
MassReaction is a class for holding information regarding reactions.

The MassReaction class inherits and extends the Reaction class in cobra. It contains additional information required for simulations and other mass functions and workflows.

Some key differences between the cobra.Reaction and the mass.MassReaction are listed below:

Module Contents



Class for holding kinetic information regarding a biochemical reaction.

class mass.core.mass_reaction.MassReaction(id_or_reaction=None, name='', subsystem='', reversible=True, steady_state_flux=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: cobra.core.reaction.Reaction

Class for holding kinetic information regarding a biochemical reaction.

Accepted kwargs are passed onto the initialization method for the base class Reaction.

  • id_or_reaction (str, Reaction, MassReaction) – A string identifier to associate with the reaction, or an existing reaction. If an existing reaction object is provided, a new MassReaction object is instantiated with the same properties as the original reaction.

  • name (str) – A human readable name for the reaction.

  • subsystem (str) – The subsystem where the reaction is meant to occur.

  • reversible (bool) – The kinetic reversibility of the reaction. Irreversible reactions have an equilibrium constant and a reverse rate constant as set in the irreversible_Keq and irreversible_kr attributes of the MassConfiguration. Default is True.

  • **kwargs

    lower_boundfloat or None

    The lower flux bound for optimization. If None then the default bound from the MassConfiguration is used.

    Default is None.

    upper_boundfloat or None

    The upper flux bound for optimization. If None then the default bound from the MassConfiguration is used.

    Default is None.

property reversible(self)[source]

Get or set the kinetic reversibility of the reaction.

When using a HistoryManager context, this attribute can be set temporarily, reversed when the exiting the context.


reversible (bool) – The kinetic reversibility of the reaction.


Changing the reversible attribute will reset the equilibrium_constant and the reverse_rate_constant to the initialization defaults.

property steady_state_flux(self)[source]

Get or set the steady state flux of the reaction.

When using a HistoryManager context, this attribute can be set temporarily, reversed when the exiting the context.


flux_value (bool) – The steady state flux value of the reaction.

property forward_rate_constant(self)[source]

Get or set the forward rate constant (kf) of the reaction.

When using a HistoryManager context, this attribute can be set temporarily, reversed when the exiting the context.


Forward rate constants cannot be negative.


value (float) – A non-negative number for the forward rate constant (kf) of the reaction.


ValueError – Occurs when trying to set a negative value.

property reverse_rate_constant(self)[source]

Get or set the reverse rate constant (kr) of the reaction.

When using a HistoryManager context, this attribute can be set temporarily, reversed when the exiting the context.


  • Reverse rate constants cannot be negative.

  • If reaction is not reversible, will warn the user instead of setting the parameter value.


value (float) – A non-negative number for the reverse rate constant (kr) of the reaction.


ValueError – Occurs when trying to set a negative value.

property equilibrium_constant(self)[source]

Get or set the equilibrium constant (Keq) of the reaction.

When using a HistoryManager context, this attribute can be set temporarily, reversed when the exiting the context.


  • Equilibrium constants cannot be negative.

  • If reaction is not reversible, will warn the user instead of setting the parameter value.


value (float) – A non-negative number for the equilibrium constant (Keq) of the reaction.


ValueError – Occurs when trying to set a negative value.

property parameters(self)[source]

Return a dict of rate and equilibrium constants.


The reverse_rate_constant is only included for reversible reactions. Additionally, only rate and equilibrium constants are accessed here. Steady state fluxes can be accessed through the steady_state_flux attribute, and custom parameters can only be accessed through the model.

property metabolites(self)[source]

Return the metabolites of a reaction as a read only copy.

property reactants(self)[source]

Return a list of reactants for the reaction.

property products(self)[source]

Return a list of products for the reaction.

property stoichiometry(self)[source]

Return a list containing the stoichiometry for the reaction.

property rate(self)[source]

Return the current rate as a sympy expression.

If reaction has a custom rate in its associated MassModel, the custom rate will be returned instead.

property model(self)[source]

Return the MassModel associated with the reaction.

property reaction(self)[source]

Get or set the reaction as a human readable string.


reaction_str (str) – String representation of the reaction.


Care must be taken when setting a reaction using this method. See documentation for build_reaction_from_string() for more information.

See also


Base function for getter method.

property compartments(self)[source]

Return the set of compartments where the metabolites are located.

property boundary(self)[source]

Determine whether or not the reaction is a boundary reaction.

Will return True if the reaction has no products or no reactants and only one metabolite.


These are reactions with a sink or a source term (e.g. ‘A –> ‘)

property boundary_metabolite(self)[source]

Return an ‘boundary’ metabolite for bounary reactions.


The ‘boundary_metabolite’ represents the metabolite that corresponds to the empty part of a boundary reaction through a string. It’s primary use is for setting of the boundary_conditions without creating a MassMetabolite object. Therefore it is not counted as a metabolite but instead as a parameter.


boundary_metabolite – String representation of the boundary metabolite of the reaction, or None if the reaction is not considered a boundary reaction.

