Source code for mass.core.mass_model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
MassModel is a class for holding information regarding a :mod:`mass` model.

The :class:`MassModel` class inherits and extends the
:class:`~cobra.core.model.Model` class in :mod:`cobra`. It contains additional
information required for simulations and other :mod:`mass` functions and

Some key differences between the
:class:`cobra.Model <cobra.core.model.Model>` and the
:class:`mass.MassModel <mass.core.mass_model.MassModel>` are
listed below:

    * When instantiating a :class:`MassModel` from a
      :class:`cobra.Model <cobra.core.model.Model>`, any associated
      :class:`cobra.Metabolite <cobra.core.metabolite.Metabolite>` will also
      be converted into a :class:`.MassMetabolite`, and any associated
      :class:`cobra.Reaction <cobra.core.reaction.Reaction>` will also
      be converted into a :class:`.MassReaction`.

      Additionally, any groups associated with the model containing
      :class:`cobra.Metabolites <cobra.core.metabolite.Metabolite>` or
      :class:`cobra.Reactions <cobra.core.reaction.Reaction>` will be updated
      with the correspondining :mod:`mass` objects.

    * No :mod:`cobra` object can be directly added to the :class:`MassModel`
      with the exception of :class:`~cobra.core.gene.Gene` and
      :class:`` objects. Any :mod:`cobra` object will
      first be instantiated into its equivalent :mod:`mass` object before
      beimg added to the :class:`MassModel`.

import re
import warnings
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import sympy as sym
from cobra.core.dictlist import DictList
from cobra.core.gene import Gene
from import Group
from cobra.core.metabolite import Metabolite
from cobra.core.model import Model
from cobra.core.reaction import Reaction
from cobra.exceptions import SolverNotFound
from cobra.util.array import create_stoichiometric_matrix
from cobra.util.context import get_context
from cobra.util.util import format_long_string
from six import integer_types, iteritems, iterkeys, itervalues, string_types

from mass.core.mass_configuration import MassConfiguration
from mass.core.mass_metabolite import MassMetabolite
from mass.core.mass_reaction import MassReaction
from mass.core.units import UnitDefinition
from mass.util.expressions import create_custom_rate, strip_time
from mass.util.matrix import _get_matrix_constructor, convert_matrix, matrix_rank
from mass.util.util import (

# Set the logger
[docs]LOGGER = _make_logger(__name__)
"""logging.Logger: Logger for :mod:`~mass.core.mass_model` submodule."""
[docs]CHOPNSQ = ["C", "H", "O", "P", "N", "S", "q"]
"""list: Contains the six most abundant elements and charge for molecules.""" MASSCONFIGURATION = MassConfiguration()
[docs]class MassModel(Model): r"""Class representation of a model. Parameters ---------- id_or_model : str, ~cobra.core.model.Model, MassModel A string identifier to associate with the model, or an existing :class:`MassModel`. If an existing :class:`MassModel` is provided, a new :class:`MassModel` object is instantiated with the same properties as the original model. name : str A human readable name for the model. array_type : str A string identifiying the desired format for the returned matrix. Valid matrix types include ``'dense'``, ``'dok'``, ``'lil'``, ``'DataFrame'``, and ``'symbolic'`` Default is ``'DataFrame'``. See the :mod:`~.matrix` module documentation for more information on the ``array_type``. dtype : data-type The desired array data-type for the stoichiometric matrix. If ``None`` then the data-type will default to ``numpy.float64``. Attributes ---------- reactions : ~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList A :class:`~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList` where the keys are reaction identifiers and the values are the associated :class:`~.MassReaction`\ s. metabolites : ~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList A :class:`~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList` where the keys are metabolite identifiers and the values are the associated :class:`~.MassMetabolite`\ s. genes : ~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList A :class:`~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList` where the keys are gene identifiers and the values are the associated :class:`~cobra.core.gene.Gene`\ s. groups : ~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList A :class:`~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList` where the keys are group identifiers and the values are the associated :class:``\ s. enzyme_modules : ~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList A :class:`~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList` where the keys are enzyme module identifiers and the values are the associated :class:`~.EnzymeModuleDict`\ s. custom_rates : dict A ``dict`` to store custom rate expressions for specific reactions, where the keys are :class:`~.MassReaction`\ s and values are the custom rate expressions given as :mod:`sympy` expressions. Custom rate expressions will always be prioritized over automatically generated mass action rates. custom_parameters : dict A ``dict`` to store the custom parameters for the custom rates, where key:value pairs are the string identifiers for the parameters and their corresponding numerical value. boundary_conditions : dict A ``dict`` to store boundary conditions, where keys are string identifiers for 'boundary metabolites' of boundary reactions, and values are the corresponding boundary condition numerical value or function of time. Note that boundary conditions are treated as parameters and NOT as species. units : ~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList :class:`~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList` of :class:`~.UnitDefinition`\ s to store in the model for referencing. Warnings -------- * Note that the :class:`MassModel` does NOT track units, and it is therefore incumbent upon the user to maintain unit consistency the model. * Note that boundary conditions are considered parameters and NOT as species in a reaction. """ def __init__( self, id_or_model=None, name=None, array_type="dense", dtype=np.float64 ): """Initialize the MassModel.""" # Instiantiate a new MassModel with state identical to # the provided Model or MassModel object via cobra model initialization # and its call to the __setstate__ method. super(MassModel, self).__init__(id_or_model, name) if isinstance(id_or_model, Model) and not isinstance(id_or_model, MassModel): # Turn cobra objects into mass objects and fix groups. self._cobra_to_mass_repair() if not isinstance(id_or_model, MassModel): # Initialize DictLists for storing enzyme modules and units. # Reactions, metabolites, genes, and groups are initialized with # the model self.enzyme_modules = DictList() self.units = DictList() # Initialize dictionaries for custom rates, custom parameters, # boundary conditions, compartments, and units. self.boundary_conditions = {} self.custom_rates = {} self.custom_parameters = {} # Store the stoichiometric matrix, its matrix type, and data type self._array_type = array_type self._dtype = dtype self._S = self._mk_stoich_matrix( array_type=self._array_type, dtype=self._dtype, update_model=True ) # Public @property
[docs] def stoichiometric_matrix(self): """Return the stoichiometric matrix.""" return self.update_S( array_type=self._array_type, dtype=self._dtype, update_model=False
) @property
[docs] def S(self): """Alias for the :attr:`stoichiometric_matrix`.""" return self.stoichiometric_matrix
[docs] def ordinary_differential_equations(self): """Return a ``dict`` of ODEs for the metabolites.""" return {met: met.ode for met in self.metabolites}
[docs] def odes(self): """Alias for the :attr:`ordinary_differential_equations`.""" return self.ordinary_differential_equations
[docs] def initial_conditions(self): r"""Get ``dict`` of :attr:`.MassMetabolite.initial_condition`\ s.""" return { met: met.initial_condition for met in self.metabolites if met.initial_condition is not None
} @property
[docs] def ics(self): """Alias for the :attr:`initial_conditions`.""" return self.initial_conditions
[docs] def fixed(self): """Return a ``dict`` of all metabolite fixed conditions.""" return {met: ic for met, ic in iteritems(self.initial_conditions) if met.fixed}
[docs] def rates(self): """Return a ``dict`` of reaction rate expressions. If a reaction has an associated custom rate expression, the custom rate will be prioritized and returned in the ``dict`` instead of the automatically generated rate law expression. """ return self.get_rate_expressions(self.reactions, rate_type=0)
[docs] def steady_state_fluxes(self): """Return a ``dict`` of all reaction steady state fluxes.""" return { rxn: rxn.steady_state_flux for rxn in self.reactions if rxn.steady_state_flux is not None
} @property
[docs] def v(self): """Alias for the :attr:`steady_state_fluxes`.""" return self.steady_state_fluxes
[docs] def boundary(self): """Return a ``list`` of boundary reactions in the model.""" return super(MassModel, self).boundary
[docs] def boundary_metabolites(self): """Return a sorted ``list`` of all 'boundary metabolites' in the model. See Also -------- :attr:`.MassReaction.boundary_metabolite` """ return sorted( list(set(rxn.boundary_metabolite for rxn in self.reactions if rxn.boundary))
) @property
[docs] def exchanges(self): """Return exchange reactions in the model. Exchange reactions are reactions that exchange mass with the exterior. Uses annotations and heuristics to exclude non-exchanges such as sink and demand reactions. """ return super(MassModel, self).exchanges
[docs] def demands(self): """Return demand reactions in the model. Demands are irreversible reactions that accumulate or consume a metabolite in the inside of the model. """ return super(MassModel, self).demands
[docs] def sinks(self): """Return sink reactions in the model. Sinks are reversible reactions that accumulate or consume a metabolite in the inside of the model. """ return super(MassModel, self).sinks
[docs] def irreversible_reactions(self): """Return a ``list`` of all irreversible reactions in the model.""" return [rxn for rxn in self.reactions if not rxn.reversible]
[docs] def parameters(self): """Return all parameters associateed with the model.""" parameters = {} # Sort rate and equilibrium constants into seperate dictionaries, # then add dictionaries to returned parameter dictionary. for p_type in ["kf", "Keq", "kr"]: p_type_dict = {} for rxn in self.reactions: p_sym = getattr(rxn, p_type + "_str") if p_sym in rxn.parameters: p_type_dict.update({p_sym: rxn.parameters[p_sym]}) parameters.update({p_type: p_type_dict}) # Add fluxes, custom parameters, and fixed concentrations. parameters.update( { "v": { rxn.flux_symbol_str: flux for rxn, flux in iteritems(self.steady_state_fluxes) } } ) parameters.update({"Custom": self.custom_parameters}) parameters.update({"Boundary": self.boundary_conditions}) return parameters
[docs] def compartments(self): """Get or set a ``dict`` of all metabolite compartments. Assigning a ``dict`` to this property updates the model's ``dict`` of compartment descriptions with the new values. Notes ----- * Setter extends :meth:`~cobra.core.model.Model.compartments` of the :class:`cobra.Model <cobra.core.model.Model>` to enable resetting the attribute by setting an empty ``dict`` Parameters ---------- compartment_dict : dict A ``dict`` mapping compartments abbreviations to full names. An empty ``dict`` will reset the compartments. """ return super(MassModel, self).compartments
@compartments.setter def compartments(self, compartment_dict): """Set the ``dict`` of current compartment descriptions.""" if compartment_dict: super(MassModel, self.__class__).compartments.fset(self, compartment_dict) else: setattr(self, "_compartments", {}) @property
[docs] def conc_solver(self): """Return the :class:`.ConcSolver` associated with the model.""" if hasattr(self, "_conc_solver"): return getattr(self, "_conc_solver") raise SolverNotFound("No ConcSolver is associated with this model.")
