs["validate"][k] = v errors = { "SBML_FATAL": [], "SBML_ERROR": [], "SBML_SCHEMA_ERROR": [], "SBML_WARNING": [], "MASS_FATAL": [], "MASS_ERROR": [], "MASS_WARNING": [], "MASS_CHECK": [], } try: doc = _model_to_sbml(mass_model, f_replace=f_replace, **all_kwargs["export"]) sbml_str = libsbml.writeSBMLToString(doc) model, errors = validate_sbml_model(sbml_str, **all_kwargs["validate"]) except Exception as e: success = False model = None errors["MASS_FATAL"].append(str(e)) return success, errors if model is not None: success = True for key in ["SBML_FATAL", "SBML_ERROR", "SBML_SCHEMA_ERROR", "MASS_FATAL"]: if errors[key]: success = False else: success = False if success and isinstance(filename, string_types): # Write to path libsbml.writeSBMLToFile(doc, filename) elif success and hasattr(filename, "write"): # Write to file handle filename.write(sbml_str) return success, errors
__all__ = ( "LOGGER", "SBML_LEVEL_VERSION", "FBC_VERSION", "GROUPS_VERSION", "CHAR_RE", "MASS_MOIETY_RE", "SBML_MOIETY_RE", "RATE_CONSTANT_RE", "SBO_MODELING_FRAMEWORK", "COBRA_FLUX_UNIT", "NUMBER_ID_PREFIX", "F_GENE", "F_GENE_REV", "F_SPECIE", "F_SPECIE_REV", "F_REACTION", "F_REACTION_REV", "F_REPLACE", "ASCII_REPLACE", "read_sbml_model", "write_sbml_model", "validate_sbml_model", "validate_sbml_model_export", )