Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
r"""Module to convert or create :mod:`mass` objects into or from dictionaries.

Converting objects into dictionaries allow for the exportation of
:class:`~.MassModel`\ s in various formats. These formats include:

    * `JSON <>`_ format using the functions in

from collections import OrderedDict
from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import gene_from_dict, gene_to_dict
from cobra.util.solver import set_objective
from six import iteritems, iterkeys, string_types
from sympy import Basic, sympify

from mass.core.mass_metabolite import MassMetabolite
from mass.core.mass_model import MassModel
from mass.core.mass_reaction import MassReaction
from mass.core.units import UnitDefinition
from mass.enzyme_modules.enzyme_module import EnzymeModule
from mass.enzyme_modules.enzyme_module_dict import (
from mass.enzyme_modules.enzyme_module_form import EnzymeModuleForm
from mass.enzyme_modules.enzyme_module_reaction import EnzymeModuleReaction

# Global
_INF = float("inf")

    "subsystem": "",
    "steady_state_flux": None,
    "_forward_rate_constant": None,
    "_equilibrium_constant": None,
    "_reverse_rate_constant": None,
    "objective_coefficient": 0,
    "_rate_type": 1,
    "notes": {},
    "annotation": {},

    "charge": None,
    "formula": None,
    "compartment": None,
    "fixed": False,
    "_initial_condition": None,
    "_bound": 0,
    "notes": {},
    "annotation": {},

_REQUIRED_ENZYMEMODULEFORM_ATTRIBUTES = ["_bound_metabolites", "enzyme_module_id"]

    if key not in _REQUIRED_ENZYMEMODULE_ATTRIBUTES + ["S", "model"]

_ORDERED_OPTIONAL_MODEL_KEYS = ["name", "compartments", "notes", "annotation"]
    "name": None,
    "compartments": {},
    "notes": {},
    "annotation": {},