[docs] def update_S(self, array_type=None, dtype=None, update_model=True): r"""Update the stoichiometric matrix of the model. Parameters ---------- array_type : str A string identifiying the desired format for the returned matrix. Valid matrix types include ``'dense'``, ``'dok'``, ``'lil'``, ``'DataFrame'``, and ``'symbolic'`` Default is the current ``array_type``. See the :mod:`~.matrix` module documentation for more information on the ``array_type``. dtype : data-type The desired array data-type for the stoichiometric matrix. If ``None`` then the data-type will default to the current ``dtype``. update_model : bool If ``True``, will update the stored stoichiometric matrix, the matrix type, and the data-type for the model. Returns ------- matrix of type ``array_type`` The stoichiometric matrix for the :class:`~.MassModel` returned as the given ``array_type`` and with a data-type of ``dtype``. """ # Use the model's stored matrix type if the matrix-type is not given. if array_type is None: array_type = self._array_type # Use the model's stored data-type if the data-type is not specified. if dtype is None: dtype = self._dtype # Check input of update_model if not isinstance(update_model, bool): raise TypeError("update_model must be a bool.") # If a matrix has not been constructed yet, or if there are no changes # to the reactions, return a newly constructed stoichiometric matrix. stoich_mat = self._mk_stoich_matrix( array_type=array_type, dtype=dtype, update_model=update_model ) # Internally update the model if desired if update_model: self._S = stoich_mat self._array_type = array_type self._dtype = dtype return stoich_mat
[docs] def add_metabolites(self, metabolite_list): r"""Add a ``list`` of metabolites to the model. The change is reverted upon exit when using the :class:`~.MassModel` as a context. Parameters ---------- metabolite_list : list A ``list`` containing :class:`~.MassMetabolite`\ s to add to the model. """ super(MassModel, self).add_metabolites(metabolite_list)
[docs] def remove_metabolites(self, metabolite_list, destructive=False): r"""Remove a ``list`` of metabolites from the model. The change is reverted upon exit when using the :class:`~.MassModel` as a context. Parameters ---------- metabolite_list : list A list containing :class:`~.MassMetabolite`\ s to remove from the model. destructive : bool If ``False``, the metabolites are removed from all associated reactions. If ``True``, also remove associated :class:`~.MassReaction`\ s from the model. """ super(MassModel, self).remove_metabolites(metabolite_list, destructive)
[docs] def add_boundary_conditions(self, boundary_conditions): """Add boundary conditions values for the given boundary metabolites. Boundary condition values can be a numerical value, or they can be a string or :mod:`sympy` expression representing a function of time. The function must only depend on time. Parameters ---------- boundary_conditions : dict A ``dict`` of boundary conditions containing the 'boundary metabolites' and their corresponding value. The string representing the 'boundary_metabolite' must exist in the ``list`` returned by :attr:`MassModel.boundary_metabolites`. See Also -------- :attr:`boundary_metabolites` """ if not isinstance(boundary_conditions, dict): raise TypeError("boundary_conditions must be a dict.") boundary_conditions_to_set = boundary_conditions.copy() for bound_met, bound_cond in iteritems(boundary_conditions_to_set): if ( bound_met not in self.boundary_metabolites and bound_met not in self.metabolites ): raise ValueError( "Did not find {0} in model metabolites or in " "boundary reactions.".format(bound_met) ) if bound_cond in ["", None]: boundary_conditions_to_set[bound_met] = None # Boundary condition is a function elif isinstance(bound_cond, (sym.Basic, string_types)): if isinstance(bound_cond, string_types): bound_cond = sym.sympify(bound_cond) boundary_conditions_to_set[bound_met] = bound_cond # Boundary condition is an integer or float elif isinstance(bound_cond, (integer_types, float)): boundary_conditions_to_set[bound_met] = float(bound_cond) else: raise TypeError( "Invalid boundary value for '{0}'. Boundary conditions can" "only be numerical values or functions of time.".format(bound_met) ) # Keep track of existing concentrations for context management. context = get_context(self) if context: existing_concs = { bound_met: self.boundary_conditions[bound_met] for bound_met in boundary_conditions if bound_met in self.boundary_conditions } self.boundary_conditions.update(boundary_conditions_to_set) if context: context( partial(self.boundary_conditions.pop, key) for key in iterkeys(boundary_conditions) if key not in existing_concs ) context(partial(self.boundary_conditions.update, existing_concs))
[docs] def remove_boundary_conditions(self, boundary_metabolite_list): """Remove the boundary condition for a list of `boundary metabolites`. Parameters ---------- metabolite_list : list A ``list`` of metabolites to remove the boundary conditions for. Boundary metabolites must already exist in the model in order for them to be removed. See Also -------- :attr:`boundary_metabolites` """ boundary_metabolite_list = ensure_iterable(boundary_metabolite_list) # Check whether a metabolite already exists in the model, # ignoring those that do not. boundary_metabolite_list = [ bound_met for bound_met in boundary_metabolite_list if bound_met in self.boundary_conditions ] # Keep track of existing concentrations for context management. context = get_context(self) if context: existing_concs = { bound_met: self.boundary_conditions[bound_met] for bound_met in boundary_metabolite_list if bound_met in self.boundary_conditions } # Remove the initial conditions for bound_met in boundary_metabolite_list: del self.boundary_conditions[bound_met] if context: context(partial(self.boundary_conditions.update, existing_concs))
[docs] def add_reactions(self, reaction_list): r"""Add reactions to the model. The change is reverted upon exit when using the :class:`~.MassModel` as a context. Notes ----- * :class:`~.MassReaction`\ s with identifiers identical to an existing reaction are ignored. * Extends :meth:`cobra.core.model.Model.add_reactions` by first ensuring that the reactions to be added are :class:`.MassReactions`\ s and not :class:`cobra.Reactions <cobra.core.reaction.Reaction>`. and error message raised reflects the :mod:`mass` object. * If a :class:`cobra.Reaction <cobra.core.reaction.Reaction>` is provided. a warning is raised and a :class:`.MassReaction` will be instantiated using the :class:`cobra.Reaction <cobra.core.reaction.Reaction>`. Parameters ---------- reaction_list : list A ``list`` of :class:`~.MassReaction`\ s to add to the model. """ reaction_list = ensure_iterable(reaction_list) for i, reaction in enumerate(reaction_list): if isinstance(reaction, MassReaction): # No need to change MassReaction objects continue elif isinstance(reaction, Reaction): # Convert reaction to a MassReaction and raise a warning warnings.warn( "'{0}' is not a mass.MassReaction, therefore " "converting reaction before adding.".format( ) mass_reaction = MassReaction(reaction) reaction_list[i] = mass_reaction else: # Input not recognized. raise TypeError("Unrecognized input {0}".format(str(reaction))) super(MassModel, self).add_reactions(reaction_list)
[docs] def remove_reactions(self, reactions, remove_orphans=False): r"""Remove reactions from the model. The change is reverted upon exit when using the :class:`~.MassModel` as a context. Notes ----- Extends :meth:`cobra.core.model.Model.remove_reactions` by also removing any custom rates along with the reaction (and custom parameters if ``remove_orphans=True``). Also removes the boundary condition if the reaction is a boundary reaction with a defined boundary condition. Parameters ---------- reaction_list : list A ``list`` of :class:`~.MassReaction`\ s to be removed from the model. remove_orphans : bool If ``True``, will also remove orphaned genes and metabolites from the model. If a custom rate is removed, the orphaned custom parameters will also be removed. """ super(MassModel, self).remove_reactions(reactions, remove_orphans) reactions = ensure_iterable(reactions) # Remove reaction from the custom rates and # the orphaned custom parameters if set for reaction in reactions: if reaction in self.custom_rates: self.remove_custom_rate(reaction, remove_orphans=remove_orphans) if ( reaction.boundary and reaction.boundary_metabolite in self.boundary_conditions ): self.remove_boundary_conditions([reaction.boundary_metabolite])
