Source code for mass.enzyme_modules.enzyme_module_form

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
EnzymeModuleForm is a class for holding information regarding enzyme module forms.

The :class:`EnzymeModuleForm` class inherits and extends the
:class:`~.MassMetabolite` class. It is designed to represent various bound
states and conformations of the enzymes represented through the
:class:`~.EnzymeModule` class.

The enzyme specific attributes on the :class:`EnzymeModuleForm` are the

    * :attr:`~EnzymeModuleForm.enzyme_module_id`
    * :attr:`~EnzymeModuleForm."bound_metabolites"`

The :class:`EnzymeModuleForm` contains the attribute
:attr:`~EnzymeModuleForm."bound_metabolites", designed to hold the
:class:`~.MassMetabolite`\ (s) that could be bound to the sites on the enzyme.

Some other important points about the :class:`EnzymeModuleForm` include:

    * If the :attr:`name` attribute is not set upon initializing, it is
      automatically generated using the enzyme specific attributes.

    * If the :attr:`formula` or charge attributes are not set upon
      initialization, it is inferred using the formulas and charges set on the
      :class:`~.MassMetabolite`\ (s) found in
      :attr:`~EnzymeModuleForm.bound_metabolites`. A moiety is also included
      for the formula using the :attr:`~EnzymeModuleForm.enzyme_module_id`.

    * The purpose of the generated formula and charge is to ensure reactions
      remained mass and charge balanaced as metabolite species are bound and
      altered by the :class:`~.EnzymeModuleReaction`\ s of the