[docs]def model_to_dict(model, sort=False): """Convert a :class:`~.MassModel` into a serializable dictionary. Parameters ---------- model : MassModel or EnzymeModule The model to represent as a dictionary. sort : bool Whether to sort the metabolites, reactions, genes, and enzyme modules or maintain the order defined in the model. If the model is an :class:`~.EnzymeModule`, the :attr:`~.EnzymeModule.enzyme_module_ligands`, :attr:`~.EnzymeModule.enzyme_module_forms`, and :attr:`~.EnzymeModule.enzyme_module_reactions` attributes are also included. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- ~collections.OrderedDict A dictionary with elements corresponding to the model attributes as which are in turn lists containing dictionaries holding all attribute information to form the corresponding object. See Also -------- model_from_dict """ obj = OrderedDict() obj["id"] = obj["metabolites"] = list(map(metabolite_to_dict, model.metabolites)) obj["reactions"] = list(map(reaction_to_dict, model.reactions)) obj["genes"] = list(map(gene_to_dict, model.genes)) obj["enzyme_modules"] = list(map(enzyme_to_dict, model.enzyme_modules)) obj["units"] = list(map(unit_to_dict, model.units)) if sort: get_id = itemgetter("id") obj["metabolites"].sort(key=get_id) obj["reactions"].sort(key=get_id) obj["genes"].sort(key=get_id) obj["enzyme_modules"].sort(key=get_id) obj["units"].sort(key=get_id) for key in ["custom_rates", "custom_parameters", "boundary_conditions"]: values = getattr(model, key, {}) if values: values = OrderedDict( (getattr(k, "_id", k), _fix_type(v)) for k, v in iteritems(values) ) if sort: values = OrderedDict((k, values[k]) for k in sorted(values)) obj[key] = values _update_optional( model, obj, _OPTIONAL_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES, _ORDERED_OPTIONAL_MODEL_KEYS ) # Add EnzymeModule attributes if an EnzymeModule is being saved. if isinstance(model, EnzymeModule): _add_enzyme_module_attributes_into_dict(model, obj) if sort: obj["enzyme_module_ligands"].sort(key=get_id) obj["enzyme_module_forms"].sort(key=get_id) obj["enzyme_module_reactions"].sort(key=get_id) return obj
[docs]def model_from_dict(obj): """Create a :class:`~.MassModel` from a dictionary. Notes ----- The :attr:`~.EnzymeModule.enzyme_module_ligands`, :attr:`~.EnzymeModule.enzyme_module_forms`, and :attr:`~.EnzymeModule.enzyme_module_reactions` attributes are used to determine whether the model should be initialized as an :class:`~.EnzymeModule` or as a :class:`~.MassModel`. At least one of these three attributes must be present in order for an :class:`~.EnzymeModule` to be created. Parameters ---------- obj : dict A dictionary with elements corresponding to the model attributes as which are in turn lists containing dictionaries holding all attribute information to form the corresponding object. Returns ------- MassModel or EnzymeModule The generated model or enzyme module. See Also -------- model_to_dict """ if "reactions" not in obj: raise ValueError("Object has no reactions attribute. Cannot load.") if any([k in obj for k in _REQUIRED_ENZYMEMODULE_ATTRIBUTES[2:]]): model = EnzymeModule(obj["id"]) else: model = MassModel(obj["id"]) # Add metabolites to the model model.add_metabolites( [metabolite_from_dict(metabolite) for metabolite in obj["metabolites"]] ) # Add genes to the model model.genes.extend([gene_from_dict(gene) for gene in obj["genes"]]) # Add reactions to the model model.add_reactions( [reaction_from_dict(reaction, model) for reaction in obj["reactions"]] ) # Add objective coefficients to the model set_objective( model, { model.reactions.get_by_id(rxn["id"]): rxn["objective_coefficient"] for rxn in obj["reactions"] if rxn.get("objective_coefficient", 0) != 0 }, ) # Add units to the model model.add_units([unit_from_dict(unit_def) for unit_def in obj["units"]]) # Add enzyme modules to the model if "enzyme_modules" in obj: model.enzyme_modules.extend( [enzyme_from_dict(enz, model) for enz in obj["enzyme_modules"]] ) # Repair model once all objects are in model., rebuild_relationships=True) # Add boundary conditions to the model if they exist if "boundary_conditions" in obj: model.add_boundary_conditions( {met: bc for met, bc in iteritems(obj["boundary_conditions"])} ) # Get custom parameters if they exist if "custom_parameters" in obj: model.custom_parameters.update( dict( (k, float(v)) if v not in ["", None] else (k, None) for k, v in iteritems(obj["custom_parameters"]) ) ) # Add custom rates and any custom parameters if they exist if "custom_rates" in obj: # Add custom rates to the model for reaction, custom_rate in iteritems(obj["custom_rates"]): model.add_custom_rate( model.reactions.get_by_id(reaction), custom_rate, model.custom_parameters, ) # Update with any opitonal attributes. for k, v in iteritems(obj): # Set MassModel attributes (and subsystem attribute for EnzymeModules) if k in _ORDERED_OPTIONAL_MODEL_KEYS or k == "subsystem": setattr(model, k, v) elif k == "enzyme_concentration_total_equation": continue # Update with EnzymeModule attributes if obj represents an EnzymeModule elif k.lstrip("_") in _ORDERED_OPTIONAL_ENZYMEMODULE_KEYS: model.__class__.__dict__[k.lstrip("_")].fset(model, v) return model