[docs] def add_boundary( self, metabolite, boundary_type="exchange", reaction_id=None, boundary_condition=0.0, **kwargs ): """Add a boundary reaction for a given metabolite. Accepted ``kwargs`` are passed to the underlying function for boundary reaction creation, :func:`cobra.Model.add_boundary <cobra.core.model.Model.add_boundary>`, and initialization of the :class:`.MassReaction`. There are three different types of pre-defined boundary reactions: exchange, demand, and sink reactions. * An exchange reaction is a reversible, unbalanced reaction that adds to or removes an extracellular metabolite from the extracellular compartment. * A demand reaction is an irreversible reaction that consumes an intracellular metabolite. * A sink is similar to an exchange but specifically for intracellular metabolites. Notes ------ * Extends :func:`cobra.core.model.Model.add_boundary` by allowing for metabolite identifers of existing metabolites in the model, boundary conditions and reaction subsystem to be set, and utilizes default bounds from the :class:`.MassConfiguration`. for creation of custom boundary reaction types. * To set the reaction ``boundary_type`` to something else, the desired identifier of the created reaction must be specified. The name will be given by the metabolite name and the given ``boundary_type``, and the reaction will be set its reversible attribute to ``True``. Bounds will be set to the defaults specified in the :class:`.MassConfiguration`. Parameters ---------- metabolite : MassMetabolite or str Any :class:`~.MassMetabolite`, or an identifier of a metabolite that already exists in the model. The metabolite compartment is not checked but it is encouraged to stick to the definition of exchanges, demands, and sinks. boundary_type : str One of the pre-defined boundary types, or a user-defined type. Pre-defined boundary types include ``"exchange"``, ``"demand"``, and ``"sink"``. Using one of the pre-defined reaction types is easiest. To create a user-defined kind of boundary reaction choose any other string, e.g., 'my-boundary'. reaction_id : str The ID of the resulting reaction. This takes precedence over the auto-generated identifiers but beware that it might make boundary reactions harder to identify afterwards when using :attr:`~.MassModel.boundary` or specifically :attr:`~.MassModel.exchanges` etc. boundary_condition : float, str, ~sympy.core.basic.Basic The boundary condition value to set. Must be an ``int``, ``float``, or a :mod:`sympy` expression dependent only on time. Default value is 0. **kwargs subsystem : ``str`` for subsystem where the reaction is meant to occur. lb : ``float`` for the lower bound of the resulting reaction, or ``None`` to use the default specified in the :class:`.MassConfiguration`. ub : ``float`` for the upper bound of the resulting reaction, or ``None`` to use the default specified in the :class:`.MassConfiguration`. sbo_term : ``str`` for the SBO term. A correct SBO term is set for the available boundary types. If a custom boundary type is chosen, a suitable SBO term should also be set. Returns ------- MassReaction The :class:`~.MassReaction` of the new boundary reaction. """ kwargs = _check_kwargs( { "subsystem": "", "lb": MASSCONFIGURATION.lower_bound, "ub": MASSCONFIGURATION.upper_bound, "sbo_term": None, }, kwargs, ) # Check for existance of the metabolite try: metabolite = self.metabolites.get_by_id(str(metabolite)) except KeyError as e: raise ValueError("'{0}' does not exist in the model.".format(str(e))) # Create boundary reaction with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", ".*is not a mass.MassReaction, therefore " "converting reaction.*", ) reaction = super(MassModel, self).add_boundary( metabolite, type=boundary_type, reaction_id=reaction_id, lb=kwargs.get("lb", None), ub=kwargs.get("ub", None), sbo_term=kwargs.get("sbo_term", None), ) # Get the added MassReaction reaction = self.reactions.get_by_id( # Add subsystem or boundary condition reaction.subsystem = kwargs.get("subsystem") self.add_boundary_conditions({reaction.boundary_metabolite: boundary_condition}) if boundary_type == "demand": reaction.reversible = False return reaction
[docs] def get_rate_expressions( self, reaction_list=None, rate_type=0, update_reactions=False ): r"""Get the rate expressions for a ``list`` of reactions in the model. Notes ----- If a reaction has a custom rate in the :attr:`MassModel.custom_rates` attribute, it will be returned only when the ``rate_type=0``. Parameters ---------- reaction_list : list A ``list`` of :class:`~.MassReaction`\ s to get the rate expressions for. Reactions must already exist in the model. If ``None``, then return the rates for all reactions in the model. rate_type : int The type of rate law to return. Must be 0, 1, 2, or 3. * If 0, the currrent rate expression is returned. * Type 1 will utilize the :attr:`forward_rate_constant` and the :attr:`equilibrium_constant`. * Type 2 will utilize the :attr:`forward_rate_constant` and the :attr:`reverse_rate_constant`. * Type 3 will utilize the :attr:`equilibrium_constant` and the :attr:`reverse_rate_constant`. Default is ``0.`` update_reactions : bool If ``True``, update the :class:`~.MassReaction` rate in addition to returning the rate expressions. Will not remove a custom rate. Returns ------- dict A ``dict`` of reaction rates where keys are the reaction ids and values are the rate law expressions. """ # Check the inputs if rate_type not in {0, 1, 2, 3}: raise ValueError("rate_type must be 0, 1, 2, or 3") # Use the MassModel reactions if no reaction list is given if reaction_list is None: reaction_list = self.reactions # Ensure list is iterable. reaction_list = ensure_iterable(reaction_list) if rate_type == 0: rate_dict = {rxn: rxn.rate for rxn in reaction_list} else: rate_dict = { rxn: rxn.get_mass_action_rate(rate_type, update_reactions) for rxn in reaction_list } return rate_dict
[docs] def get_mass_action_ratios(self, reaction_list=None, sympy_expr=True): r"""Get mass action ratios for a ``list`` of reactions in the model. Parameters ---------- reaction_list : list A ``list`` of :class:`~.MassReaction`\ s to get the mass action ratios for. Reactions must already exist in the model. If ``None``, then return the ratios for all reactions in the model. sympy_expr : bool If ``True`` then return the mass action ratios as a :mod:`sympy` expression, otherwise return the ratio as a human readable string. Returns ------- dict A ``dict`` of mass action ratios where keys are the reaction ids and values are the ratios. """ # Use the MassModel reactions if no reaction list is given if reaction_list is None: reaction_list = self.reactions # Ensure list is iterable. reaction_list = ensure_iterable(reaction_list) ratio_dict = dict( (rxn, rxn.get_mass_action_ratio()) if sympy_expr else (rxn, str(rxn.get_disequilibrium_ratio())) for rxn in reaction_list ) return ratio_dict
[docs] def get_disequilibrium_ratios(self, reaction_list=None, sympy_expr=True): r"""Get disequilibrium ratios for a ``list`` of reactions in the model. Parameters ---------- reaction_list : list A ``list`` of :class:`~.MassReaction`\ s to get the disequilibrium ratios for. Reactions must already exist in the model. If ``None``, then return the ratios for all reactions in the model. sympy_expr : bool If ``True`` then return the disequilibrium ratios as a :mod:`sympy` expression, otherwise return the ratio as a human readable string. Returns ------- dict A ``dict`` of mass action ratios where keys are the reaction ids and values are the ratios. """ # Use the MassModel reactions if no reaction list is given if reaction_list is None: reaction_list = self.reactions # Ensure list is iterable. reaction_list = ensure_iterable(reaction_list) ratio_dict = dict( (rxn, rxn.get_disequilibrium_ratio()) if sympy_expr else (rxn, str(rxn.get_disequilibrium_ratio())) for rxn in reaction_list ) return ratio_dict
[docs] def add_custom_rate(self, reaction, custom_rate, custom_parameters=None): """Add a custom rate for a reaction to the model. The change is reverted upon exit when using the :class:`~.MassModel` as a context. Notes ----- * Metabolites must already exist in the :class:`MassModel`. * Default parameters of a :class:`~.MassReaction` are automatically taken into account and do not need to be defined as additional custom parameters. Parameters ---------- reaction : MassReaction The reaction associated with the custom rate. custom_rate : str The string representation of the custom rate expression. The string representation of the custom rate will be used to create a :mod:`sympy` expression that represents the custom rate. custom_parameters : dict A ``dict`` of custom parameters for the custom rate where the key:value pairs are the strings representing the custom parameters and their numerical values. The string representation of the custom parametes will be used to create the symbols needed for the sympy expression of the custom rate. If ``None``, then parameters are assumed to already exist in the model. See Also -------- ~MassReaction.all_parameter_ids Lists the default reaction parameters automatically accounted for. """ if custom_parameters is not None: custom_parameter_list = list(iterkeys(custom_parameters)) else: custom_parameters = {} custom_parameter_list = [] # Ensure custom rate is a string if not isinstance(custom_rate, string_types): custom_rate = str(custom_rate) # Use any existing custom parameters if they are in the rate law. existing_customs = self.custom_parameters if existing_customs: for custom_parameter in iterkeys(existing_customs): if (, custom_rate) and custom_parameter not in custom_parameter_list ): custom_parameter_list.append(custom_parameter) # Create the custom rate expression custom_rate = create_custom_rate(reaction, custom_rate, custom_parameter_list) self.custom_rates.update({reaction: custom_rate}) self.custom_parameters.update(custom_parameters) context = get_context(self) if context: context(partial(self.custom_rates.pop, reaction)) context( partial( (self.custom_parameters.pop, key) for key in custom_parameter_list if key in iterkeys(self.custom_parameters) ) ) context(partial(self.custom_parameters.update, existing_customs))