Return type


See also


Method must return True to get the boundary_metabolite.

property genes(self)[source]

Return a frozenset of the genes associated with the reaction.

property gene_reaction_rule(self)[source]

Get or set the gene reaction rule for the reaction.


new_rule (str) – String representation of the new reaction rule.


New genes will be associated with the reaction and old genes will be dissociated from the reaction.

property gene_name_reaction_rule(self)[source]

Display gene_reaction_rule with names.


Do NOT use this string for computation. It is intended to give a representation of the rule using more familiar gene names instead of the often cryptic ids.

property functional(self)[source]

Check if all required enzymes for the reaction are functional.


Returns True if the gene-protein-reaction (GPR) rule is fulfilled for the reaction, or if the reaction does not have an assoicated MassModel. Otherwise returns False.

Return type


property flux_symbol_str(self)[source]

Return the string representation for the reaction flux symbol.

property all_parameter_ids(self)[source]

Return list of strings representing non-custom parameters.

property kf_str(self)[source]

Return the string representation of the forward rate constant.

property Keq_str(self)[source]

Return the string representation of the equilibrium constant.

property kr_str(self)[source]

Return the string representation of the reverse rate constant.

property kf(self)[source]

Alias for the forward_rate_constant.

property kr(self)[source]

Alias for the reverse_rate_constant.

property Keq(self)[source]

Alias for the equilibrium_constant.

property S(self)[source]

Alias for the stoichiometry.

property v(self)[source]

Alias for the steady_state_flux.

reverse_stoichiometry(self, inplace=False, reverse_parameters=False, reverse_bounds=True, reverse_flux=True)[source]

Reverse the stoichiometry of the reaction.

Reversing the stoichiometry will turn the products into the reactants and the reactants into the products.


To avoid errors when reversing the reaction equilibrium constant:

  • If self.equilibrium_constant=0. then new_reaction.equilibrium_constant=float("inf")

  • If self.equilibrium_constant=float("inf") then new_reaction.equilibrium_constant=0.

  • inplace (bool) – If True, modify the reaction directly. Otherwise a new reaction is created, modified, and returned.

  • reverse_parameters (bool) –

    If True then also switch the reaction rate constants and inverse the equilibrium constants such that:

    new_reaction.forward_rate_constant = self.reverse_rate_constant
    new_reaction.reverse_rate_constant = self.forward_rate_constant
    new_reaction.equilibrium_constant = 1/self.equilibrium_constant

    Default is False.

  • reverse_bounds (bool) –

    If True then also switch the lower and upper bounds with one another such that:

    new_reaction.bounds = (-self.upper_bound, -self.lower_bound)

    Default is True.

  • reverse_flux (bool) –

    If True then also switch the direction of the flux such that:

    new_reaction.steady_state_flux = -self.steady_state_flux

    Default is True.


new_reaction – Returns the original MassReaction if inplace=True. Otherwise return a modified copy of the original reaction.

Return type


get_mass_action_rate(self, rate_type=1, update_reaction=False, destructive=False)[source]

Get the mass action rate law for the reaction.


rate_expression – The rate law as a sympy expression. If the reaction has no metabolites associated, None will be returned.

Return type

sympy.core.basic.Basic or None


Setting update_reaction=True will not remove any associated custom rate laws from the model unless destructive=True as well.

get_forward_mass_action_rate_expression(self, rate_type=None)[source]

Get the forward mass action rate expression for the reaction.


rate_type (int, None) –

The type of rate law to return. Must be 1, 2, or 3.

If None, the current rate type will be used. Default is None.


fwd_rate – The forward rate as a sympy expression. If the reaction has no metabolites associated, None will be returned.

Return type

sympy.core.basic.Basic or None

get_reverse_mass_action_rate_expression(self, rate_type=1)[source]

Get the reverse mass action rate expression for the reaction.


rate_type (int, None) –

The type of rate law to return. Must be 1, 2, or 3.

If None, the current rate type will be used. Default is None.


rev_rate – The reverse rate as a sympy expression. If the reaction has no metabolites associated, None will be returned.

Return type

sympy.core.basic.Basic or None


Get the mass action ratio as a sympy expression.


The mass action ratio as a sympy expression.

Return type



Get the disequilibrium ratio as a sympy expression.


The disequilibrium ratio as a sympy expression.

Return type



Copy a reaction.

The reaction parameters, referenced metabolites, and genes are also copied.

get_coefficient(self, metabolite_id)[source]

Return the coefficient of a metabolite in the reaction.


metabolite_id (str or MassMetabolite) – The MassMetabolite or the string identifier of the metabolite whose coefficient is desired.

get_coefficients(self, metabolite_ids)[source]

Return coefficients for a list of metabolites in the reaction.


metabolite_ids (iterable) – Iterable containing the MassMetabolites or their string identifiers.

add_metabolites(self, metabolites_to_add, combine=True, reversibly=True)[source]

Add metabolites and their coefficients to the reaction.