import re
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain

from six import integer_types, iteritems

from mass.core.mass_metabolite import MassMetabolite

[docs]class EnzymeModuleForm(MassMetabolite): r"""Class representing an enzyme forms of an :class:`~.EnzymeModule`. Accepted ``kwargs`` are passed to the initialization method of the base class, :class:`.MassMetabolite`. Parameters ---------- id_or_specie : str, MassMetabolite, EnzymeModuleForm A string identifier to associate with the enzyme module forms, or an existing metabolite object. If an existing metabolite object is provided, a new :class:`EnzymeModuleForm` is instantiated with the same properties as the original metabolite. enzyme_module_id : str The identifier of the associated :class:`~.EnzymeModule`. bound_metabolites : dict A ``dict`` representing the ligands bound to the enzyme, with :class:`~.MassMetabolite`\ s or their identifiers as keys and the number bound as values. **kwargs name : ``str`` representing a human readable name for the enzyme module form. formula : ``str`` representing a chemical formula associated with the enzyme module form. charge : ``float`` representing the charge number associated with the enzyme module form. compartment : ``str`` representing the compartment where the enzyme module form is located. fixed : ``bool`` indicating whether the enzyme module form concentration should remain at a fixed value. Default is ``False``. """ def __init__( self, id_or_specie=None, enzyme_module_id="", bound_metabolites=None, **kwargs ): """Initialize the EnzymeModuleForm.""" # Initialize MassMetabolite parent class super(EnzymeModuleForm, self).__init__( id_or_specie=id_or_specie, name=kwargs.get("name", ""), formula=kwargs.get("formula", None), charge=kwargs.get("charge", None), compartment=kwargs.get("compartment", None), fixed=kwargs.get("fixed", False), ) if isinstance(id_or_specie, EnzymeModuleForm): # Instiantiate a new EnzymeModuleForm with state identical to # the provided EnzymeModuleForm object. self.__dict__.update(id_or_specie.__dict__) else: # Set the id of the enzyme represented by the EnzymeModuleForm self.enzyme_module_id = enzyme_module_id # Set metabolites bound to site(s) of the enzyme form self._bound_metabolites = {} self.bound_metabolites = bound_metabolites if not isinstance(id_or_specie, MassMetabolite): # Set formula, charge, and compartment attributes if # if a MassMetabolite was not used to initialize object. for attr in ["formula", "charge"]: val = kwargs.get(attr, None) if val is None: val = self.__class__.__dict__["generate_form_" + attr](self) setattr(self, attr, val) @property
[docs] def bound_metabolites(self): r"""Get or set metabolites bound to the enzyme's site(s). Notes ----- Assigning a ``dict`` to this property updates the current ``dict`` of ligands bound at the enzyme site(s) with the new values. Parameters ---------- value : dict A ``dict`` where keys are :class:`~.MassMetabolite` and values are the number currently bound to the site(s). An empty ``dict`` will reset the bound ligands. """ return getattr(self, "_bound_metabolites")
@bound_metabolites.setter def bound_metabolites(self, value): """Set the ``dict`` of ligands bound to the enzyme site(s).""" if not isinstance(value, dict) and value is not None: raise TypeError("bound_metabolites must be a dict") if value: bound_metabolites = {} for met, num_bound in iteritems(value): if not isinstance(met, MassMetabolite) or not isinstance( num_bound, integer_types ): raise ValueError( "value must be a dict where keys are " "MassMetabolites and values are ints" ) if num_bound != 0: bound_metabolites[met] = num_bound getattr(self, "_bound_metabolites").update(bound_metabolites) else: setattr(self, "_bound_metabolites", {})
[docs] def generate_enzyme_module_form_name(self, update_enzyme=False): """Generate name for the enzyme module form based on bound ligands. Notes ----- * The :attr:`~.EnzymeModuleForm.bound_metabolites` attribute is used in generating the name. * If the :attr:`~EnzymeModuleForm.enzyme_module_id` attributes are not set, the string ``'Enzyme'`` will be used in its place. Parameters ---------- update_enzyme : bool If ``True``, update the :attr:`name` attribute of the enzyme module form in addition to returning the generated name. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- str String representing the name of the :class:`EnzymeModuleForm`. """ if self.enzyme_module_id: name = self.enzyme_module_id else: name = "Enzyme" # Add the ligands bound to the active site(s) bound_str = "-".join( [met._remove_compartment_from_id_str() for met in self.bound_metabolites] ) if bound_str: bound_str = "-" + bound_str + " complex" name += bound_str if update_enzyme: = name return name
[docs] def generate_form_formula(self, update_enzyme=False): """Generate the chemical formula for the enzyme module form. This function is primarily utilized for keeping reactions between :class:`EnzymeModuleForm` mass and charge balanced. Notes ----- The :attr:`~.EnzymeModuleForm.bound_metabolites` attribute is used in generating the formula. Parameters ---------- update_enzyme : bool If ``True``, update the :attr:`formula` attribute of the enzyme module form in addition to returning the generated formula. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- str String representing the formula of the :class:`EnzymeModuleForm`. """ formula = "" if self.enzyme_module_id: moiety = self.enzyme_module_id.upper() if not re.match("^[A-Z]+[a-z]+$", moiety): moiety = re.sub("[0-9]", "", moiety) formula += "[" + moiety + "]" total_elements = defaultdict(list) if self.bound_metabolites: elem_iters = [ iteritems({k: v * num_bound for k, v in iteritems(met.elements)}) for met, num_bound in iteritems(self.bound_metabolites) ] for k, v in chain(*elem_iters): total_elements[k].append(v) total_elements = {k: sum(v) for k, v in iteritems(total_elements)} if total_elements and formula: formula += "-" for k, v in iteritems(total_elements): formula += k + str(v) if update_enzyme: self.formula = formula return formula
[docs] def generate_form_charge(self, update_enzyme=False): """Generate the charge for the enzyme module form. This function is primarily utilized for keeping reactions between :class:`EnzymeModuleForm` mass and charge balanced. Notes ----- The :attr:`~.EnzymeModuleForm.bound_metabolites` attribute is used in generating the charge. Parameters ---------- update_enzyme : bool If ``True``, update the :attr:`charge` attribute of the enzyme module form in addition to returning the generated charge. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- float Value representing the charge of the :class:`EnzymeModuleForm`. """ charge = 0 if self.bound_metabolites: for met, num_bound in iteritems(self.bound_metabolites): if met.charge is not None: charge += met.charge * num_bound if update_enzyme: self.charge = charge return charge
[docs] def _set_id_with_model(self, value): """Set the id of the EnzymeModuleForm to the associated MassModel. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ super(EnzymeModuleForm, self)._set_id_with_model(value) self.model.enzyme_module_forms._generate_index()
[docs] def _repair_bound_obj_pointers(self): """Repair object pointer for metabolites in bound dict attributes. Requires a model to be associated with the EnzymeModuleForm. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ if self.model is not None: try: self._bound_metabolites = { self.model.metabolites.get_by_id(str(met)): num for met, num in iteritems(self.bound_metabolites) } except KeyError as e: raise KeyError( "'{0}' does not exist in model metabolites.".format(str(e))
[docs] def _repr_html_(self): """HTML representation of the overview for the EnzymeModuleForm. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ return """ <table> <tr> <td><strong>EnzymeModuleForm identifier</strong></td> <td>{id}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Name</strong></td> <td>{name}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Memory address</strong></td> <td>{address}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Enzyme Module</strong></td> <td>{enzyme}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Compartment</strong></td> <td>{compartment}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Bound Metabolites</strong></td> <td>{bound}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Initial Condition</strong></td> <td>{ic}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>In {n_reactions} reaction(s)</strong></td> <td>{reactions}</td> </tr> </table>""".format(,, address="0x0%x" % id(self), enzyme=str(self.enzyme_module_id), compartment=self.compartment, bound=_make_bound_attr_str_repr(self.bound_metabolites), ic=self._initial_condition, n_reactions=len(self.reactions), reactions=", ".join( for r in self.reactions),
) def _make_bound_attr_str_repr(attribute_dict): """Make the string representation for bound ligands. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ return "; ".join( ["{0} {1}".format(v, k) for k, v in iteritems(attribute_dict) if v != 0] ) __all__ = ("EnzymeModuleForm",)