[docs] def remove_custom_rate(self, reaction, remove_orphans=True): """Remove the custom rate for a given reaction from the model. The change is reverted upon exit when using the :class:`~.MassModel` as a context. Parameters ---------- reaction : MassReaction The reaction assoicated with the custom rate to be removed. remove_orphans : bool If ``True``, then remove any orphaned custom parameters from the model. """ try: rate_to_remove = self.custom_rates[reaction] except KeyError: warnings.warn( "Did not find a custom custom rate expression " "associated with reaction {0}.".format( ) return # Remove the rate del self.custom_rates[reaction] # Remove orphaned custom parameters if desired. args = rate_to_remove.atoms(sym.Symbol) standards = [sym.Symbol(arg) for arg in reaction.all_parameter_ids + ["t"]] # Save currently existing parameters for context management if needed. existing = { str(arg): self.custom_parameters[str(arg)] for arg in args if arg in self.custom_parameters and arg not in standards } if remove_orphans and self.custom_rates: # Determine symbols still in use. other_args = set() for custom_rate in itervalues(self.custom_rates): other_args.update(custom_rate.atoms(sym.Symbol)) # Remove those that are not being used in any custom rate. for arg in other_args: if arg in args.copy(): args.remove(arg) for arg in args: if arg not in standards and arg in self.custom_parameters: del self.custom_parameters[str(arg)] context = get_context(self) if context: context(partial(self.custom_rates.update, {reaction: rate_to_remove})) if remove_orphans: context(partial(self.custom_parameters.update, existing))
[docs] def reset_custom_rates(self): """Reset all custom rate expressions and parameters in a model. The change is reverted upon exit when using the :class:`~.MassModel` as a context. Warnings -------- Using this method will remove all custom rates and custom rate parameters in the model. To remove a specific rate without affecting the other custom rates or parameters, use :meth:`remove_custom_rate` instead. """ context = get_context(self) if context: existing_customs = self.custom_rates.copy() existing_parameters = self.parameters.copy() self.custom_rates = {} self.custom_parameters = {}"All custom rate expressions and parameters have been reset") if context: context(partial(self.custom_parameters.update, existing_parameters)) context(partial(self.custom_parameters.update, existing_customs))
[docs] def add_units(self, unit_defs): r"""Add a :class:`~.UnitDefinition` to the model :attr:`units`. The change is reverted upon exit when using the :class:`~.MassModel` as a context. Notes ----- The model will not automatically track or convert units. Therefore, it is up to the user to ensure unit consistency in the model. Parameters ---------- unit_defs : list A ``list`` of :class:`~.UnitDefinition`\ s to add to the model. """ # Ensure iterable input and units are valid Unit objects. unit_defs = DictList(ensure_iterable(unit_defs)) for unit in list(unit_defs): if not isinstance(unit, UnitDefinition): raise ValueError( "'{0}' is not a valid UnitDefinition.".format(str(unit)) ) # Skip existing units. if in self.units.list_attr("id"): warnings.warn( "Skipping '{0}' for it already exists in the" " model.".format(unit) ) unit_defs.remove(unit) # Add new unit definitions to the units attribute self.units += unit_defs context = get_context(self) if context: context(partial(self.units.__isub__, unit_defs))
[docs] def remove_units(self, unit_defs): r"""Remove a :class:`~.UnitDefinition` from the model :attr:`units`. The change is reverted upon exit when using the :class:`~.MassModel` as a context. Notes ----- The model will not automatically track or convert units. Therefore, it is up to the user to ensure unit consistency in the model. Parameters ---------- unit_defs : list A ``list`` of :class:`~.UnitDefinition`\ s or their string identifiers to remove from the model. """ unit_defs = ensure_iterable(unit_defs) # Iteratre through units, raise ValueError if unit does not exist. for unit in unit_defs: try: unit = self.units.get_by_id(unit) except KeyError as e: raise ValueError("'{0}' does not exist in the model.".format(str(e))) # Remove unit definitions to the units attribute self.units -= unit_defs context = get_context(self) if context: context(partial(self.units.__iadd__, unit_defs))
[docs] def reset_units(self): r"""Reset all unit definitions in a model. The change is reverted upon exit when using the :class:`~.MassModel` as a context. Warnings -------- Using this method will remove all :class:`~.UnitDefinition`\ s from the model. To remove a :class:`~.UnitDefinition` without affecting other units, use :meth:`remove_units` instead. """ context = get_context(self) if context: existing_units = list(self.units) self.units = DictList()"All unit definitions have been reset.") if context: context(partial(self.units.__iadd__, existing_units))
[docs] def get_elemental_matrix(self, array_type=None, dtype=None): """Get the elemental matrix for a model. Parameters ---------- array_type : str A string identifiying the desired format for the returned matrix. Valid matrix types include ``'dense'``, ``'dok'``, ``'lil'``, ``'DataFrame'``, and ``'symbolic'`` Default is ``'dense'``. See the :mod:`~.matrix` module documentation for more information on the ``array_type``. dtype : data-type The desired array data-type for the matrix. If ``None`` then the data-type will default to ``numpy.float64``. Returns ------- matrix of type ``array_type`` The elemntal matrix for the :class:`~.MassModel` returned as the given ``array_type`` and with a data-type of ``dtype``. """ # Set up for matrix construction if matrix types are correct. (matrix_constructor, array_type, dtype) = _get_matrix_constructor( array_type=array_type, dtype=dtype ) # Build the elemental matrix elem_mat = matrix_constructor((len(CHOPNSQ), len(self.metabolites))) # Get indices for elements and metabolites e_ind = CHOPNSQ.index m_ind = self.metabolites.index # Fill the elemental matrix moieties = [] for met in self.metabolites: element_dict = met.elements for element in CHOPNSQ: if element in iterkeys(element_dict): amount = element_dict.pop(element) elif re.match("q", element) and met.charge is not None: amount = met.charge else: amount = 0 elem_mat[e_ind(element), m_ind(met)] = amount # Get any additional moieties moieties.extend( [ element for element in iterkeys(element_dict) if "[" in element and "]" in element and element not in moieties ] ) row_ids = CHOPNSQ.copy() # Add additional moieties to the elemental matrix if moieties: moiety_mat = matrix_constructor((len(moieties), len(self.metabolites))) # Create additional matrix for moieties for met in self.metabolites: element_dict = met.elements for element in moieties: if element in element_dict: amount = 1 else: amount = 0 moiety_mat[moieties.index(element), m_ind(met)] = amount # Concatenate matrices elem_mat = np.concatenate((elem_mat, moiety_mat), axis=0) row_ids.extend(moieties) # Convert matrix to a dataframe if matrix type is a dataframe elem_mat = convert_matrix( elem_mat, array_type=array_type, dtype=dtype, row_ids=row_ids, col_ids=[ for m in self.metabolites], ) return elem_mat
[docs] def get_elemental_charge_balancing(self, array_type=None, dtype=None): """Get the elemental charge balance as a matrix for a model. Parameters ---------- array_type : str A string identifiying the desired format for the returned matrix. Valid matrix types include ``'dense'``, ``'dok'``, ``'lil'``, ``'DataFrame'``, and ``'symbolic'`` Default is ``'dense'``. See the :mod:`~.matrix` module documentation for more information on the ``array_type``. dtype : data-type The desired array data-type for the matrix. If ``None`` then the data-type will default to ``numpy.float64``. Returns ------- matrix of type ``array_type`` The charge balancing matrix for the :class:`~.MassModel` returned as the given ``array_type`` and with a data-type of ``dtype``. """ elem_mat = self.get_elemental_matrix(array_type="DataFrame") row_ids = elem_mat.index stoich_mat = self.update_S(array_type="dense", update_model=False) charge_mat = np.array(elem_mat).dot(stoich_mat) if array_type is None: array_type = "dense" if dtype is None: dtype = np.float64 charge_mat = convert_matrix( charge_mat, array_type=array_type, dtype=dtype, row_ids=row_ids, col_ids=[ for r in self.reactions], ) return charge_mat