[docs]def metabolite_to_dict(metabolite): """Convert a :class:`~.MassMetabolite` into a serializable dictionary. Parameters ---------- metabolite : ~.MassMetabolite The metabolite to represent as a dictionary. Returns ------- ~collections.OrderedDict A dictionary with elements corresponding to metabolite attributes. See Also -------- metabolite_from_dict """ # Turn object into an OrderedDict with the required attributes new_met = OrderedDict() for key in _REQUIRED_METABOLITE_ATTRIBUTES: new_met[key] = _fix_type(getattr(metabolite, key)) # Update with any opitonal attributes that are not their defaults. _update_optional( metabolite, new_met, _OPTIONAL_METABOLITE_ATTRIBUTES, _ORDERED_OPTIONAL_METABOLITE_KEYS, ) # Add EnzymeModuleForm attributes if metabolite is an # EnzymeModuleForm if isinstance(metabolite, EnzymeModuleForm): _add_enzyme_module_form_attributes_into_dict(metabolite, new_met) return new_met
[docs]def metabolite_from_dict(metabolite): """Create a :class:`~.MassMetabolite` from a dictionary. Notes ----- The presence of the :attr:`~.EnzymeModuleForm.enzyme_module_id` attribute is used to determine whether the dictionary should be initialized as an :class:`~.EnzymeModuleForm` or as a :class:`~.MassMetabolite`. Parameters ---------- metabolite : dict A dictionary with elements corresponding to the metabolite attributes. Returns ------- MassMetabolite or EnzymeModuleForm The generated metabolite. See Also -------- metabolite_to_dict """ # Determine if saved object should be a MassMetabolite or a subclass if "enzyme_module_id" in metabolite: new_metabolite = EnzymeModuleForm(metabolite["id"]) else: new_metabolite = MassMetabolite(metabolite["id"]) # Set object attributes for k, v in iteritems(metabolite): setattr(new_metabolite, k, v) return new_metabolite
[docs]def reaction_to_dict(reaction): """Convert a :class:`~.MassReaction` into a serializable dictionary. Parameters ---------- reaction : ~.MassReaction The reaction to represent as a dictionary. Returns ------- ~collections.OrderedDict A dictionary with elements corresponding to reaction attributes. See Also -------- reaction_from_dict """ # Turn object into an OrderedDict with the required attributes new_reaction = OrderedDict() for key in _REQUIRED_REACTION_ATTRIBUTES: if key != "metabolites": new_reaction[key] = _fix_type(getattr(reaction, key)) continue # Store metabolites objects as their string identifiers mets = OrderedDict() for met in sorted(reaction.metabolites, key=attrgetter("id")): mets[str(met)] = reaction.metabolites[met] new_reaction["metabolites"] = mets # Update with any opitonal attributes that are not their defaults. _update_optional( reaction, new_reaction, _OPTIONAL_REACTION_ATTRIBUTES, _ORDERED_OPTIONAL_REACTION_KEYS, ) # Add EnzymeModuleReaction attributes # if reaction is an EnzymeModuleReaction if isinstance(reaction, EnzymeModuleReaction): _add_enzyme_module_reaction_attributes_into_dict(reaction, new_reaction) return new_reaction
[docs]def reaction_from_dict(reaction, model): """Create a :class:`~.MassReaction` from a dictionary. Notes ----- The presence of the :attr:`.EnzymeModuleReaction.enzyme_module_id` attribute is used to determine whether the dictionary should be initialized as an :class:`~.EnzymeModuleReaction` or as a :class:`~.MassReaction`. Parameters ---------- reaction : dict A dictionary with elements corresponding to the reaction attributes. model : MassModel The model to assoicate with the reaction. Returns ------- MassReaction or EnzymeModuleReaction The generated reaction. See Also -------- reaction_to_dict """ # Determine if saved object should be a MassReaction or a subclass if "enzyme_module_id" in reaction: new_reaction = EnzymeModuleReaction(reaction["id"]) else: new_reaction = MassReaction(reaction["id"]) # Set object attributes for k, v in iteritems(reaction): # Change infinity type from a string to a float if isinstance(v, string_types) and v == "inf": v = _INF if k in {"objective_coefficient", "reaction"}: continue elif k == "metabolites": new_reaction.add_metabolites( OrderedDict( (model.metabolites.get_by_id(str(met)), coeff) for met, coeff in iteritems(v) ) ) else: setattr(new_reaction, k, v) return new_reaction
[docs]def enzyme_to_dict(enzyme): """Convert an :class:`~.EnzymeModuleDict` into a serializable dictionary. Parameters ---------- enzyme : ~.EnzymeModuleDict The enzyme module to represent as a dictionary. Returns ------- ~collections.OrderedDict A dictionary with elements corresponding to the enzyme module attributes. See Also -------- enzyme_from_dict """ # Turn object into an OrderedDict with the required attributes new_enzyme = OrderedDict() for key in _REQUIRED_ENZYMEMODULE_ATTRIBUTES: new_enzyme[key] = _fix_type(getattr(enzyme, key)) # Update with any opitonal attributes that are not their defaults. _update_optional( enzyme, new_enzyme, _OPTIONAL_ENZYMEMODULE_ATTRIBUTES, _ORDERED_OPTIONAL_ENZYMEMODULE_KEYS, ) # Store objects and expressions as string for the attributes for key in _REQUIRED_ENZYMEMODULE_ATTRIBUTES[2:]: new_enzyme[key] = [ for i in getattr(enzyme, key)] # Repeat for categorized attribute key += "_categorized" if getattr(enzyme, key) != _OPTIONAL_ENZYMEMODULE_ATTRIBUTES[key]: new_enzyme[key] = { [ for i in g.members] for g in getattr(enzyme, key) } for key in ["enzyme_concentration_total_equation", "enzyme_rate_equation"]: if key in new_enzyme: new_enzyme[key] = str(getattr(enzyme, key)) return new_enzyme