If the final coefficient for a metabolite is 0 then it is removed from the reaction.

The change is reverted upon exit when using the MassModel as a context.


  • metabolites_to_add (dict) – A dict with MassMetabolites or metabolite identifiers as keys and stoichiometric coefficients as values. If keys are strings (id of a metabolite), the reaction must already be part of a MassModel and a metabolite with the given id must already exist in the MassModel.

  • combine (bool) – Describes the behavior of existing metabolites. If True, the metabolite coefficients are combined together. If False the coefficients are replaced.

  • reversibly (bool) – Whether to add the change to the context to make the change reversible (primarily intended for internal use).

subtract_metabolites(self, metabolites, combine=True, reversibly=True)[source]

Subtract metabolites and their coefficients from the reaction.

This function will ‘subtract’ metabolites from a reaction by adding the given metabolites with -1 * coeffcient. If the final coefficient for a metabolite is 0, the metabolite is removed from the reaction.

The change is reverted upon exit when using the MassModel as a context.


  • metabolites (dict) – A dict with MassMetabolites or their identifiers as keys and stoichiometric coefficients as values. If keys are strings (id of a metabolite), the reaction must already be part of a MassModel and a metabolite with the given id must already exist in the MassModel.

  • combine (bool) – Describes the behavior of existing metabolites. If True, the metabolite coefficients are combined together. If False the coefficients are replaced.

  • reversibly (bool) – Whether to add the change to the context to make the change reversible (primarily intended for internal use).

build_reaction_string(self, use_metabolite_names=False)[source]

Generate a human readable string to represent the reaction.


Overrides build_reaction_string() of the cobra.Reaction so that the reaction arrow depends on MassReaction.reversible rather than the inherited cobra.Reaction.reversibility attribute.


use_metabolite_names (bool) – If True, use the metabolite names instead of their identifiers. Default is False.


reaction_string – A string representation of the reaction.

Return type



Compute the mass and charge balances for the reaction.


Returns a dict of {element: amount} for unbalanced elements, with the “charge” treated as an element in the dict. For a balanced reaction, an empty dict is returned.

Return type


build_reaction_from_string(self, reaction_str, verbose=True, fwd_arrow=None, rev_arrow=None, reversible_arrow=None, term_split='+')[source]

Build reaction from reaction equation reaction_str using parser.

Takes a string representation of the reaction and uses the specifications supplied in the optional arguments to infer a set of metabolites, metabolite compartments, and stoichiometries for the reaction. It also infers the refversibility of the reaction from the reaction arrow.

For example:

  • 'A + B <=> C' for reversible reactions, A & B are reactants.

  • 'A + B --> C' for irreversible reactions, A & B are reactants.

  • 'A + B <-- C' for irreversible reactions, A & B are products.

The change is reverted upon exit when using the MassModel as a context.


Extends build_reaction_from_string() of the cobra.Reaction in order to change how the irreversible backwards arrow is interpreted, affecting the assignment of reactants and products rather than how the bounds are set.

  • reaction_str (str) – A string containing the reaction formula (equation).

  • verbose (bool) – Setting the verbosity of the function. Default is True.

  • fwd_arrow (re.compile, None) – For forward irreversible reaction arrows. If None, the arrow is expected to be '-->' or '==>'.

  • rev_arrow (re.compile, None) – For backward irreversible reaction arrows. If None, the arrow is expected to be '<--' or '<=='.

  • reversible_arrow (re.compile, None) – For reversible reaction arrows. If None, the arrow is expected to be '<=>' or '<->'.

  • term_split (str) – Dividing individual metabolite entries. Default is "+".


Knockout reaction by setting its bounds to zero.


Convert associated cobra.Metabolites to MassMetabolites for self.


This method is intended for internal use only.

_associate_gene(self, cobra_gene)[source]

Associates a Gene with the reaction.


cobra_gene (Gene) – Gene to be assoicated with the reaction.


This method is intended for internal use only.

_dissociate_gene(self, cobra_gene)[source]

Dissociates a Gene with the reaction.


cobra_gene (Gene) – Gene to be disassociated with the reaction.


This method is intended for internal use only.


Make the boundary metabolite.


This method is intended for internal use only.


HTML representation of the overview for the MassReaction.


This method is intended for internal use only.


Create a copy of the MassReaction.


This method is intended for internal use only.

__deepcopy__(self, memo)[source]

Create a deepcopy of the MassReaction.


This method is intended for internal use only.


Create an id string with the stoichiometry.


This method is intended for internal use only.


Override default dir() implementation to list only public items.


This method is intended for internal use only.