[docs] def repair(self, rebuild_index=True, rebuild_relationships=True): """Update all indicies and pointers in the model. Notes ----- Extends :meth:`` of the :class:`cobra.Model <cobra.core.model.Model>` to include the :attr:`MassModel.enzyme_modules` and :attr:`MassModel.units`. Parameters ---------- rebuild_index: bool If ``True``, then rebuild the indicies kept in the reactions, metabolites, and genes. rebuild_relationships: bool If ``True``, then reset all associations between the reactions, metabolites, genes, enzyme_modules, and the :class:`MassModel`, and rebuilds them. """ super(MassModel, self).repair(rebuild_index, rebuild_relationships) # Rebuild the DictList indices if rebuild_index: self.enzyme_modules._generate_index() self.units._generate_index() # Make all objects point to the model. for e in self.enzyme_modules: e._model = self
[docs] def copy(self): r"""Create a partial "deepcopy" of the :class:`MassModel`. All of the :class:`~.MassMetabolite`\ s, :class:`~.MassReaction`\ s, :class:`~cobra.core.gene.Gene`\ s and :class:`~.EnzymeModuleDict`\ s, the boundary conditions, custom_rates, custom_parameters, and the stoichiometric matrix are created anew, but in a faster fashion than ``deepcopy``. Notes ----- Overrides :meth:`~cobra.core.model.Model.copy` of the :class:`cobra.Model <cobra.core.model.Model>` so that all objects are :mod:`mass` objects and additional attributes of specific to the :class:`MassModel`. """ # Define a new model new_model = self.__class__() # Define items that will not be copied by their references do_not_copy_by_ref = [ "metabolites", "reactions", "genes", "enzyme_modules", "groups", "_S", "custom_rates", "units", "boundary_conditions", "custom_parameters", "notes", "annotation", ] for attr in self.__dict__: if attr not in do_not_copy_by_ref: new_model.__dict__[attr] = self.__dict__[attr] for attr in do_not_copy_by_ref[-5:]: setattr(new_model, attr, deepcopy(getattr(self, attr))) # Copy the metabolites new_model.metabolites += self._copy_model_metabolites(new_model) # Copy the genes new_model.genes += self._copy_model_genes(new_model) # Copy the reactions and rates (including custom rates) new_model.reactions += self._copy_model_reactions(new_model) # Copy the custom rate for the reaction: if self.custom_rates: new_model.custom_rates.update( { new_model.reactions.get_by_id( custom_rate for reaction, custom_rate in iteritems(self.custom_rates) } ) # Copy custom parameters if self.custom_parameters: new_model.custom_parameters.update(self.custom_parameters) # Copy any existing groups new_model.groups += self._copy_model_groups(new_model) # Copy any existing enzyme_modules new_model.enzyme_modules += self._copy_model_enzyme_modules(new_model) # Create the new stoichiometric matrix for the model. new_model._S = self._mk_stoich_matrix( array_type=self._array_type, dtype=self._dtype, update_model=True ) solvers_dict = {"_solver": self.solver} if hasattr(self, "_conc_solver"): solvers_dict["_conc_solver"] = self.conc_solver for attr, solver in iteritems(solvers_dict): try: setattr(new_model, attr, deepcopy(solver)) # Cplex has an issue with deep copies except Exception: setattr(new_model, attr, copy(solver)) # Doesn't make sense to retain the context of a copied model so # assign a new empty context new_model._contexts = [] return new_model
[docs] def merge(self, right, prefix_existing=None, inplace=True, objective="left"): """Merge two models into one model with the objects from both. The reactions, metabolites, genes, enzyme modules, boundary conditions, custom rate expressions, rate parameters, compartments, units, notes, and annotations from the right model are also copied to left model. However, note that in cases where identifiers for objects are identical or a ``dict`` item has an identical key(s), priority will be given to what already exists in the left model. Custom constraints and variables from right models are also copied to left model, however note that, constraints and variables are assumed to be the same if they have the same name. Notes ----- * When merging an :class:`.~EnzymeModule` into a :class:`MassModel`, the enzyme module is converted to an :class:`.~EnzymeModuleDict` and stored in a :class:`~cobra.core.dictlist.DictList` accessible via the :attr:`enzyme_modules` attribute. If an :class:`.~EnzymeModuleDict` already exists in the model, it will be replaced. * Extends :meth:`~cobra.core.model.Model.merge` of the :class:`cobra.Model <cobra.core.model.Model>` by including additional :class:`MassModel` attributes. Parameters ---------- right : MassModel The model to merge into the left model. prefix_existing : str If provided, the string is used to prefix the reaction identifier of a reaction in the second model if that reaction already exists within the first model. Will also apply prefix to identifiers of enzyme modules in the second model. inplace : bool If ``True`` then add reactions from second (right) model directly to the first (left) model. Otherwise, create a new model leaving the left model untouched. When done within the model as context, changes to the models are reverted upon exit. objective : str One of ``"left"``, ``"right"`` or ``"sum"`` for setting the objective of the resulting model to that of the corresponding model or the sum of both. Default is ``"left"``. Returns ------- MassModel A new :class:`MassModel` or ``self`` representing the merged model. """ # Check whether two MassModels are being merged, # or if a MassModel and a MassModel subclass are being merged. if right.__class__ is not MassModel and issubclass(right.__class__, MassModel): return right._add_self_to_model(self, prefix_existing, inplace, objective) # Set the merged model object and its ID, # then add the module attribute of the right model into the left new_model = super(MassModel, self).merge( right, prefix_existing, inplace, objective ) # Add boundary conditions from right to left model. existing = [bc for bc in iterkeys(new_model.boundary_conditions)] new_model.add_boundary_conditions( { m: bc for m, bc in iteritems(right.boundary_conditions) if bc not in existing } ) # Add custom parameters from right to left model. existing = [cp for cp in iterkeys(new_model.custom_parameters)] new_model.custom_parameters.update( { cp: v for cp, v in iteritems(right.custom_parameters) if cp not in existing } ) def prefix_existing_id(to_prefix): """Prefix the ID and return it.""" return "{0}{1}".format(prefix_existing, to_prefix) # Add custom rates from right to left model, # prefixing any existing reactions if necessary if prefix_existing is not None: existing = dict( (prefix_existing_id(, rate) if prefix_existing_id( in new_model.reactions else (, rate) for r, rate in iteritems(right.custom_rates) ) else: existing = {} existing.update(right.custom_rates) new_model.custom_rates.update( { new_model.reactions.get_by_id(getattr(r, "_id", r)): rate for r, rate in iteritems(existing) } ) new_items = deepcopy(right.groups) if prefix_existing is not None: existing = new_items.query(lambda group: in self.groups) for group in existing: = prefix_existing_id( new_model.add_groups(new_items) def existing_enzyme_filter(enzyme): """Filter existing EnzymeModules.""" if in self.enzyme_modules: LOGGER.warning( "Ignoring enzyme module '%s' since it already exists.", ) return False return True # Add enzyme_modules from right to left model if right.enzyme_modules: new_items = deepcopy(right.enzyme_modules) # Prefix enzyme_modules if necessary if prefix_existing is not None: existing = new_items.query(lambda e: in self.enzyme_modules) for enzyme in existing: enzyme.__dict__["_id"] = prefix_existing_id( # Check whether reactions exist in the model. new_items = DictList(filter(existing_enzyme_filter, new_items)) new_model.enzyme_modules += new_items for enzyme in new_model.enzyme_modules: enzyme.model = new_model new_model.add_units([u for u in right.units if u not in new_model.units]) for attr in ["_compartments", "notes", "annotation"]: existing = getattr(new_model, attr).copy() setattr(new_model, attr, getattr(right, attr).copy()) getattr(new_model, attr).update(existing) return new_model