[docs]def enzyme_from_dict(enzyme, model): """Create an :class:`~.EnzymeModuleDict` from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- enzyme : dict A dictionary with elements corresponding to the enzyme module dictionary attributes. model : MassModel The model to assoicate with the enzyme module dictionary. Returns ------- EnzymeModuleDict The generated enzyme module dictionary. See Also -------- enzyme_to_dict """ # Set object attributes new_enzyme = EnzymeModuleDict(id_or_enzyme=enzyme) # Update model and get objects from the model to populate the DictLists new_enzyme["model"] = model new_enzyme._update_object_pointers(model) # Make the enzyme equations new_enzyme.enzyme_concentration_total_equation = sympify( new_enzyme.enzyme_concentration_total_equation ) new_enzyme.enzyme_rate_equation = sympify(new_enzyme.enzyme_rate_equation) # Make the stoichiometric matrix and clean up the EnzymeModuleDict new_enzyme._make_enzyme_stoichiometric_matrix(update=True) new_enzyme._set_missing_to_defaults() new_enzyme._fix_order() return new_enzyme
[docs]def unit_to_dict(unit_definition): """Convert an :class:`~.UnitDefintion` into a serializable dictionary. Parameters ---------- unit_definition : ~.UnitDefintion The unit definition to represent as a dictionary. Returns ------- ~collections.OrderedDict A dictionary with elements corresponding to the unit definition attributes. See Also -------- unit_from_dict """ # Turn object into an OrderedDict new_unit_definition = OrderedDict() for key, value in iteritems(unit_definition.__dict__): if value and key != "list_of_units": new_unit_definition[key] = _fix_type(value) if value and key == "list_of_units": new_unit_definition[key] = [] value = sorted(value, key=attrgetter("kind")) # Iterate through list of units and write to dict. for unit in value: new_unit = OrderedDict( (k, _fix_type(v)) for k, v in iteritems(unit.__dict__) ) new_unit_definition[key] += [new_unit] return new_unit_definition
[docs]def unit_from_dict(unit_definition): """Create an :class:`~.UnitDefintion` from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- unit_definition : dict A dictionary with elements corresponding to the unit definition attributes. Returns ------- UnitDefintion The generated unit definition. See Also -------- unit_to_dict """ # Create the new unit definition new_unit_definition = UnitDefinition() for key, value in iteritems(unit_definition): if key == "list_of_units": # Create Unit objects for units in the list_of_units attribute for unit in value: new_unit_definition.create_unit( kind=unit["_kind"], exponent=unit["_exponent"], scale=unit["_scale"], multiplier=unit["_multiplier"], ) else: # Set attribute if not list of units new_unit_definition.__dict__[key] = value return new_unit_definition
# Internal def _add_enzyme_module_form_attributes_into_dict(enzyme, new_enzyme): """Add EnzymeModuleForm attributes to its dict representation. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Add attributes to enzyme for attr in _REQUIRED_ENZYMEMODULEFORM_ATTRIBUTES: if attr == "enzyme_module_id": new_enzyme[attr] = getattr(enzyme, attr) else: bound = {str(k): v for k, v in iteritems(getattr(enzyme, attr))} new_enzyme[attr] = OrderedDict((k, bound[k]) for k in sorted(bound)) # Update optional attributes _update_optional( enzyme, new_enzyme, _OPTIONAL_ENZYMEMODULEFORM_ATTRIBUTES, _ORDERED_OPTIONAL_ENZYMEMODULEFORM_KEYS, ) def _add_enzyme_module_reaction_attributes_into_dict(reaction, new_reaction): """Add EnzymeModuleReaction attributes to its dict representation. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Add ttributes to enzyme for attr in _REQUIRED_ENZYMEMODULEREACTION_ATTRIBUTES: new_reaction[attr] = getattr(reaction, attr) # Update optional attributes _update_optional( reaction, new_reaction, _OPTIONAL_ENZYMEMODULEREACTION_ATTRIBUTES, _ORDERED_OPTIONAL_ENZYMEMODULEREACTION_KEYS, ) def _add_enzyme_module_attributes_into_dict(model, obj): """Add EnzymeModule attributes to its dict representation. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Get a list of keys that should be represented as internal variables to_fix = ["_categorized", "enzyme_rate", "enzyme_concentration"] for key, value in iteritems(enzyme_to_dict(model)): if key in ("id", "name"): continue # Prefix the key so that it is an internal variable if any( [ s in key for s in to_fix if s and key != "enzyme_concentration_total_equation" ] ): key = "_" + key obj[key] = value def _fix_type(value): """Fix the type of the value so it can be exported to a file. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ if isinstance(value, (string_types, Basic)): return str(value) if isinstance(value, np.float_): return float(value) if isinstance(value, np.bool_): return bool(value) if isinstance(value, np.int_): return int(value) if isinstance(value, set): return sorted(list(value)) if isinstance(value, dict): return OrderedDict((k, _fix_type(value[k])) for k in sorted(value)) if value is None: return "" if isinstance(value, float) and abs(value) == _INF: return str(value) return value def _update_optional(mass_object, new_dict, optional_attribute_dict, ordered_keys): """Update the dict to be saved with the optional attributes of the object. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ for key in ordered_keys: default = optional_attribute_dict[key] value = getattr(mass_object, key) if isinstance(value, (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray)): if np.array(value).all() == np.array(default).all(): continue elif value is None or value == default: continue else: pass new_dict[key] = _fix_type(value) __all__ = ( "model_to_dict", "model_from_dict", "metabolite_to_dict", "metabolite_from_dict", "reaction_to_dict", "reaction_from_dict", "enzyme_to_dict", "enzyme_from_dict", "unit_to_dict", "unit_from_dict", )