[docs] def compute_steady_state_fluxes( self, pathways, independent_fluxes, update_reactions=False ): r"""Calculate the unique steady state flux for each reaction. The unique steady state flux for each reaction in the :class:`MassModel` is calculated using defined pathways, independently defined fluxes, and steady state concentrations, where index of values in the pathways must correspond to the index of the reaction in :attr:`MassModel.reactions`. Notes ----- The number of individually defined fluxes must be the same as the number of pathways in order to determine the solution. For best results, the number of pathways to specify must equal the dimension of the right nullspace. Parameters ---------- pathways : array-like An array-like object that define the pathways through the reaction network of the model. The given pathway vectors must be the same length as the number of reactions in the model, with indicies of values in the pathway vector corresponding to the indicies of reactions in the :attr:`reactions` attribute. independent_fluxes : dict A ``dict`` of steady state fluxes where :class:`~.MassReaction`\ s are keys and fluxes are values to utilize in order to calculate all other steady state fluxes. Must be the same length as the number of specified pathways. update_reactions : bool If ``True`` then update the :attr:`.MassReaction.steady_state_flux` with the calculated steady state flux value for each reaction. Return ------ dict A ``dict`` where key:value pairs are the :class:`~.MassReaction`\ s with their corresponding calculated steady state fluxes. Warnings -------- The indicies of the values in the pathway vector must correspond to the indicies of the reactions in the :attr:`reactions` attribute in order for the method to work as intended. """ # Check inputs: if not isinstance(pathways, (np.ndarray, list)): raise TypeError( "Pathways must be numpy.ndarrays or array-like, " "such as a list of lists." ) pathways = np.array(pathways) if len(self.reactions) != pathways.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "Pathways must have the same number of columns as" " the number of reactions in the model." ) if not isinstance(independent_fluxes, dict): raise TypeError("independent_fluxes must be a dict") if not isinstance(update_reactions, bool): raise TypeError("update_reactions must be a bool") coeffs = [] values = [] for i, rxn in enumerate(self.reactions): if rxn in independent_fluxes: values.append(independent_fluxes[rxn]) coeffs.append([path[i] for path in pathways]) # Inverse coefficient matrix coeffs = np.linalg.inv(coeffs) # Obtain the inner product of values and coefficients, # then obtain the inner product of the pathways and first inner product flux_vector = np.inner(pathways.T, np.inner(coeffs, values)) # Update the reactions if desired steady_state_fluxes = {} for i, rxn in enumerate(self.reactions): steady_state_flux = flux_vector[i] steady_state_fluxes.update({rxn: steady_state_flux}) if update_reactions: rxn.steady_state_flux = steady_state_flux return steady_state_fluxes
[docs] def calculate_PERCs( self, at_equilibrium_default=100000, update_reactions=False, verbose=False, **kwargs ): r"""Calculate pseudo-order rate constants for reactions in the model. Pseudo-order rate constants (PERCs) are considered to be the same as :attr:`~.MassReaction.forward_rate_constant` attributes, and are calculated based on the steady state concentrations and fluxes. Notes ----- * All fluxes and concentrations used in calculations must be provided, including relevant boundary conditions. By default, the relevant values are taken from objects associated with the model. * To calculate PERCs for a subset of model reactions, use the ``fluxes`` kwawrg. Parameters ---------- at_equilibrium_default : float The value to set the pseudo-order rate constant if the reaction is at equilibrium. Default is ``100,000``. update_reactions : bool If ``True`` then will update the values for the :attr:`~MassReaction.forward_rate_constant` attributes with the calculated PERC values. verbose : bool Whether to output more verbose messages for errors and logging. **kwargs fluxes : A ``dict`` of reaction fluxes where :class:`~MassReaction`\ s are keys and fluxes are the values. Only reactions provided will have their PERCs calculated. If ``None``, PERCs are calculated using the current steady state fluxes for all reactions in the model. Default is ``None``. concentrations : dict A ``dict`` of concentrations necessary for the PERC calculations, where :class:`~.MassMetabolite`\ s are keys and concentrations are the values. If ``None``, the relevant concentrations that exist in the model are used. Default is ``None``. Returns ------- dict A ``dict`` where keys are strings identifers of the pseudo-order rate constants (as given by :attr:`.MassReaction.kf_str`) and values are the calculated PERC values. """ kwargs = _check_kwargs({"fluxes": None, "concentrations": None}, kwargs) # Get the model steady state concentrations if None are provided. if kwargs.get("concentrations") is None: concentrations = self.boundary_conditions.copy() concentrations.update( {str(m): ic for m, ic in iteritems(self.initial_conditions)} ) else: concentrations = { str(m): v for m, v in iteritems(kwargs.get("concentrations")) } # Get the model reactions and fluxes if None are provided. if kwargs.get("fluxes") is None: fluxes = self.steady_state_fluxes else: fluxes = kwargs.get("fluxes") invalid = { rxn: flux for rxn, flux in iteritems(fluxes) if not isinstance(rxn, MassReaction) or not isinstance(flux, (float, integer_types)) } if invalid: raise TypeError("Invalid ``fluxes``: '{0!r}'".format(invalid)) # Get defined numerical values numerical_values = { str(param): value for p_type, subdict in iteritems(self.parameters) for param, value in iteritems(subdict) if p_type not in ["kf", "v"] } numerical_values.update(concentrations) # Function to calculate the solution def calculate_sol(flux, rate_equation, perc): sol = sym.solveset(sym.Eq(flux, rate_equation), perc, domain=sym.S.Reals) if ( isinstance(sol, type(sym.S.Reals)) or sol.is_empty or next(iter(sol)) == 0 ): sol = float(at_equilibrium_default) else: sol = float(next(iter(sol))) return sol # Calculate the PERCs percs_dict = {} for reaction, flux in iteritems(fluxes): rate_eq = strip_time(reaction.rate) if reaction.kf_str not in str(rate_eq): msg = "Skipping reaction {0}, no PERC in rate".format( if verbose: print(msg) continue # Get arguments args = [ a for a in list(rate_eq.atoms(sym.Symbol)) if str(a) != reaction.kf_str ] # Get numerical values for arguments vals = { a: numerical_values[str(a)] for a in args if str(a) in numerical_values } if len(args) != len(vals): warnings.warn( "Cannot calculate the PERC for reaction '{0}' missing " "values for {1!r}.".format(, [str(a) for a in args if a not in vals] ) ) continue # Substitute values into rate equation rate_eq = rate_eq.subs(vals) # Calculate rate equation and update with soluton for PERC sol = calculate_sol(flux, rate_eq, sym.Symbol(reaction.kf_str)) percs_dict.update({reaction.kf_str: sol}) if update_reactions: reaction.kf = percs_dict[reaction.kf_str] return percs_dict
[docs] def build_model_from_string( self, model_str, verbose=True, reaction_split=";", reaction_id_split=":", **kwargs ): """Create a :class:`MassModel` from strings of reaction equations. Accepted ``kwargs`` are passed to the underlying function for reaction creation, :meth:`.MassReaction.build_reaction_from_string`. Takes a string representation of the reactions and uses the specifications supplied in the optional arguments to first infer a set of reactions and their identifiers, then to infer metabolites, metabolite compartments, and stoichiometries for the reactions. It also infers the reversibility of the reaction from the reaction arrow. For example:: ''' RID_1: S + E <=> ES; RID_2: ES -> E + P; RID_3: E + I <=> EI; ''' where ``RID`` represents the identifier to assign the :class:`~.MassReaction`. Parameters ---------- model : str A string representing the reaction formulas (equation) for the model. verbose : bool Setting the verbosity of the function. reaction_split : str Dividing individual reaction entries. Default is ``";"``. reaction_id_split : str Dividing individual reaction entries from their identifiers. Default is ``":"``. **kwargs fwd_arrow : :func:`re.compile` or ``None`` for forward irreversible reaction arrows. If ``None``, the arrow is expected to be ``'-->'`` or ``'==>'``. rev_arrow : :func:`re.compile` or ``None`` for backward irreversible reaction arrows. If ``None``, the arrow is expected to be ``'<--'`` or ``'<=='``. reversible_arrow : :func:`re.compile` or ``None`` for reversible reaction arrows. If ``None``, the arrow is expected to be ``'<=>'`` or ``'<->'``. term_split : str Dividing individual metabolite entries. Default is ``"+"``. See Also -------- :meth:`.MassReaction.build_reaction_from_string` Base method for building reactions. """ # Use the reaction split arguments to get the reactions and strip them reaction_list = [ reaction_str.strip() for reaction_str in model_str.split(reaction_split) if reaction_str.strip() ] # Iterate through reaction strings for orig_reaction_str in reaction_list: # Split the reaction ID from the reaction equation split = orig_reaction_str.split(reaction_id_split) try: if len(split) != 2: raise ValueError( "Could not parse '{0}' for the reaction " "ID and formula (equation).".format(orig_reaction_str) ) reaction_id, reaction_str = (s.strip() for s in split) # Cannot build reaction without an ID if not reaction_id: raise ValueError( "No reaction ID found in '{0}'".format(orig_reaction_str) ) # Create a new reaction if one does not already exist. try: reaction = self.reactions.get_by_id(reaction_id) except KeyError: if verbose: print("New reaction {0} created".format(reaction_id)) reaction = MassReaction(reaction_id) self.add_reactions(reaction) # Build the reaction from the reaction string reaction.build_reaction_from_string( reaction_str, verbose=verbose, **kwargs ) except ValueError as e: # Raise warnings for reactions that could not be built. warnings.warn( "Failed to build reaction '{0}' due to the following:\n" "{1}".format(orig_reaction_str, str(e)) ) continue # Ensure all pointers are updated., rebuild_relationships=True)
[docs] def update_parameters(self, parameters, verbose=True): """Update the parameters associated with the MassModel. Parameters can be the following: * :attr:`.MassReaction.forward_rate_constant` ( :attr:`~.MassReaction.kf`) * :attr:`.MassReaction.reverse_rate_constant` ( :attr:``) * :attr:`.MassReaction.equilibrium_constant` ( :attr:`~.MassReaction.Keq`) * :attr:`.MassReaction.steady_state_flux` ( :attr:`~.MassReaction.v`) * :attr:`~MassModel.boundary_conditions` * :attr:`~MassModel.custom_parameters` Notes ----- The reactions must already exist in the model in order to change associated parameters. Any identifiers that are not identifiers of standard reaction parameter or of any 'boundary metabolites' will be set as a custom parameter. Parameters ---------- parameters : dict A ``dict`` containing the parameter identifiers as strings and their corresponding values to set in the model. verbose : bool If ``True`` then display the warnings that may be raised when setting reaction parameters. Default is ``True``. See Also -------- :attr:`.MassReaction.all_parameter_ids` Lists the default reaction parameter identifiers. :attr:`MassModel.boundary_metabolites` Lists the 'boundary metabolites' found in the model. """ if not isinstance(parameters, dict): raise TypeError("parameters must be a dict.") for key, value in iteritems(parameters): if not isinstance(key, string_types): raise TypeError("Keys must be strings. '{0}' not a string.".format(key)) for key, value in iteritems(parameters): # Check the parameter type if key in self.boundary_metabolites: self.add_boundary_conditions({key: value}) elif key.split("_", 1)[0] in ["kf", "Keq", "kr", "v"]: # See if the reaction exists and if none found, assume # parameter is a custom parameter try: p_type, reaction = key.split("_", 1) reaction = self.reactions.get_by_id(reaction) with warnings.catch_warnings(): if not verbose: warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", ".*constant for an irreversible reaction.*" ) setattr(reaction, p_type, value) except (KeyError, ValueError): self.custom_parameters.update({key: value}) # If parameter not found, assume parameter is a custom parameter else: self.custom_parameters.update({key: value})
[docs] def update_initial_conditions(self, initial_conditions, verbose=True): """Update the initial conditions of the model. Can also be used to update initial conditions of fixed metabolites to change the concentration value at which the metabolite is fixed. Notes ----- The metabolite(s) must already exist in the model to set the initial conditions. Initial conditions for the metabolites are accessed through :attr:`.MassMetabolite.initial_condition`. If an initial condition for a metabolite already exists, it will be replaced. Parameters ---------- initial_conditions : dict A ``dict`` where metabolites are the keys and the initial conditions are the values. verbose : bool If ``True`` then display the warnings that may be raised when setting metabolite initial conditions. Default is ``True``. """ if not isinstance(initial_conditions, dict): raise TypeError("initial_conditions must be a dictionary.") for metabolite, ic_value in iteritems(initial_conditions): # Try getting metabolite object from model try: metabolite = self.metabolites.get_by_id(str(metabolite)) except KeyError as e: warnings.warn("No metabolite found for {0}".format(str(e))) continue # Try setting the initial condition try: metabolite.initial_condition = ic_value except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: if verbose: warnings.warn( "Cannot set initial condition for {0} due to the " "following: {1}".format(, str(e)) ) continue
[docs] def update_custom_rates(self, custom_rates, custom_parameters=None): r"""Update the custom rates of the model. Parameters ---------- custom_rates : dict A ``dict`` where :class:`.MassReaction`\ s or their string identifiers are the keys and the rates are the string representations of the custom rate expression. custom_parameters : dict A ``dict`` of custom parameters for the custom rates, where the key:value pairs are the strings representing the custom parameters and their numerical values. If a custom parameter already exists in the model, it will be updated. Notes ----- The reaction(s) must already exist in the model to set the custom rate. See Also -------- :meth:`add_custom_rate` """ if custom_parameters is not None: if not isinstance(custom_parameters, dict): raise TypeError("custom_parameters must be a dict.") self.custom_parameters.update(custom_parameters) # Iterate through custrom rates for reaction, custom_rate in iteritems(custom_rates): if not isinstance(reaction, MassReaction): # Ensure reaction exists try: reaction = self.reactions.get_by_id(reaction) except KeyError as e: warnings.warn("No reaction found for {0}".format(str(e))) continue # Try to create the rate expression try: self.add_custom_rate(reaction, custom_rate=custom_rate) except sym.SympifyError: # Warn if fail warnings.warn( "Unable to sympify rate equation for " "'{0}'.".format(
[docs] def has_equivalent_odes(self, right, verbose=False): """Determine whether :attr:`odes` between two models are equivalent. Notes ----- The ODEs between two models are compared to determine whether the models can be considered equivalent, meaning that the models contain the same metabolites, reactions, and rate expressions such that they require the same set of parameters and initial conditions for simulation. Parameters ---------- right : MassModel The :class:`MassModel` to compare to the left model (``self``). verbose : bool If ``True``, display the reason(s) for the differences in the left and right models. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- bool Returns a bool indicating whether the model ODEs are equivalent. """ equivalent = True # Determine whether ODE dicts have the same ODEs l_odes_and_rates = [ { ode for met, ode in iteritems(self.odes)}, { rate for r, rate in iteritems(self.rates)}, ] r_odes_and_rates = [ { ode for met, ode in iteritems(right.odes)}, { rate for r, rate in iteritems(right.rates)}, ] if l_odes_and_rates[0] != r_odes_and_rates[0]: equivalent = False if not equivalent and verbose: msg_out = "{0} vs. {1}:\n".format(, for i, (l_dict, r_dict) in enumerate( zip(l_odes_and_rates, r_odes_and_rates) ): # Determine which metabolites do not exist in both models missing = set(l_dict) missing.symmetric_difference_update(set(r_dict)) # Determine which metabolites have different ODEs diff_equations = set( l_key for l_key, l_value in iteritems(l_dict) if l_key in r_dict and l_value != r_dict[l_key] ) # Format and return messages for differences if i == 0: msgs = ["Metabolites", "ODEs"] else: msgs = ["Reactions", "rates"] msgs = [ "{0} in one model only: ".format(msgs[0]), "{0} with different {1}: ".format(*msgs), ] for item, msg in zip([missing, diff_equations], msgs): if item: msg_out += msg + str(sorted(list(item))) + "\n" print(msg_out.rstrip("\n")) return equivalent
[docs] def set_steady_state_fluxes_from_solver(self): """Set reaction steady state fluxes based on the state of the solver. Only works when reaction is associated with a model that has been optimized. """ for reaction in self.reactions: reaction.steady_state_flux = reaction.flux
# Internal
[docs] def _cobra_to_mass_repair(self): """Convert associated cobra objects to mass objects for self. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Convert Metabolites into MassMetabolites if self.metabolites: self.metabolites = DictList( [MassMetabolite(metabolite) for metabolite in self.metabolites] ) # Copy genes if self.genes: self.genes = DictList([gene.copy() for gene in self.genes]) # Convert Reactions into MassReactions if self.reactions: self.reactions = DictList( [MassReaction(reaction) for reaction in self.reactions] ) # Convert groups containing metabolites and reactions # into groups containing MassMetabolites and MassReactions if self.groups: for group in self.groups: old_members = list(group.members) new_members = [] for member in old_members: if isinstance(member, Metabolite) and not isinstance( member, MassMetabolite ): new_members.append(MassMetabolite(member)) if isinstance(member, Reaction) and not isinstance( member, MassReaction ): new_members.append(MassReaction(member)) if not isinstance(member, (Metabolite, Reaction)): new_members.append(member) group.remove_members(old_members) group.add_members(new_members) # Ensure all objects in the model point to the MassModel self.__setstate__(self.__dict__)
[docs] def _mk_stoich_matrix(self, array_type=None, dtype=None, update_model=True): """Return the stoichiometric matrix for a given MassModel. The rows represent the chemical species and the columns represent the reaction. S[i, j] therefore contains the quantity of species 'i' produced (positive) or consumed (negative) by reaction 'j'. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. To safely update the stoichiometric matrix, use :meth:`~MassModel.update_S` instead. """ if not isinstance(update_model, bool): raise TypeError("update_model must be a bool") # Use current array type and dtype if None provided if array_type is None: array_type = self._array_type if dtype is None: dtype = self._dtype stoich_mat = create_stoichiometric_matrix(self) # Convert the matrix to the desired type stoich_mat = convert_matrix( stoich_mat, array_type=array_type, dtype=dtype, row_ids=[ for m in self.metabolites], col_ids=[ for r in self.reactions], ) # Update the stored stoichiometric matrix for the model if True if update_model: self._S = stoich_mat self._array_type = array_type self._dtype = dtype return stoich_mat
[docs] def _get_all_parameters(self): """Get a dict containing all of defined model parameters in the model. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ return { str(param): value for subdict in itervalues(self.parameters) for param, value in iteritems(subdict)
[docs] def _copy_model_metabolites(self, new_model): """Copy the metabolites in creating a partial "deepcopy" of model. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Initialize DictList and set attributes to not copy by ref. new_metabolites = DictList() do_not_copy_by_ref = {"_reaction", "_model"} # Copy the metabolites for metabolite in self.metabolites: new_metabolite = metabolite.__class__() for attr, value in iteritems(metabolite.__dict__): if attr not in do_not_copy_by_ref: new_metabolite.__dict__[attr] = ( copy(value) if attr == "formula" else value ) new_metabolite._model = new_model new_metabolites.append(new_metabolite) return new_metabolites
[docs] def _copy_model_genes(self, new_model): """Copy the genes in creating a partial "deepcopy" of model. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Initialize DictList and set attributes to not copy by ref. new_genes = DictList() do_not_copy_by_ref = {"_reaction", "_model"} # Copy the genes for gene in self.genes: new_gene = gene.__class__(None) for attr, value in iteritems(gene.__dict__): if attr not in do_not_copy_by_ref: new_gene.__dict__[attr] = ( copy(value) if attr == "formula" else value ) new_gene._model = new_model new_genes.append(new_gene) return new_genes
[docs] def _copy_model_reactions(self, new_model): """Copy the reactions in creating a partial "deepcopy" of model. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ # Initialize DictList and set attributes to not copy by ref. new_reactions = DictList() do_not_copy_by_ref = {"_model", "_metabolites", "_genes"} # Copy the reactions for reaction in self.reactions: new_reaction = reaction.__class__() for attr, value in iteritems(reaction.__dict__): if attr not in do_not_copy_by_ref: new_reaction.__dict__[attr] = copy(value) new_reaction._model = new_model new_reactions.append(new_reaction) # Update awareness for metabolites and genes for metabolite, stoich in iteritems(reaction._metabolites): new_metabolite = new_model.metabolites.get_by_id( new_reaction._metabolites[new_metabolite] = stoich new_metabolite._reaction.add(new_reaction) for gene in reaction._genes: new_gene = new_model.genes.get_by_id( new_reaction._genes.add(new_gene) new_gene._reaction.add(new_reaction) return new_reactions
[docs] def _copy_model_enzyme_modules(self, new_model): """Copy the enzyme_modules in creating a partial "deepcopy" of model. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ new_enzyme_modules = DictList() do_not_copy_by_ref = {"model"} # Copy the enzyme_modules for enzyme in self.enzyme_modules: new_enzyme = enzyme.__class__() for attr, value in iteritems(enzyme): if attr not in do_not_copy_by_ref: new_enzyme[attr] = copy(value) # Update associated model and object pointers for enzyme new_enzyme["model"] = new_model new_enzyme._update_object_pointers(new_model) new_enzyme_modules.append(new_enzyme) return new_enzyme_modules
[docs] def _copy_model_groups(self, new_model): """Copy the groups in creating a partial "deepcopy" of model. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ new_groups = DictList() do_not_copy_by_ref = {"_model", "_members"} # Groups can be members of other groups. We initialize them first and # then update their members. for group in self.groups: new_group = group.__class__( for attr, value in iteritems(group.__dict__): if attr not in do_not_copy_by_ref: new_group.__dict__[attr] = copy(value) new_group._model = new_model new_groups.append(new_group) # Iterate through groups for group in self.groups: new_group = new_groups.get_by_id( # Update awareness new_objects = [] for member in group.members: if isinstance(member, MassMetabolite): new_object = new_model.metabolites.get_by_id( elif isinstance(member, MassReaction): new_object = new_model.reactions.get_by_id( elif isinstance(member, Gene): new_object = new_model.genes.get_by_id( elif isinstance(member, Group): new_object = new_model.genes.get_by_id( elif member.__class__.__name__ == "EnzymeModuleDict": new_object = new_model.enzyme_modules.get_by_id( else: raise TypeError( "The group member {!r} is unexpectedly not a " "metabolite, reaction, gene, enzyme module, nor " "another group.".format(member) ) new_objects.append(new_object) new_group.add_members(new_objects) return new_groups
[docs] def _repr_html_(self): """HTML representation of the overview for the MassModel. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ try: dim_S = "{0}x{1}".format(self.S.shape[0], self.S.shape[1]) rank = matrix_rank(self.S) except (np.linalg.LinAlgError, ValueError, IndexError): dim_S = "0x0" rank = 0 return """ <table> <tr> <td><strong>Name</strong></td><td>{name}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Memory address</strong></td><td>{address}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Stoichiometric Matrix</strong></td> <td>{dim_stoich_mat}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Matrix Rank</strong></td> <td>{mat_rank}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Number of metabolites</strong></td> <td>{num_metabolites}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Initial conditions defined</strong></td> <td>{num_ic}/{num_metabolites}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Number of reactions</strong></td> <td>{num_reactions}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Number of genes</strong></td> <td>{num_genes}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Number of enzyme modules</strong></td> <td>{num_enzyme_modules}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Number of groups</strong></td> <td>{num_groups}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Objective expression</strong></td> <td>{objective}</td> </tr><tr> <td><strong>Compartments</strong></td> <td>{compartments}</td> </tr> </table> """.format(, address="0x0%x" % id(self), dim_stoich_mat=dim_S, mat_rank=rank, num_metabolites=len(self.metabolites), num_ic=len(self.initial_conditions), num_reactions=len(self.reactions), num_genes=len(self.genes), num_enzyme_modules=len(self.enzyme_modules), num_groups=len(self.groups), objective=format_long_string(str(self.objective.expression), 100), compartments=", ".join( v if v else k for k, v in iteritems(self.compartments)
), )
[docs] def __setstate__(self, state): """Ensure all objects in the model point to the MassModel. Extends :meth:`Model.__setstate__ <cobra.core.model.Model.__setstate__>` to include enzyme_modules Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ super(MassModel, self).__setstate__(state) for attr in ["enzyme_modules"]: # Ensure attribute exists, needed for preventing inheritance issues if hasattr(self, attr): for x in getattr(self, attr): x._model = self
[docs] def __getstate__(self): """Get the state for serialization. Ensures that the context stack is cleared prior to serialization, since partial functions cannot be pickled reliably Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ return super(MassModel, self).__getstate__()
[docs] def __dir__(self): """Override default dir() implementation to list only public items. Warnings -------- This method is intended for internal use only. """ return get_public_attributes_and_methods(self)
__all__ = ("MassModel", "LOGGER", "CHOPNSQ")